new Thread(new ThreadStart(Go), 2); new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Go("hello")), 3);提供的两种构造函数方式都提供了对应的设置线程局部栈的大小。线程池通过共享和回收线程的方式来分配这些内存,这样可以使多线程运行在一个非常细粒度级别上而不影响性能。这对于充分利用多核处理器,使用分而治之的方式进行密集型计算的程序中很有用。同时线程池维护一个所有同时运行的工作线程总数的上限,如果有过多的活动线程就会加重操作系统的负担,使诸如CPU缓存失效等问题,当达到这个上限后,就要进行排队。这个线程队列使得任意并发的应用成为可能,如Web服务器就是这种原理。
static void Main(string[] args) { Task.Factory.StartNew(Go); Console.WriteLine("Is Thread Pool: " + Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread.ToString()); Console.ReadKey(); } static void Go() { Console.Write("Is Thread Pool: " + Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread.ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Task<string> task = Task.Factory.StartNew<string>(Go); Console.WriteLine("Is Thread Pool: " + Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread.ToString()); if (task.IsCompleted) { string result = task.Result; Console.WriteLine(task.IsCompleted.ToString() + result); } Console.ReadKey(); } static string Go() { return Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread.ToString(); }
static void Main() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (Go); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (Go, 123); Console.ReadLine(); } static void Go (object data) // data will be null with the first call. { Console.WriteLine ("Hello from the thread pool! " + data); }
static void Main() { Func<string, int> method = Work; method.BeginInvoke ("test", Done, method); // ... // } static int Work (string s) { return s.Length; } static void Done (IAsyncResult cookie) { var target = (Func<string, int>) cookie.AsyncState; int result = target.EndInvoke (cookie); Console.WriteLine ("String length is: " + result); }