One of the simplest two-player games is “Guess the number”. The first player thinks of a secret number in some known range while the second player attempts to guess the number. After each guess, the first player answers either “Higher”, “Lower” or “Correct!” depending on whether the secret number is higher, lower or equal to the guess. In this project, you will build a simple interactive program in Python where the computer will take the role of the first player while you play as the second player.
You will interact with your program using an input field and several buttons. For this project, we will ignore the canvas and print the computer‘s responses in the console. Building an initial version of your project that prints information in the console is a development strategy that you should use in later projects as well. Focusing on getting the logic of the program correct before trying to make it display the information in some “nice” way on the canvas usually saves lots of time since debugging logic errors in graphical output can be tricky.
# template for "Guess the number" mini-project # input will come from buttons and an input field # all output for the game will be printed in the console import simplegui import math import random flag = True # helper function to start and restart the game def new_game(): # initialize global variables used in your code here global secret_number global number_of_guess if flag: number_of_guess = 7 secret_number = random.randint(0,99) print "New game. Range is [0,100)" else: number_of_guess = 10 secret_number = random.randint(0,999) print "New game. Range is [0,1000)" print "Number of remaining guesses is", number_of_guess print # define event handlers for control panel def range100(): # button that changes the range to [0,100) and starts a new game global flag flag = True global secret_number secret_number = random.randint(0,99) global number_of_guess number_of_guess = 7 print "New game. Range is [0,100)" print "Number of remaining guesses is",number_of_guess print def range1000(): # button that changes the range to [0,1000) and starts a new game global flag flag = False global secret_number secret_number = random.randint(0,999) global number_of_guess number_of_guess = 10 print "New game. Range is [0,1000)" print "Number of remaining guesses is", number_of_guess print def input_guess(guess): # main game logic goes here global guess_number guess_number = int(guess) print "Guess was",guess_number global number_of_guess number_of_guess -= 1 print "Number of remaining guesses is", number_of_guess if secret_number > guess_number: print "Higher!" print elif secret_number < guess_number: print "Lower!" print else: print "Correct!" print new_game() if number_of_guess == 0: print "You ran out of guesses. the number was", secret_number print new_game() # create frame frame = simplegui.create_frame("Guess the number", 200, 200) # register event handlers for control elements and start frame frame.add_button("Range is [0,100)", range100, 200) frame.add_button("Range is [0,1000)", range1000, 200) frame.add_input("Enter a guess", input_guess, 200) # call new_game new_game() # always remember to check your completed program against the grading rubric