了解关系数据库的人应该都知道4种关系操作符,加、减、乘、除。具体到SQL语句中,前3种分别是union、except、笛卡尔积,但是除法没有具体的关键字,需要我们自己写SQL语句来实现,这就需要用到not exists了。
举个比较俗的例子,一个成绩表,3个字段 sid、cid,grade,分别表示学生ID,课程ID,课程成绩,表的数据如下:
1 | 101 | 67 |
1 | 102 | 78 |
1 | 103 | 68 |
2 | 101 | 89 |
2 | 102 | 68 |
3 | 102 | 78 |
3 | 103 | 90 |
create procedure findall as begin declare @i int, declare @j int, declare @id2count int, declare @sidcount int, declare @sidtable table(id int identity(1,1),sid int), declare @id2coursetable table(id int identity(1,1),cid int), declare @result int declare @sidtmp int declare @cidtmp int select @sidcount = count(sid) from grade group by sid select @id2count = count(*) from grade where sid=2 insert into @sidtable(sid) select sid from grade group by sid insert into @id2coursetable(cid) select cid from grade where sid =2 set @i=1 set @j=1 set @result=1 while @i < @sidcount begin select @sidtmp = sid from @sidtable where id=@i while @j<@id2count begin select @cidtmp = cid from @id2coursetable where id=@j select @result=count(*) from grade where sid = @sidtmp and cid = @cidtmp if(@result = 0) begin break end end if(@result = 1) begin print @sidtmp end end end
select sid from grade as grade1 where sid <> 2 and not exists (select * from grade as grade2 where grade2.sid =2 and not exists (select * from grade as grade3 where grade3.sid = grade1.sid and grade3.cid = grade2.cid) ) group by sid
这里的嵌套循环主要是通过两个子查询来实现的,SQL语句中的两个圆括号就相当于两层嵌套循环,最里面的圆括号相当于最里层的嵌套循环,外面的圆括号和外层的嵌套循环层层对应,not exists分别对用两层循环中的if语句。