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struts2 架构图如下图所示:




  2、这个请求经过一系列的过滤器(Filter)(这些过滤器中有一个叫做ActionContextCleanUp的可选过滤器,这个过滤器对于Struts2和其他框架的集成很有帮助,例如:SiteMesh Plugin);



  5、ActionProxy通过Configuration Manager询问框架的配置文件,找到需要调用的Action类;



  8、一旦Action执行完毕,ActionInvocation负责根据struts.xml中的配置找到对应的返回结果。返回结果通常是(但不总是,也可能是另外的一个Action链)一个需要被表示的JSP或者FreeMarker的模版。在表示的过程中可以使用Struts2 框架中继承的标签。在这个过程中需要涉及到ActionMapper。



 1 public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
 2         InitOperations init = new InitOperations();
 3         Dispatcher dispatcher = null;
 4         try {
 5            //封装filterConfig,其中有个主要方getInitParameterNames将参数名字以String格式存储在List中
 6             FilterHostConfig config = new FilterHostConfig(filterConfig);
 7             init.initLogging(config);
 8             //创建dispatcher ,并初始化
 9             dispatcher = init.initDispatcher(config);
10             init.initStaticContentLoader(config, dispatcher);
11             prepare = new PrepareOperations(dispatcher);
12             execute = new ExecuteOperations(dispatcher);
13             this.excludedPatterns = init.buildExcludedPatternsList(dispatcher);
15             postInit(dispatcher, filterConfig);
16         } finally {
17             if (dispatcher != null) {
18                 dispatcher.cleanUpAfterInit();
19             }
20             init.cleanup();
21         }
22     }

只有短短的几行代码,getInitParameterNames是这个类的核心,将Filter初始化参数名称有枚举类型转为Iterator。此类的主要作为是对filterConfig 封装。

  接下来,看下StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter中init方法中dispatcher = init.initDispatcher(config);这是初始化dispatcher的,是通过init对象的initDispatcher方法来初始化的,init是InitOperations类的对象,我们看看InitOperations中initDispatcher方法:

1  public Dispatcher initDispatcher( HostConfig filterConfig ) {
2         Dispatcher dispatcher = createDispatcher(filterConfig);
3         dispatcher.init();
4         return dispatcher;
5     }

创建Dispatcher,会读取 filterConfig 中的配置信息,将配置信息解析出来,封装成为一个Map,然后根据servlet上下文和参数Map构造Dispatcher :

 1 private Dispatcher createDispatcher( HostConfig filterConfig ) {
 2         //存放参数的Map
 3         Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
 4         //将参数存放到Map
 5         for ( Iterator e = filterConfig.getInitParameterNames(); e.hasNext(); ) {
 6             String name = (String) e.next();
 7             String value = filterConfig.getInitParameter(name);
 8             params.put(name, value);
 9         }
10          //根据servlet上下文和参数Map构造Dispatcher 
11         return new Dispatcher(filterConfig.getServletContext(), params);
12     }


 1 public void init() {
 3         if (configurationManager == null) {
 4             configurationManager = createConfigurationManager(DefaultBeanSelectionProvider.DEFAULT_BEAN_NAME);
 5         }
 7         try {
 8             init_FileManager();
9 init_DefaultProperties(); // [1]
10 init_TraditionalXmlConfigurations(); // [2] 11 init_LegacyStrutsProperties(); // [3] 12 init_CustomConfigurationProviders(); // [5] 13 init_FilterInitParameters() ; // [6] 14 init_AliasStandardObjects() ; // [7] 15 16 Container container = init_PreloadConfiguration(); 17 container.inject(this); 18 init_CheckWebLogicWorkaround(container); 19 20 if (!dispatcherListeners.isEmpty()) { 21 for (DispatcherListener l : dispatcherListeners) { 22 l.dispatcherInitialized(this); 23 } 24 } 25 errorHandler.init(servletContext); 26 27 } catch (Exception ex) { 28 if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) 29 LOG.error("Dispatcher initialization failed", ex); 30 throw new StrutsException(ex); 31 } 32 }



