grammar PersonableGrammar; prog: stat+ ; stat: expr NEWLINE? # printExpr | NEWLINE # blank ; expr: DEF ID # DefinePerson | REM ID # RemovePerson | BLAME ID # BlamePerson | KICK ID # KickPerson | HUG ID # HugPerson ; //people actions DEF : ‘define‘ ; REM : ‘remove‘ ; BLAME: ‘blame‘ ; HUG: ‘hug‘ ; ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ; INT : [0-9]+ ; NEWLINE:‘\r‘? ‘\n‘ ; WS : [ \t]+ -> skip ; // toss out whitespace LINE_COMMENT : ‘//‘ .*? ‘\r‘? ‘\n‘ -> skip ; // Match "//" stuff ‘\n‘
public class PersonableVistorImpl extends PersonableGrammarBaseVisitor{ ArrayList<String> personList = new ArrayList<String>(); @Override public String visitPrintExpr(@NotNull PersonableGrammarParser.PrintExprContext ctx) { String value = String.valueOf(visit(ctx.expr())); System.out.println(value); return value; } @Override public String visitDefinePerson(@NotNull PersonableGrammarParser.DefinePersonContext ctx) { String value = String.valueOf(ctx.ID()); System.out.println("++ Defining "+value); personList.add(value); return personList.toString(); } @Override public Object visitRemovePerson(@NotNull PersonableGrammarParser.RemovePersonContext ctx) { String value = String.valueOf(ctx.ID()); personList.remove(value); return personList.toString(); } @Override public String visitBlamePerson(@NotNull PersonableGrammarParser.BlamePersonContext ctx) { String value = String.valueOf(ctx.ID()); if (!personList.contains(value)){ System.out.println("++ You must define a person before blaming him or her."); return personList.toString(); } //do something to blame person System.out.println("++ It‘s all "+value+"‘s fault."); return personList.toString(); } @Override public String visitHugPerson(@NotNull PersonableGrammarParser.HugPersonContext ctx) { String value = String.valueOf(ctx.ID()); if (!personList.contains(value)){ System.out.println("++ You must define a person before Hugging him or her."); return personList.toString(); } //do something to hug person System.out.println("Giving " +value +" a hug."); return personList.toString(); } }