The basic program is to get the height of a binary tree. We could use BFS to realize that. So the result is :
#include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class TreeNode { public: int val; TreeNode *left; TreeNode *right; TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {} }; void display(TreeNode* root, int col = 0) { if(root == 0) return; display(root->right, col + 1); for(int i = 0; i < col; ++i) std::cout<<"| "; cout<<"|"<<root->val<<std::endl; display(root->left, col + 1); } int getHeight(TreeNode* root) { int cnt = 0, i, j, cur = 0, next = 1; vector<TreeNode*> layers[2]; layers[cur].push_back(root); while (!layers[cur].empty()) { ++cnt; for (i = 0; i < layers[cur].size(); ++i) { if (layers[cur][i]->left) layers[next].push_back(layers[cur][i]->left); if (layers[cur][i]->right) layers[next].push_back(layers[cur][i]->right); } layers[cur].clear(); cur = !cur; next = !next; } return cnt; } int getMaxDistance(TreeNode* root) { int lcount = 0, rcount = 0, res = 0; if (root == NULL) return 0; while (root->left && !root->right || !root->left && root->right) { ++res; if (root->left) root = root->left; else root = root->right; } if (root->left && root->right) { lcount = getHeight(root->left); rcount = getHeight(root->right); } return res + lcount + rcount; } int main() { TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(0); root->left = new TreeNode(1); root->right = new TreeNode(2); root->left->left = new TreeNode(3); root->left->right = new TreeNode(4); root->right->left = new TreeNode(5); root->right->right = new TreeNode(6); root->right->right->right = new TreeNode(7); display(root); int res = getMaxDistance(root); return 0; }
编程之美 求二叉树中节点的最大距离 非递归,布布扣,