1.先来看看Mtk hal层大概类图关系:
大概类图关系就是这样, 其中和显示相关的类图关系如红线所圈区域。
可以猜测到 与显示相关的逻辑处理应该都会在DisplayClient这个类去实现。
以后app下达有关预览显示相关的东西啊在hal层基本上都是这一条先进行传递命令, 不过总1中我们可以看到CamDevice还有一些衍生类, 这些都是mtk为不同设备做的一些定制, 主要的路径还是如上图所示。
//!++ else if ( window == 0 ) { result = mHardware->setPreviewWindow(window); }
mDevice->ops->set_preview_window(mDevice, buf.get() ? &mHalPreviewWindow.nw : 0);
在这里我们发现传入的是mHalPreviewWindow.nw, 而不是我们之前所讲述的ANativeWindow 这是因为mHalPreviewWindow.nw将ANativeWindow的一些流的操作进行封装, 使之操作更加简便。
struct camera_preview_window { struct preview_stream_ops nw; void *user; };
typedef struct preview_stream_ops { int (*dequeue_buffer)(struct preview_stream_ops* w, buffer_handle_t** buffer, int *stride); int (*enqueue_buffer)(struct preview_stream_ops* w, buffer_handle_t* buffer); int (*cancel_buffer)(struct preview_stream_ops* w, buffer_handle_t* buffer); int (*set_buffer_count)(struct preview_stream_ops* w, int count); int (*set_buffers_geometry)(struct preview_stream_ops* pw, int w, int h, int format); int (*set_crop)(struct preview_stream_ops *w, int left, int top, int right, int bottom); int (*set_usage)(struct preview_stream_ops* w, int usage); int (*set_swap_interval)(struct preview_stream_ops *w, int interval); int (*get_min_undequeued_buffer_count)(const struct preview_stream_ops *w, int *count); int (*lock_buffer)(struct preview_stream_ops* w, buffer_handle_t* buffer); // Timestamps are measured in nanoseconds, and must be comparable // and monotonically increasing between two frames in the same // preview stream. They do not need to be comparable between // consecutive or parallel preview streams, cameras, or app runs. int (*set_timestamp)(struct preview_stream_ops *w, int64_t timestamp);
mDevice->ops->set_preview_window(mDevice, buf.get() ? &mHalPreviewWindow.nw : 0);
继续看看set_preview_window这个方法。 我们有上篇文章知道ops是ICamDevice的一个成员gCameraDevOps,类型为camera_device_ops_t:
static camera_device_ops_t const gCameraDevOps = { set_preview_window: camera_set_preview_window, set_callbacks: camera_set_callbacks, enable_msg_type: camera_enable_msg_type, disable_msg_type: camera_disable_msg_type, msg_type_enabled: camera_msg_type_enabled, start_preview: camera_start_preview, stop_preview: camera_stop_preview, preview_enabled: camera_preview_enabled, store_meta_data_in_buffers: camera_store_meta_data_in_buffers, start_recording: camera_start_recording, stop_recording: camera_stop_recording, recording_enabled: camera_recording_enabled, release_recording_frame: camera_release_recording_frame, auto_focus: camera_auto_focus, cancel_auto_focus: camera_cancel_auto_focus, take_picture: camera_take_picture, cancel_picture: camera_cancel_picture, set_parameters: camera_set_parameters, get_parameters: camera_get_parameters, put_parameters: camera_put_parameters, send_command: camera_send_command, release: camera_release, dump: camera_dump, };
gCameraDevOps 中的函数地址映射到ICamDevice中的函数实现。
所以 :ops->set_preview_window(mDevice, buf.get() ? &mHalPreviewWindow.nw : 0) 就对应到ICamDevice::camera_set_preview_window的发发调用。
