Given a non-negative integer num
, repeatedly add all its digits until the result has only one digit.
For example:
Given num = 38
, the process is like: 3 + 8 = 11
, 1 + 1 = 2
. Since 2
has only one digit, return it.
Follow up:
Could you do it without any loop/recursion in O(1) runtime?
public class Solution { public int addDigits(int num) { String test=String.valueOf(num); while(test.length()>1){ num=0; for(int i=0;i<test.length();i++){ num=num+test.charAt(i)-‘0‘; } test=String.valueOf(num); } return num; } }
还有一个非常巧妙的算法。 只要一行即可解决。代码如下。~
这个算法的道理很简单,分别算算1-20的这20个数的add digits的结果,就可以找出规律了。
public class Solution { public int addDigits(int num) { return (num-1)%9+1; } }
[LeetCode] Add Digits (a New question added)