Kth Smallest Number in Sorted Matrix
Find the kth smallest number in at row and column sorted matrix.
Have you met this question in a real interview?
Given k = 4
and a matrix:
[1 ,5 ,7],
[3 ,7 ,8],
[4 ,8 ,9],
return 5
O(k log n), n is the maximal number in width and height.
1 import java.util.*; 2 3 class Node{ 4 public int row; 5 public int col; 6 public int value; 7 public Node(int row,int col, int value){ 8 this.row = row; 9 this.col = col; 10 this.value = value; 11 } 12 } 13 public class Solution { 14 /** 15 * @param matrix: a matrix of integers 16 * @param k: an integer 17 * @return: the kth smallest number in the matrix 18 */ 19 private void set(int row,int col,boolean [][] visited, int [][]matrix, PriorityQueue<Node> heap){ 20 int m = visited.length; 21 int n = visited[0].length; 22 if(row<0||row>=m||col<0||col>=n||visited[row][col]) return; 23 heap.offer(new Node(row,col,matrix[row][col])); 24 visited[row][col]=true; 25 } 26 public int kthSmallest(int[][] matrix, int k) { 27 // write your code here 28 Comparator<Node> mycompare = new Comparator<Node>(){ 29 public int compare(Node n1,Node n2){ 30 return n1.value-n2.value; 31 } 32 }; 33 boolean [][] visited = new boolean[matrix.length][matrix[0].length]; 34 PriorityQueue<Node> heap = new PriorityQueue<Node>(k,mycompare); 35 heap.offer(new Node(0,0,matrix[0][0])); 36 int selected = 0; 37 visited[0][0]=true; 38 for(int i=0;i<k;i++){ 39 Node node = heap.poll(); 40 selected = node.value; 41 int row = node.row; 42 int col = node.col; 43 44 set(row+1,col,visited,matrix,heap);//down 45 set(row,col+1,visited,matrix,heap);//right 46 } 47 return selected; 48 } 49 }
[Lintcode] Kth Smallest Number in Sorted Matrix