 1 public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
 3         HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
 4         HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
 6         try {
 7             if (excludedPatterns != null && prepare.isUrlExcluded(request, excludedPatterns)) {
 8                 chain.doFilter(request, response);
 9             } else {
10                 prepare.setEncodingAndLocale(request, response);
11                 prepare.createActionContext(request, response);
12                 prepare.assignDispatcherToThread();
13                 request = prepare.wrapRequest(request);
14                 ActionMapping mapping = prepare.findActionMapping(request, response, true);
15                 if (mapping == null) {
16                     boolean handled = execute.executeStaticResourceRequest(request, response);
17                     if (!handled) {
18                         chain.doFilter(request, response);
19                     }
20                 } else {
21                     execute.executeAction(request, response, mapping);
22                 }
23             }
24         } finally {
25             prepare.cleanupRequest(request);
26         }
27     }


(1)prepare.setEncodingAndLocale(request, response);


 1  public void prepare(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
 2         String encoding = null;
 3         if (defaultEncoding != null) {
 4             encoding = defaultEncoding;
 5         }
 6         // check for Ajax request to use UTF-8 encoding strictly http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/#the-send-method
 7         if ("XMLHttpRequest".equals(request.getHeader("X-Requested-With"))) {
 8             encoding = "UTF-8";
 9         }
11         Locale locale = null;
12         if (defaultLocale != null) {
13             locale = LocalizedTextUtil.localeFromString(defaultLocale, request.getLocale());
14         }
16         if (encoding != null) {
17             applyEncoding(request, encoding);
18         }
20         if (locale != null) {
21             response.setLocale(locale);
22         }
24         if (paramsWorkaroundEnabled) {
25             request.getParameter("foo"); // simply read any parameter (existing or not) to "prime" the request
26         }
27     }

我们可以看到该方法只是简单的设置了encoding 和locale ,做的只是一些辅助的工作。

(2)prepare.createActionContext(request, response)

  我们回到StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter的doFilter方法,看到第10行代码:prepare.createActionContext(request, response);这是action上下文的创建,ActionContext是一个容器,这个容器主要存储request、session、application、parameters等相关信息.ActionContext是一个线程的本地变量,这意味着不同的action之间不会共享ActionContext,所以也不用考虑线程安全问题,其实质是一个Map,key是标示request、session、……的字符串,值是其对应的对象,我们可以看到com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext类中时如下定义的:

 1 public ActionContext createActionContext(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
 2         ActionContext ctx;
 3         Integer counter = 1;
 4         Integer oldCounter = (Integer) request.getAttribute(CLEANUP_RECURSION_COUNTER);
 5         if (oldCounter != null) {
 6             counter = oldCounter + 1;
 7         }
 9         ActionContext oldContext = ActionContext.getContext();
10         if (oldContext != null) {
11             // detected existing context, so we are probably in a forward
12             ctx = new ActionContext(new HashMap<String, Object>(oldContext.getContextMap()));
13         } else {
14             ValueStack stack = dispatcher.getContainer().getInstance(ValueStackFactory.class).createValueStack();
15             stack.getContext().putAll(dispatcher.createContextMap(request, response, null));
16             ctx = new ActionContext(stack.getContext());
17         }
18         request.setAttribute(CLEANUP_RECURSION_COUNTER, counter);
19         ActionContext.setContext(ctx);
20         return ctx;
21     }

(3)request = prepare.wrapRequest(request)

  我们再次回到StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter的doFilter方法中,看到第15行:request = prepare.wrapRequest(request);这一句是对request进行包装的,我们看下prepare的wrapRequest方法:

 1  public HttpServletRequest wrapRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException {
 2         // don‘t wrap more than once
 3         if (request instanceof StrutsRequestWrapper) {
 4             return request;
 5         }
 7         String content_type = request.getContentType();
 8         if (content_type != null && content_type.contains("multipart/form-data")) {
 9             MultiPartRequest mpr = getMultiPartRequest();
10             LocaleProvider provider = getContainer().getInstance(LocaleProvider.class);
11             request = new MultiPartRequestWrapper(mpr, request, getSaveDir(), provider, disableRequestAttributeValueStackLookup);
12         } else {
13             request = new StrutsRequestWrapper(request, disableRequestAttributeValueStackLookup);
14         }
16         return request;
17     }


(4)ActionMapping mapping = prepare.findActionMapping(request, response, true)

  包装request后,通过ActionMapper的getMapping()方法得到请求的Action,Action的配置信息存储在ActionMapping对象中,如StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter的doFilter方法中第16行:ActionMapping mapping = prepare.findActionMapping(request, response, true);我们找到prepare对象的findActionMapping方法:

