u 初始化的值将决定了ContDownLatch类中有多少个要等待的事件
u 当操作事件完成它们要执行的操作时,countDown()方法将被调用。
下面将介绍一个实例,阐述CountDownLatch的使用场合。假设要开会了, 只有所有的参会者到齐了,会起就开始。
importjava.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; public class Meeting implements Runnable { private finalCountDownLatch latch; public Meeting(intnumber){ latch = new CountDownLatch(number); } public voidarrive(String name){ System.out.println(" "+ name + " arrived at the meeting."+ "Still waiting for "+ latch.getCount()+ " participant(s)"); latch.countDown(); } @Override public voidrun() { System.out.println("Initializing the meeting and waiting for the "+ latch.getCount()+" participants"); try { // Wait for all the participants latch.await(); System.out.printf("All participants arrived,"+ ". Now the metting starts...\n"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param args */ public staticvoidmain(String[] args) { //10 participants for the meeting Meeting conference = new Meeting(10); Thread tc = new Thread(conference, "meeting"); tc.start(); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ Participant participant = new Participant(conference,"participant_"+ i); Thread tp = new Thread(participant); tp.start(); } } }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class Participant implements Runnable { private Meeting conference; private String name; public Participant(Meeting conference, String name){ this.conference = conference; = name; } /** * Defines the execution of some thread. */ @Override public voidrun() { long duration = (long)(Math.random()*100); try { System.out.println("thread name " + " are waiting with "+duration + "s"); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(duration); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } conference.arrive(name); } }
Initializingthe meeting and waiting for the 10 participants threadname participant_0 are waiting with 4s threadname participant_3 are waiting with 5s threadname participant_9 are waiting with 8s threadname participant_5 are waiting with 7s threadname participant_8 are waiting with 4s threadname participant_7 are waiting with 0s threadname participant_6 are waiting with 4s threadname participant_2 are waiting with 9s threadname participant_4 are waiting with 4s threadname participant_1 are waiting with 1s participant_7 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 10 participant(s) participant_1 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 9 participant(s) participant_6 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 8 participant(s) participant_8 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 8 participant(s) participant_4 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 8 participant(s) participant_0 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 8 participant(s) participant_3 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 4 participant(s) participant_5 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 3 participant(s) participant_9 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 2 participant(s) participant_2 arrived at the meeting.Stillwaiting for 1 participant(s) All participants arrived,. Now the mettingstarts...