static int camera_set_preview_window( struct camera_device * device, struct preview_stream_ops *window ) { int err = -EINVAL; // ICamDevice*const pDev = ICamDevice::getIDev(device); if ( pDev ) { err = pDev->setPreviewWindow(window); } // return err; }
static inline ICamDevice* getIDev(camera_device*const device) { return (NULL == device) ? NULL : reinterpret_cast<ICamDevice*>(device->priv);//得到device->priv
ICamDevice:: ICamDevice() : camera_device_t() , RefBase() , mDevOps() // , mMtxLock() // { MY_LOGD("ctor"); ::memset(static_cast<camera_device_t*>(this), 0, sizeof(camera_device_t)); this->priv = this; //用priv指针保存自己。 this->ops = &mDevOps;//ops指向了mDevOps mDevOps = gCameraDevOps;//mDevOps为gCameraDevOps指向的结构体 }
status_t CamDevice:: setPreviewWindow(preview_stream_ops* window) { MY_LOGI("+ window(%p)", window); // status_t status = initDisplayClient(window);//开始初始化DisplayClient if ( OK == status && previewEnabled() && mpDisplayClient != 0 ) { status = enableDisplayClient();//时能DisplayClient端 } // return status; }
status_t CamDevice:: initDisplayClient(preview_stream_ops* window) { #if ‘1‘!=MTKCAM_HAVE_DISPLAY_CLIENT #warning "Not Build Display Client" MY_LOGD("Not Build Display Client"); .............. ............. / [3.1] create a Display Client. mpDisplayClient = IDisplayClient::createInstance(); if ( mpDisplayClient == 0 ) { MY_LOGE("Cannot create mpDisplayClient"); status = NO_MEMORY; goto lbExit; } // [3.2] initialize the newly-created Display Client. if ( ! mpDisplayClient->init() ) { MY_LOGE("mpDisplayClient init() failed"); mpDisplayClient->uninit(); mpDisplayClient.clear(); status = NO_MEMORY; goto lbExit; } // [3.3] set preview_stream_ops & related window info. if ( ! mpDisplayClient->setWindow(window, previewSize.width, previewSize.height, queryDisplayBufCount()) )//绑定window { status = INVALID_OPERATION; goto lbExit; } // [3.4] set Image Buffer Provider Client if it exist. if ( mpCamAdapter != 0 && ! mpDisplayClient->setImgBufProviderClient(mpCamAdapter) )//重要! 设置流数据的Buffer提供者。 { status = INVALID_OPERATION; goto lbExit; } .................. ..................
status_t CamDevice:: enableDisplayClient() { status_t status = OK; Size previewSize; // // [1] Get preview size. if ( ! queryPreviewSize(previewSize.width, previewSize.height) ) { MY_LOGE("queryPreviewSize"); status = DEAD_OBJECT; goto lbExit; } // // [2] Enable if ( ! mpDisplayClient->enableDisplay(previewSize.width, previewSize.height, queryDisplayBufCount(), mpCamAdapter) )//设置了预览数据的尺寸和Buffer提供者相关的数据 { MY_LOGE("mpDisplayClient(%p)->enableDisplay()", mpDisplayClient.get()); status = INVALID_OPERATION; goto lbExit; } // status = OK; lbExit: return status; }
