var shaking = document.getElementById("shaking");//必须使用 document.getElementById 获取dom而非jQuery对象
<audio id="shaking" src="shaking.mp3" controls="controls" loop="false" hidden="true"></audio>
<audio id="shakeover" src="shakeover.mp3" controls="controls" loop="false" hidden="true"></audio>
* Author: Alex Gibson
* License: MIT license
(function(global, factory) {
if (typeof define === ‘function‘ && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return factory(global, global.document);
} else if (typeof module !== ‘undefined‘ && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory(global, global.document);
} else {
global.Shake = factory(global, global.document);
} (typeof window !== ‘undefined‘ ? window : this, function (window, document) {
‘use strict‘;
function Shake(options) {
//feature detect
this.hasDeviceMotion = ‘ondevicemotion‘ in window;
this.options = {
threshold: 15, //default velocity threshold for shake to register
timeout: 1000 //default interval between events
if (typeof options === ‘object‘) {
for (var i in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
this.options[i] = options[i];
//use date to prevent multiple shakes firing
this.lastTime = new Date();
//accelerometer values
this.lastX = null;
this.lastY = null;
this.lastZ = null;
//create custom event
if (typeof document.CustomEvent === ‘function‘) {
this.event = new document.CustomEvent(‘shake‘, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true
} else if (typeof document.createEvent === ‘function‘) {
this.event = document.createEvent(‘Event‘);
this.event.initEvent(‘shake‘, true, true);
} else {
return false;
//reset timer values
Shake.prototype.reset = function () {
this.lastTime = new Date();
this.lastX = null;
this.lastY = null;
this.lastZ = null;
//start listening for devicemotion
Shake.prototype.start = function () {
if (this.hasDeviceMotion) {
window.addEventListener(‘devicemotion‘, this, false);
//stop listening for devicemotion
Shake.prototype.stop = function () {
if (this.hasDeviceMotion) {
window.removeEventListener(‘devicemotion‘, this, false);
//calculates if shake did occur
Shake.prototype.devicemotion = function (e) {
var current = e.accelerationIncludingGravity;
var currentTime;
var timeDifference;
var deltaX = 0;
var deltaY = 0;
var deltaZ = 0;
if ((this.lastX === null) && (this.lastY === null) && (this.lastZ === null)) {
this.lastX = current.x;
this.lastY = current.y;
this.lastZ = current.z;
deltaX = Math.abs(this.lastX - current.x);
deltaY = Math.abs(this.lastY - current.y);
deltaZ = Math.abs(this.lastZ - current.z);
if (((deltaX > this.options.threshold) && (deltaY > this.options.threshold)) || ((deltaX > this.options.threshold) && (deltaZ > this.options.threshold)) || ((deltaY > this.options.threshold) && (deltaZ > this.options.threshold))) {
//calculate time in milliseconds since last shake registered
currentTime = new Date();
timeDifference = currentTime.getTime() - this.lastTime.getTime();
if (timeDifference > this.options.timeout) {
this.lastTime = new Date();
this.lastX = current.x;
this.lastY = current.y;
this.lastZ = current.z;
//event handler
Shake.prototype.handleEvent = function (e) {
if (typeof (this[e.type]) === ‘function‘) {
return this[e.type](e);
return Shake;