直接复制 官网 example目录下的 activemq-jdbc.xml 到conf 删除原来那个 activemq.xml
配置好你的dataSource ,启动 会报错...开始没看日志 还在那分析这spring报的什么错误,,后来看日志发现有这么一行
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table ‘activemq.activemq_acks‘ doesn‘t exist
Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes is the error not allowing the creation of ACTIVEMQ_ACKS You are probably using utf8/some other multibyte encoding as the collation in your database.... Switch it to latin1 or ASCII... The varchar fields that the key is composed of add up to less than 1000 characters but with a multibyte encoding the key length is over 1000 bytes.