enableDisplay( int32_t const i4Width, int32_t const i4Height, int32_t const i4BufCount, sp<IImgBufProviderClient>const& rpClient ) { bool ret = false; preview_stream_ops* pStreamOps = mpStreamOps; // // [1] Re-configurate this instance if any setting changes. if ( ! checkConfig(i4Width, i4Height, i4BufCount, rpClient) ) { MY_LOGW("<Config Change> Uninit the current DisplayClient(%p) and re-config...", this); // // [.1] uninitialize uninit(); // // [.2] initialize if ( ! init() ) { MY_LOGE("re-init() failed"); goto lbExit; } // // [.3] set related window info. if ( ! setWindow(pStreamOps, i4Width, i4Height, i4BufCount) )//window的尺寸和预览数据的大小一致 { goto lbExit; } // // [.4] set Image Buffer Provider Client. if ( ! setImgBufProviderClient(rpClient) )//Buffer的数据提供者为mpCamAdapter, 就是CamAdapter, 后面的预览数据元都是通过它来提供。 { goto lbExit; } } // // [2] Enable. if ( ! enableDisplay() )//开始进行数据的获取和显示 { goto lbExit; } // ret = true; lbExit: return ret; }
bool DisplayClient:: setWindow( preview_stream_ops*const window, int32_t const wndWidth, int32_t const wndHeight, int32_t const i4MaxImgBufCount ) { MY_LOGI("+ window(%p), WxH=%dx%d, count(%d)", window, wndWidth, wndHeight, i4MaxImgBufCount); // if ( ! window ) { MY_LOGE("NULL window passed into"); return false; } // if ( 0 >= wndWidth || 0 >= wndHeight || 0 >= i4MaxImgBufCount ) { MY_LOGE("bad arguments - WxH=%dx%d, count(%d)", wndWidth, wndHeight, i4MaxImgBufCount); return false; } // // Mutex::Autolock _l(mModuleMtx); return set_preview_stream_ops(window, wndWidth, wndHeight, i4MaxImgBufCount);// }
ool DisplayClient:: set_preview_stream_ops( preview_stream_ops*const window, int32_t const wndWidth, int32_t const wndHeight, int32_t const i4MaxImgBufCount ) { CamProfile profile(__FUNCTION__, "DisplayClient"); // bool ret = false; status_t err = 0; int32_t min_undequeued_buf_count = 0; // // (2) Check if ( ! mStreamBufList.empty() ) { MY_LOGE( "locked buffer count(%d)!=0, " "callers must return all dequeued buffers, " // "and then call cleanupQueue()" , mStreamBufList.size() ); dumpDebug(mStreamBufList, __FUNCTION__); goto lbExit; } // // (3) Sava info. mpStreamImgInfo.clear();//mpStreamImgInfo封装的视屏数据流的基本信息。 mpStreamImgInfo = new ImgInfo(wndWidth, wndHeight, CAMERA_DISPLAY_FORMAT, CAMERA_DISPLAY_FORMAT_HAL, "Camera@Display");//设置了Stream的宽高和显示类型。 mpStreamOps = window;//mpStreamOps保存了上层传进来的对象指针。后面就通过它和显示方进行交互。 mi4MaxImgBufCount = i4MaxImgBufCount; ........................ ........................ err = mpStreamOps->set_buffer_count(mpStreamOps, mi4MaxImgBufCount+min_undequeued_buf_count); if ( err ) { MY_LOGE("set_buffer_count failed: status[%s(%d)]", ::strerror(-err), -err); if ( ENODEV == err ) { MY_LOGD("Preview surface abandoned!"); mpStreamOps = NULL; } goto lbExit; } // // (4.4) Set window geometry err = mpStreamOps->set_buffers_geometry(//设置基本的流信息 mpStreamOps, mpStreamImgInfo->mu4ImgWidth, mpStreamImgInfo->mu4ImgHeight, mpStreamImgInfo->mi4ImgFormat );