 1 public ActionMapping findActionMapping(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean forceLookup) {
 2         ActionMapping mapping = (ActionMapping) request.getAttribute(STRUTS_ACTION_MAPPING_KEY);
 3         if (mapping == null || forceLookup) {
 4             try {
 5                 mapping = dispatcher.getContainer().getInstance(ActionMapper.class).getMapping(request, dispatcher.getConfigurationManager());
 6                 if (mapping != null) {
 7                     request.setAttribute(STRUTS_ACTION_MAPPING_KEY, mapping);
 8                 }
 9             } catch (Exception ex) {
10                 dispatcher.sendError(request, response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ex);
11             }
12         }
14         return mapping;
15     }


 public ActionMapping getMapping(HttpServletRequest request, ConfigurationManager configManager) {
        ActionMapping mapping = new ActionMapping();
        String uri = RequestUtils.getUri(request);
//修正url的带;jsessionid 时找不到的bug
        int indexOfSemicolon = uri.indexOf(";");
        uri = (indexOfSemicolon > -1) ? uri.substring(0, indexOfSemicolon) : uri;
        uri = dropExtension(uri, mapping);
        if (uri == null) {
            return null;
        parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager);
        handleSpecialParameters(request, mapping);
        return parseActionName(mapping);


  ①:parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager)

  我们主要看下第14行的parseNameAndNamespace(uri, mapping, configManager);这个方法的主要作用是分离出action名和命名空间:

 1 protected void parseNameAndNamespace(String uri, ActionMapping mapping, ConfigurationManager configManager) {
 2         String namespace, name;
 3         int lastSlash = uri.lastIndexOf("/");
 4         if (lastSlash == -1) {
 5             namespace = "";
 6             name = uri;
 7         } else if (lastSlash == 0) {
 8             // ww-1046, assume it is the root namespace, it will fallback to
 9             // default
10             // namespace anyway if not found in root namespace.
11             namespace = "/";
12             name = uri.substring(lastSlash + 1);
13         } else if (alwaysSelectFullNamespace) {
14             // Simply select the namespace as everything before the last slash
15             namespace = uri.substring(0, lastSlash);
16             name = uri.substring(lastSlash + 1);
17         } else {
18             // Try to find the namespace in those defined, defaulting to ""
19             Configuration config = configManager.getConfiguration();
20             String prefix = uri.substring(0, lastSlash);
21             namespace = "";
22             boolean rootAvailable = false;
23             // Find the longest matching namespace, defaulting to the default
24             for (PackageConfig cfg : config.getPackageConfigs().values()) {
25                 String ns = cfg.getNamespace();
26                 if (ns != null && prefix.startsWith(ns) && (prefix.length() == ns.length() || prefix.charAt(ns.length()) == ‘/‘)) {
27                     if (ns.length() > namespace.length()) {
28                         namespace = ns;
29                     }
30                 }
31                 if ("/".equals(ns)) {
32                     rootAvailable = true;
33                 }
34             }
36             name = uri.substring(namespace.length() + 1);
38             // Still none found, use root namespace if found
39             if (rootAvailable && "".equals(namespace)) {
40                 namespace = "/";
41             }
42         }
44         if (!allowSlashesInActionNames) {
45             int pos = name.lastIndexOf(‘/‘);
46             if (pos > -1 && pos < name.length() - 1) {
47                 name = name.substring(pos + 1);
48             }
49         }
51         mapping.setNamespace(namespace);
52         mapping.setName(cleanupActionName(name));
53     }

看到上面代码的第14行,参数alwaysSelectFullNamespace我们可以通过名字就能大概猜出来"允许采用完整的命名空间",即设置命名空间是否必须进行精确匹配,true必须,false可以模糊匹配,默认是false。进行精确匹配时要求请求url中的命名空间必须与配置文件中配置的某个命名空间必须相同,如果没有找到相同的则匹配失败。这个参数可通过struts2的"struts.mapper.alwaysSelectFullNamespace"常量配置,如:<constant name="struts.mapper.alwaysSelectFullNamespace" value="true" />。当alwaysSelectFullNamespace为true时,将uri以lastSlash为分割,左边的为namespace,右边的为name。如:http://localhost:8080/myproject/home/actionName!method.action,此时uri为/home/actionName!method.action(不过前面把后缀名去掉了,变成/home/actionName!method),lastSlash的当前值是5,这样namespace为"/home", name为actionName!method。

