(3.在堡垒机上将配置文件分发至其他nginx服务器 [如果原有文件存在,则先备份] ;
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #! /usr/bin/env python from fabric.api import * from fabric.colors import * from fabric.context_managers import * from fabric.contrib.console import confirm import time env.port= ‘22‘ env.user=‘root‘ env.password=‘123456‘ env.roledefs = { ‘get-server‘: [‘‘,], ‘put-seever‘: [‘‘,], } env.project_nginx_conf = ‘/soft/nginx.conf‘ env.deploy_nginx_conf = ‘/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf‘ @task @roles(‘get-server‘) def get_file(): print yellow("Start get configuration file ...") result = get(env.deploy_nginx_conf,env.project_nginx_conf) if result.failed and no("get file failed, Continue[Y/N]?"): abort("Aborting file get task!") print green("get to configuration files successfully!") @task @roles(‘put-seever‘) def put_file(): print yellow("Start put configuration file ...") run("cp -r %s %s_%s.back" % (env.deploy_nginx_conf,env.deploy_nginx_conf,time.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) result = put(env.project_nginx_conf,env.deploy_nginx_conf) if result.failed and no("put file failed, Continue[Y/N]?"): abort("Aborting file put task!") print green("put to configuration files successfully!") @task def start(): execute(get_file) execute(put_file)
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