bool DisplayClient:: setImgBufProviderClient(sp<IImgBufProviderClient>const& rpClient) { bool ret = false; // MY_LOGD("+ ImgBufProviderClient(%p), mpImgBufQueue.get(%p)", rpClient.get(), mpImgBufQueue.get()); // if ( rpClient == 0 ) { MY_LOGE("NULL ImgBufProviderClient"); mpImgBufPvdrClient = NULL; goto lbExit; } // if ( mpImgBufQueue != 0 ) { if ( ! rpClient->onImgBufProviderCreated(mpImgBufQueue) )//通知Provider端(Buffer数据提供者端),我这边已经建好Buffer队列, 后面你就填充数据到对应的Buffer供我使用。 { goto lbExit; } mpImgBufPvdrClient = rpClient;//用mpImgBufPvdrClient保存provider的对象指针, 方便使用。 } // ret = true; lbExit: MY_LOGD("-"); return ret; };
bool DisplayClient:: enableDisplay() { bool ret = false; // // (1) Lock Mutex::Autolock _l(mModuleMtx); // MY_LOGD("+ isDisplayEnabled(%d), mpDisplayThread.get(%p)", isDisplayEnabled(), mpDisplayThread.get()); // // (2) Check to see if it has been enabled. if ( isDisplayEnabled() ) { MY_LOGD("Display is already enabled"); ret = true; goto lbExit; } // // (3) Check to see if thread is alive. if ( mpDisplayThread == 0 ) { MY_LOGE("NULL mpDisplayThread"); goto lbExit; } // // (4) Enable the flag. ::android_atomic_write(1, &mIsDisplayEnabled); // // (5) Post a command to wake up the thread. mpDisplayThread->postCommand(Command(Command::eID_WAKEUP));//通知获取数据的线程开始运行 // // ret = true; lbExit: MY_LOGD("- ret(%d)", ret); return ret; }
bool DisplayThread:: threadLoop() { Command cmd; if ( getCommand(cmd) ) { switch (cmd.eId) { case Command::eID_EXIT: MY_LOGD("Command::%s", cmd.name()); break; // case Command::eID_WAKEUP://对应上面发送的命令 default: if ( mpThreadHandler != 0 ) { mpThreadHandler->onThreadLoop(cmd);//注意此处, mpThreadHandler就是DisplayClient(它继承了IDisplayThreadHandler), } else { MY_LOGE("cannot handle cmd(%s) due to mpThreadHandler==NULL", cmd.name()); } break; } } // MY_LOGD("- mpThreadHandler.get(%p)", mpThreadHandler.get()); return true; }回到DisplayClient的onThreadLoop函数:
bool DisplayClient:: onThreadLoop(Command const& rCmd) { // (0) lock Processor. sp<IImgBufQueue> pImgBufQueue; { Mutex::Autolock _l(mModuleMtx); pImgBufQueue = mpImgBufQueue; if ( pImgBufQueue == 0 || ! isDisplayEnabled() )//判断显示相关的初始化是否完成和启动 { MY_LOGW("pImgBufQueue.get(%p), isDisplayEnabled(%d)", pImgBufQueue.get(), isDisplayEnabled()); return true; } } // (1) Prepare all TODO buffers. if ( ! prepareAllTodoBuffers(pImgBufQueue) )//为pImgBufQueue添加空Buffer。 { return true; } // (2) Start if ( ! pImgBufQueue->startProcessor() )//开始获取数据 { return true; } // { Mutex::Autolock _l(mStateMutex); mState = eState_Loop; mStateCond.broadcast(); } // // (3) Do until disabled. while ( 1 )//进入无限循环 { // (.1) waitAndHandleReturnBuffers(pImgBufQueue);//等待pImgBufQueue中的数据,并送到显示端显示 // (.2) break if disabled. if ( ! isDisplayEnabled() ) { MY_LOGI("Display disabled"); break; } // (.3) re-prepare all TODO buffers, if possible, // since some DONE/CANCEL buffers return. prepareAllTodoBuffers(pImgBufQueue);//又重新准备Buffer。 } // // (4) Stop pImgBufQueue->pauseProcessor(); pImgBufQueue->flushProcessor(); pImgBufQueue->stopProcessor();//停止数据获取 // // (5) Cancel all un-returned buffers. cancelAllUnreturnBuffers();//没有来得及显示额数据, 也取消掉。 // { Mutex::Autolock _l(mStateMutex); mState = eState_Suspend; mStateCond.broadcast(); } // return true; }