  我们再看到上面代码第18行到第44行:当上面的所有条件都不满足时,其中包括alwaysSelectFullNamespace 为false(命名空间进行模糊匹配),将由此部分处理,进行模糊匹配。第1句,通过configManager.getConfiguration()从配置管理器中获得配置对象Configuration,Configuration中存放着struts2的所有配置,形式是将xml文档的相应元素封装为java bean,如<package>元素被封装到PackageConfig类中,这个一会儿会用到。第2句按lastSlash将uri截取出prefix,这是一个临时的命名空间,之后将会拿prefix进行模糊匹配。第3句namespace = "",将命名空间暂时设为""。第4句创建并设置rootAvailable,rootAvailable作用是判断配置文件中是否配置了命名空间"/",true为配置了,false未配置,下面for语句将会遍历我们配置的所有包(<package>),同时设置rootAvailable。第5句for,通过config.getPackageConfigs()获得所有已经配置的包,然后遍历。String ns = ((PackageConfig) cfg).getNamespace()获得当前包的命名空间ns,之后的if句是进行模糊匹配的核心,我摘出来单独说,如下:

1 if (ns != null && prefix.startsWith(ns) && (prefix.length() == ns.length() || prefix.charAt(ns.length()) == ‘/‘)) {
2                     if (ns.length() > namespace.length()) {
3                         namespace = ns;
4                     }
5                 }

ns != null && prefix.startsWith(ns)这部分判断当ns不等于空并且ns是prefix的前缀。prefix.length() == ns.length()当二者长度相等时,结合前面部分就是ns是prefix的前缀并且二者长度相等,最终结论就是ns和prefix相等。如果前面的条件不成立,则说明prefix的长度大于ns。prefix.charAt(ns.length()) == ‘/‘)意思是prefix中与ns不相等的字符中的第一个字符必须是"/",也就是说,在命名空间采用斜杠分级的形式中,ns必须是prefix的某一子集,如:/common/home 是用户配置的命名空间,则在http的请求url中,/common/home/index1、/common/home/index2、/common/home/index/aaa 都是正确的,都可以成功的匹配到/common/home,而/common/homeaa、/common/homea/aaa都是错误的。接着if (ns.length() > namespace.length()) 句,目的是找出字符长度最长的。因为命名空间采用的是分级的,则长度越长所表示的越精确,如/common/home/index比/common/home精确。之后将namespace = ns。

  我们接着往下看if ("/".equals(ns)) 当我们配置了"/"这个命名空间时,将rootAvailable = true。name = uri.substring(namespace.length() + 1)句不涉及到命名空间就不说了。if (rootAvailable && "".equals(namespace))如果通过上面的for循环没有找到匹配的命名空间即namespace的值仍然是当初设置的"",但却配置了"/"时,将命名空间设为"/"。


1 if (!allowSlashesInActionNames) {
2      int pos = name.lastIndexOf(‘/‘);
3      if (pos > -1 && pos < name.length() - 1) {
4           name = name.substring(pos + 1);
5      }
6 }



(1). 如果请求url中没有命名空间时,将采用"/"作为命名空间。

(2). 当我们将常量 struts.mapper.alwaysSelectFullNamespace设为true时,那么请求url的命名空间必须和配置文件配置的完全相同才能匹配。

当将常量 struts.mapper.alwaysSelectFullNamespace设为false时,那么请求url的命名空间和配置文件配置的可按模糊匹配。规则:

  a.如果配置文件中配置了/common 而url中的命名空间/common、/common/home、/common/home/index等等都是可匹配的,即子命名空间可匹配父命名空间。

  b.如果对于某个url请求中的命名空间同时匹配了俩个或俩个以上的配置文件中配置的命名空间,则选字符最长的,如:当前请求的命名空间为/common/home/index/aaaa,  而我们在配置时同时配置了/common/home、/common/home/index  则将会匹配命名空间最长的,即/common/home/index。



  好了,到这里parseNameAndNamespace方法已经分析完了,我们再次回到getMapping方法中去,看到16行:handleSpecialParameters(request, mapping);好像是处理特殊参数的函数吧,里面有点看不懂,暂时就不管,以后有时间再研究。我们看到18行:return parseActionName(mapping);主要是用来处理形如/userAction!getAll.action的请求,分离action名和方法名:

