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How to Change the Size of a Box-Plot Label in MATLAB

时间:2015-08-13 00:50:42      阅读:342      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]
  1.  Type "load carsmall" to load a sample data set included with MATLAB.
  2.  Type "boxplot(Horsepower,Origin)" to generate a box plot of auto horsepower grouped by country of origin.
  3.  Type "set(findobj(gca,‘Type‘,‘text‘),‘fontunits‘,‘points‘)" to set the font units for the labels to points. Alternatively, replace "points" with "inches," "centimeters" or "pixels."
  4.  Type "set(findobj(gca,‘Type‘,‘text‘),‘fontsize‘,14)" to increase the font size from the default of 12 to 14 using the units you previously specified -- or replace "13" with the size you want.

How to Change the Size of a Box-Plot Label in MATLAB


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