bool DisplayClient:: waitAndHandleReturnBuffers(sp<IImgBufQueue>const& rpBufQueue) { bool ret = false; Vector<ImgBufQueNode> vQueNode; // MY_LOGD_IF((1<=miLogLevel), "+"); // // (1) deque buffers from processor. rpBufQueue->dequeProcessor(vQueNode);//从provider端(数据提供端)获取一个填充数据了的Buffer。 if ( vQueNode.empty() ) { MY_LOGW("vQueNode.empty()"); goto lbExit; } // (2) handle buffers dequed from processor. ret = handleReturnBuffers(vQueNode);//处理填充了数据的这个Buffer中的数据。 lbExit: // MY_LOGD_IF((2<=miLogLevel), "- ret(%d)", ret); return ret; }
bool DisplayClient:: handleReturnBuffers(Vector<ImgBufQueNode>const& rvQueNode) { /* * Notes: * For 30 fps, we just enque (display) the latest frame, * and cancel the others. * For frame rate > 30 fps, we should judge the timestamp here or source. */ // (1) determine the latest DONE buffer index to display; otherwise CANCEL. int32_t idxToDisp = 0; for ( idxToDisp = rvQueNode.size()-1; idxToDisp >= 0; idxToDisp--) { if ( rvQueNode[idxToDisp].isDONE() ) break; } if ( rvQueNode.size() > 1 ) { MY_LOGW("(%d) display frame count > 1 --> select %d to display", rvQueNode.size(), idxToDisp); } // // Show Time duration. if ( 0 <= idxToDisp ) { nsecs_t const _timestamp1 = rvQueNode[idxToDisp].getImgBuf()->getTimestamp(); mProfile_buffer_timestamp.pulse(_timestamp1); nsecs_t const _msDuration_buffer_timestamp = ::ns2ms(mProfile_buffer_timestamp.getDuration()); mProfile_buffer_timestamp.reset(_timestamp1); // mProfile_dequeProcessor.pulse(); nsecs_t const _msDuration_dequeProcessor = ::ns2ms(mProfile_dequeProcessor.getDuration()); mProfile_dequeProcessor.reset(); // MY_LOGD_IF( (1<=miLogLevel), "+ %s(%lld) %s(%lld)", (_msDuration_buffer_timestamp < 0 ) ? "time inversion!" : "", _msDuration_buffer_timestamp, (_msDuration_dequeProcessor > 34) ? "34ms < Duration" : "", _msDuration_dequeProcessor ); } // // (2) Lock Mutex::Autolock _l(mModuleMtx); // // (3) Remove from List and enquePrvOps/cancelPrvOps, one by one. int32_t const queSize = rvQueNode.size(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < queSize; i++) { sp<IImgBuf>const& rpQueImgBuf = rvQueNode[i].getImgBuf(); // ImgBuf in Queue. sp<StreamImgBuf>const pStreamImgBuf = *mStreamBufList.begin(); // ImgBuf in List. // (.1) Check valid pointers to image buffers in Queue & List if ( rpQueImgBuf == 0 || pStreamImgBuf == 0 ) { MY_LOGW("Bad ImgBuf:(Que[%d], List.begin)=(%p, %p)", i, rpQueImgBuf.get(), pStreamImgBuf.get()); continue; } // (.2) Check the equality of image buffers between Queue & List. if ( rpQueImgBuf->getVirAddr() != pStreamImgBuf->getVirAddr() ) { MY_LOGW("Bad address in ImgBuf:(Que[%d], List.begin)=(%p, %p)", i, rpQueImgBuf->getVirAddr(), pStreamImgBuf->getVirAddr()); continue; } // (.3) Every check is ok. Now remove the node from the list. mStreamBufList.erase(mStreamBufList.begin());//经过检查返回的这一帧数据的Buffer是DisplayClient端分配和提供的。 // // (.4) enquePrvOps/cancelPrvOps if ( i == idxToDisp ) { MY_LOGD_IF( (1<=miLogLevel), "Show frame:%d %d [ion:%d %p/%d %lld]", i, rvQueNode[i].getStatus(), pStreamImgBuf->getIonFd(), pStreamImgBuf->getVirAddr(), pStreamImgBuf->getBufSize(), pStreamImgBuf->getTimestamp() ); // if(mpExtImgProc != NULL) { if(mpExtImgProc->getImgMask() & ExtImgProc::BufType_Display) { IExtImgProc::ImgInfo img; // img.bufType = ExtImgProc::BufType_Display; img.format = pStreamImgBuf->getImgFormat(); img.width = pStreamImgBuf->getImgWidth(); img.height = pStreamImgBuf->getImgHeight(); img.stride[0] = pStreamImgBuf->getImgWidthStride(0); img.stride[1] = pStreamImgBuf->getImgWidthStride(1); img.stride[2] = pStreamImgBuf->getImgWidthStride(2); img.virtAddr = (MUINT32)(pStreamImgBuf->getVirAddr()); img.bufSize = pStreamImgBuf->getBufSize(); // mpExtImgProc->doImgProc(img); } } // enquePrvOps(pStreamImgBuf);//送入显示端显示 } else { MY_LOGW( "Drop frame:%d %d [ion:%d %p/%d %lld]", i, rvQueNode[i].getStatus(), pStreamImgBuf->getIonFd(), pStreamImgBuf->getVirAddr(), pStreamImgBuf->getBufSize(), pStreamImgBuf->getTimestamp() ); cancelPrvOps(pStreamImgBuf); } } // MY_LOGD_IF((1<=miLogLevel), "-"); return true; } void DisplayClient:: enquePrvOps(sp<StreamImgBuf>const& rpImgBuf) { mProfile_enquePrvOps.pulse(); if ( mProfile_enquePrvOps.getDuration() >= ::s2ns(2) ) { mProfile_enquePrvOps.updateFps(); mProfile_enquePrvOps.showFps(); mProfile_enquePrvOps.reset(); } // status_t err = 0; // CamProfile profile(__FUNCTION__, "DisplayClient"); profile.print_overtime( ((1<=miLogLevel) ? 0 : 1000), "+ locked buffer count(%d), rpImgBuf(%p,%p), Timestamp(%lld)", mStreamBufList.size(), rpImgBuf.get(), rpImgBuf->getVirAddr(), rpImgBuf->getTimestamp() ); // // [1] unlock buffer before sending to display GraphicBufferMapper::get().unlock(rpImgBuf->getBufHndl()); profile.print_overtime(1, "GraphicBufferMapper::unlock"); // // [2] Dump image if wanted. dumpImgBuf_If(rpImgBuf); // // [3] set timestamp. err = mpStreamOps->set_timestamp(mpStreamOps, rpImgBuf->getTimestamp()); profile.print_overtime(2, "mpStreamOps->set_timestamp, Timestamp(%lld)", rpImgBuf->getTimestamp()); if ( err ) { MY_LOGE( "mpStreamOps->set_timestamp failed: status[%s(%d)], rpImgBuf(%p), Timestamp(%lld)", ::strerror(-err), -err, rpImgBuf.get(), rpImgBuf->getTimestamp() ); } // // [4] set gralloc buffer type & dirty ::gralloc_extra_setBufParameter( rpImgBuf->getBufHndl(), GRALLOC_EXTRA_MASK_TYPE | GRALLOC_EXTRA_MASK_DIRTY, GRALLOC_EXTRA_BIT_TYPE_CAMERA | GRALLOC_EXTRA_BIT_DIRTY ); // // [5] unlocks and post the buffer to display. err = mpStreamOps->enqueue_buffer(mpStreamOps, rpImgBuf->getBufHndlPtr());//注意这里可以看到最终是通过mpStreamOps送入送给显示端显示的。 profile.print_overtime(10, "mpStreamOps->enqueue_buffer, Timestamp(%lld)", rpImgBuf->getTimestamp()); if ( err ) { MY_LOGE( "mpStreamOps->enqueue_buffer failed: status[%s(%d)], rpImgBuf(%p,%p)", ::strerror(-err), -err, rpImgBuf.get(), rpImgBuf->getVirAddr() ); } }
从上面的代码片段, 可以看到从显示数据最终是通过mpStreamOps(CameraHardwareInterface中传下来的的mHalPreviewWindow.nw)来进行处理的。
但是预览数据究竟是怎样从Provider端来的, 我们也提到在DisplayClient也会去分配一些buffer, 这些Buffer又是如何管理的。 后续会接着分享。