1 protected ActionMapping parseActionName(ActionMapping mapping) {
 2         if (mapping.getName() == null) {
 3             return null;
 4         }
 5         //如果允许动态方法调用
 6         if (allowDynamicMethodCalls) {
 7             // handle "name!method" convention.
 8             String name = mapping.getName();
 9             int exclamation = name.lastIndexOf("!");
10             //如果包含"!"就进行分离
11             if (exclamation != -1) {
12                 //分离出action名
13                 mapping.setName(name.substring(0, exclamation));
14                 //分离出方法名
15                 mapping.setMethod(name.substring(exclamation + 1));
16             }
17         }
18         return mapping;
19     }


(5)execute.executeAction(request, response, mapping)


 1 //如果mapping为空,则认为不是调用action,会调用下一个过滤器链,直到获取到mapping才调用action
 2                 if (mapping == null) {
 3                     boolean handled = execute.executeStaticResourceRequest(request, response);
 4                     if (!handled) {
 5                         chain.doFilter(request, response);
 6                     }
 7                 } else {
 8                     //执行action
 9                     execute.executeAction(request, response, mapping);
10                 }


1 public void executeAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionMapping mapping) throws ServletException {
2         dispatcher.serviceAction(request, response, servletContext, mapping);
3     }


1 public void serviceAction(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext context,
 2                               ActionMapping mapping) throws ServletException {
 3         //封转上下文环境,主要将requestMap、params、session等Map封装成为一个上下文Map
 4         Map<String, Object> extraContext = createContextMap(request, response, mapping, context);
 6         // If there was a previous value stack, then create a new copy and pass it in to be used by the new Action
 7         ValueStack stack = (ValueStack) request.getAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY);
 8         boolean nullStack = stack == null;
 9         if (nullStack) {
10             ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext();
11             if (ctx != null) {
12                 stack = ctx.getValueStack();
13             }
14         }
15         if (stack != null) {
16             extraContext.put(ActionContext.VALUE_STACK, valueStackFactory.createValueStack(stack));
17         }
19         String timerKey = "Handling request from Dispatcher";
20         try {
21             UtilTimerStack.push(timerKey);
22             String namespace = mapping.getNamespace();//从mapping对象获取命名空间
23             String name = mapping.getName();          //获取请求的action名
24             String method = mapping.getMethod();      //获取请求方法
25             //得到配置对象
26             Configuration config = configurationManager.getConfiguration();
27             //根据执行上下文参数,命名空间,名称等创建用户自定义Action的代理对象  
28             ActionProxy proxy = config.getContainer().getInstance(ActionProxyFactory.class).createActionProxy(
29                     namespace, name, method, extraContext, true, false);
31             request.setAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY, proxy.getInvocation().getStack());
33             // if the ActionMapping says to go straight to a result, do it!
34             //如果配置文件中执行的这个action配置了result,就直接转到result
35             if (mapping.getResult() != null) {
36                 Result result = mapping.getResult();
37                 result.execute(proxy.getInvocation());
38             } else {
39                 proxy.execute();
40             }
42             // If there was a previous value stack then set it back onto the request
43             if (!nullStack) {
44                 request.setAttribute(ServletActionContext.STRUTS_VALUESTACK_KEY, stack);
45             }
46         } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
47             // WW-2874 Only log error if in devMode
48             if (devMode) {
49                 String reqStr = request.getRequestURI();
50                 if (request.getQueryString() != null) {
51                     reqStr = reqStr + "?" + request.getQueryString();
52                 }
53                 LOG.error("Could not find action or result\n" + reqStr, e);
54             } else {
55                 if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
56                     LOG.warn("Could not find action or result", e);
57                 }
58             }
59             sendError(request, response, context, HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e);
60         } catch (Exception e) {
61             if (handleException || devMode) {
62                 sendError(request, response, context, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
63             } else {
64                 throw new ServletException(e);
65             }
66         } finally {
67             UtilTimerStack.pop(timerKey);
68         }
69     }






init_TraditionalXmlConfigurations(); // [2]


       struts-default.xml  只有一个

       struts-plugin.xml  可能有很多个

       struts.xml   只有一个

    *  这三个配置文件的did一样,所以如果出现相同的选项,后者覆盖前者

    *  struts2容器会在classpath环境下,及jar包下找所有的struts-plugin.xml文件










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