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时间:2015-08-17 23:01:10      阅读:343      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]
B - Building Fire Stations
Time Limit:5000MS     Memory Limit:131072KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu
Appoint description: 


Marjar University is a beautiful and peaceful place. There are N buildings and N - 1 bidirectional roads in the campus. These buildings are connected by roads in such a way that there is exactly one path between any two buildings. By coincidence, the length of each road is 1 unit.

To ensure the campus security, Edward, the headmaster of Marjar University, plans to setup two fire stations in two different buildings so that firefighters are able to arrive at the scene of the fire as soon as possible whenever fires occur. That means the longest distance between a building and its nearest fire station should be as short as possible.

As a clever and diligent student in Marjar University, you are asked to write a program to complete the plan. Please find out two proper buildings to setup the fire stations.


There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:

The first line contains an integer N (2 <= N <= 200000).

For the next N - 1 lines, each line contains two integers Xi and Yi. That means there is a road connecting building Xi and building Yi(indexes are 1-based).


For each test case, output three integers. The first one is the minimal longest distance between a building and its nearest fire station. The next two integers are the indexes of the two buildings selected to build the fire stations.

If there are multiple solutions, any one will be acceptable.

Sample Input

1 2
1 3
1 4
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5

Sample Output

1 1 2
1 2 4


 1 //#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000") 
 2 using namespace std ;
 3 const int M = 2e5 + 10 , inf = 111111111 ;
 4 struct node {
 5         int L , R ;
 6         int dl , dr ;
 7         node () {}
 8         node (int L , int R , int dl , int dr) :
 9                 L(L) , R(R) , dl(dl) , dr(dr) {}
10 }a[M] ;
11 int id , maxn ;
12 int n ;
13 vector<int> g[M] ;
14 bool vis[M] ;
15 vector<int> path ;
16 int N ;
17 int dfs (int o , int u) {
18         a[u] = node (u , u , 1 , 1) ;
19         for (vector<int>::iterator v = g[u].begin () ; v != g[u].end () ; v ++) {
20                 if (*v == o) continue ;
21                 int tmp = 1 + dfs (u , *v) ;
22                 if (tmp > a[u].dl) a[u] = node (a[*v].L , a[u].L , tmp , a[u].dl) ;
23                 else if (tmp > a[u].dr) a[u].R = a[*v].L , a[u].dr = tmp ;
24         }
25         if (a[u].dl + a[u].dr > maxn) maxn = a[u].dl + a[u].dr , id = u ;
26         return a[u].dl ;
27 }
29 bool PATH (int o , int u) {
30         for (vector<int>::iterator v = g[u].begin() ; v != g[u].end () ; v ++) {
31                 if (*v == o) continue ;
32                 if (PATH (u , *v)) {path.push_back (u) ; return true ;} 
33         }
34         if (u == a[id].R) {path.push_back (u) ; return true ;} 
35         return false ;
36 }
38 void DFS (int o , int u , int dep , int deep) {
39         if (dep > deep) return ;
40         vis[u] = 1 ;
41         for (vector<int>::iterator v = g[u].begin() ; v != g[u].end () ; v ++) {
42                 if (*v == o) continue ;
43                 DFS (u , *v , dep+1 , deep) ;
44         }
45 }
47 bool judge (int x) {
48         memset (vis , 0 , sizeof(vis)) ;
49         DFS (-1 , path[x] , 0 ,  x ) ;
50         DFS (-1 , N-x-1 == x ? path[x+1] : path[N-x-1] , 0 , x ) ;
51         //printf ("x = %d\n" , x ) ;
52         //if (x == 1) for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) if (!vis[i]) printf ("geng shi %d\n" , i ) ;
53         for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++) if (!vis[i]) return false ;
54         return true ;
55 }
57 void solve () {
58         N = path.size () ;
59         int l = 0 , r = N / 2 ;
60         int ret = r ;
61         //printf ("l = %d , r = %d\n" , l , r) ;
62         while (l <= r) {
63                 int mid = l + r >> 1 ;
64                 if (judge (mid)) {
65                         ret = mid ;
66                         r = mid - 1 ;
67                         //printf ("ret = %d\n" , ret ) ;
68                 }
69                 else l = mid + 1 ;
70         }
71         printf ("%d %d %d\n" , ret , path[ret] , ret == N-ret-1 ? path[ret+1] : path[N-ret-1] ) ;  
72 }
74 int main () {
75         int T ;
76         scanf ("%d" , &T ) ;
77         while (T --) {
78                 scanf ("%d" , &n) ;
79                 path.clear () ;
80                 for (int i = 0 ; i <= n ; i ++) g[i].clear () ;
81                 for (int i = 0 ; i < n - 1 ; i ++) {
82                         int u , v ;
83                         scanf ("%d%d" , &u , &v) ;
84                         g[u].push_back (v) ;
85                         g[v].push_back (u) ;
86                 }
88                 maxn = -1 ;
89                 dfs (-1 , 1) ;
90                 //printf ("Dia = %d , Lnode = %d , Rnode = %d\n" , maxn-1 , a[id].L , a[id].R) ;
91                 PATH (-1 , a[id].L) ;
92                 //for (vector<int>::iterator it = path.begin() ; it != path.end() ; it ++) printf ("%d " , *it) ; puts ("") ;
93                 solve () ;
94         }
95         return 0 ;
96 }
View Code

因为可行的两个点肯定是在树的直径上(对称的两点),所以我们可以二分答案,最优解肯定在0~dia/2 内。



对于任何一个节点,他都有一个最深,和次深子节点L,R。所以从任意一个点u出发,用u的两个最深的子节点来更新,u.dl= v1.dl+1 , u.dr = v2.dl + 1 ;

u.L = v1 , u.R = v2 (深度(V1) >= 深度 (V2) ) ;







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