对象 :类的实体\一个叫Rain的好色的男人
程序代码如下: class dog: #定义一个类 def name(self): #定义类的方法 print "Hello master, my name is Python." D = dog() #类的实例化,产生类的对象,如果不实例化,将无法访问该类 D.name() #使用类的方法 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python myclass4.py Hello master, my name is Python.
如你有一个类称为MyClass和这个类的一个实例MyObject。当你调用这个对象的方法MyObject.method(arg1, arg2)的时候,这会由Python自动转为MyClass.method(MyObject, arg1, arg2)。
程序代码如下: class Dog: class_object = ‘food‘ #这是一个类变量 def sayHi(self): print ‘Hi master , I am your little dog, who do you want me to bite...‘ favorate_food = ‘bone‘ self.FavorFood = favorate_food #将favorate_food变为全局变量,让其它方法可以引用 def eat(self, food_type): if food_type == self.FavorFood: #不同类方法之间的变量调用,需要通过类本身 print ‘I like it very much..thanks‘ else: print ‘Do not give me this bull shit...‘ d = Dog() d.sayHi() ‘‘‘如果不调用sayHi(),则无法将favorrate_food变成一个类变量,所谓类变量, 即是类下定义的第一级变量‘‘‘ d.eat(‘bone‘) 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python class7.py Hi master , I am your little dog, who do you want me to bite... I like it very much..thanks
程序代码如下: class Dog: class_object = ‘food‘ def sayHi(self): print ‘Hi master , I am your little dog, who do you want me to bite...‘ favorate_food = ‘bone‘ def eat(self, food_type): if food_type == self.sayHi().favorate_food: #这样使用是不行的 print ‘I like it very much..thanks‘ else: print ‘Do not give me this bull shit...‘ d = Dog() d.sayHi() d.eat(‘bone‘) 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python class7.py Hi master , I am your little dog, who do you want me to bite... Hi master , I am your little dog, who do you want me to bite... Traceback (most recent call last): File "class7.py", line 16, in <module> d.eat(‘bone‘) File "class7.py", line 9, in eat if food_type == self.sayHi().favorate_food: AttributeError: ‘NoneType‘ object has no attribute ‘favorate_food‘
程序代码如下: class Person: def __init__(self,name,age): #构造函数,只要把类实例化,就会执行此函数 print ‘I am being called right now...‘ self.Name = name self.Age = age def sayHi(self): #类的普通方法 print ‘Hi my name is %s, i am %s years old‘ % (self.Name,self.Age) def __del__(self): #解构函数,当实例在内存中释放时,才会执行此函数 print ‘I got killed just now...bye...‘, self.Name p = Person(‘Alex‘,29) p.sayHi() #del p print ‘*‘*60 p2 = Person(‘Jack‘,40) p2.sayHi() #del p2 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python person_class5.py I am being called right now... Hi my name is Alex, i am 29 years old ************************************************************ I am being called right now... Hi my name is Jack, i am 40 years old I got killed just now...bye... Jack I got killed just now...bye... Alex
程序代码如下: class Person: def __init__(self,name,age): print ‘I am being called right now...‘ self.Name = name self.Age = age def sayHi(self): print ‘Hi my name is %s, i am %s years old‘ % (self.Name,self.Age) def __del__(self): print ‘I got killed just now...bye...‘, self.Name p = Person(‘Alex‘,29) p.sayHi() del p #其它不变,只是在做类的另一个实例前,删除该实例 print ‘*‘*60 p2 = Person(‘Jack‘,40) p2.sayHi() #del p2 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python person_class5.py I am being called right now... Hi my name is Alex, i am 29 years old I got killed just now...bye... Alex ************************************************************ I am being called right now... Hi my name is Jack, i am 40 years old I got killed just now...bye... Jack
程序代码如下: class Person: def __init__(self,name,age): print ‘I am being called right now...‘ self.Name = name self.Age = age def sayHi(self): print ‘Hi my name is %s, i am %s years old‘ % (self.Name,self.Age) self.__talk() #可以引用类中的私有属性 def __talk(self): #私有属性的定义方法 print "I‘m private..." p=Person(‘Alex‘,29) p.sayHi() 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python private6.py I am being called right now... Hi my name is Alex, i am 29 years old I‘m private...
程序代码如下: class Person: def __init__(self,name,age): print ‘I am being called right now...‘ self.Name = name self.Age = age def sayHi(self): print ‘Hi my name is %s, i am %s years old‘ % (self.Name,self.Age) self.__talk() def __talk(self): print "I‘m private..." p=Person(‘Alex‘,29) p.sayHi() p.__talk() #在类外通过普通方式调用类的私有属性 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python private6.py I am being called right now... Hi my name is Alex, i am 29 years old I‘m private... Traceback (most recent call last): File "private6.py", line 17, in <module> p.__talk() AttributeError: Person instance has no attribute ‘__talk‘ #会出现找不到类方法的错误提示
程序代码: class Person: def __init__(self,name,age): print ‘I am being called right now...‘ self.Name = name self.Age = age def sayHi(self): print ‘Hi my name is %s, i am %s years old‘ % (self.Name,self.Age) self.__talk() def __talk(self): print "I‘m private..." p=Person(‘Alex‘,29) p.sayHi() print ‘*‘*30 p._Person__talk() 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python private6.py I am being called right now... Hi my name is Alex, i am 29 years old I‘m private... ****************************** I‘m private...
程序代码如下: class person: #父类 def tell(self, name): print ‘hi my name is‘, name class student(person): #子类,继承父类 def study(sefl): print ‘I am studying Py right now.‘ s = student() s.study() s.tell(‘MengFanHao‘) #子类继承父类后便可以直接调用父类的方法 #在有多个需要同时执行相同功能的子类情况下,使用类的继承可以节省代码空间 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python cla_with_no_arg9.py I am studying Py right now. hi my name is MengFanHao
class SchoolMember: #父类,学校成员 school_name = ‘Oldboy Linux edu.‘ #第一级变量,即类属性 def __init__(self,name,gender,nationality = ‘CN‘): #构造函数 self.name = name self.gender = gender self.nation = nationality def tell(self): #普通的类方法 print ‘Hi, my name is %s , I am from %s‘ % (self.name,self.nation) class Student(SchoolMember): #子类,学生,继承父类学校成员的相关属性 def __init__(self, Name, Gender, Class, Score, Nation = ‘US‘): #子类下的方法 SchoolMember.__init__(self, Name, Gender, Nation) #让父类使用子类传递过去的参数 self.Class = Class self.Score = Score def payTuition(self, amount): #子类下的方法 if amount < 6499: print ‘Get the fuck off...‘ else: print ‘Welcome onboard!‘ class Teacher(SchoolMember): #子类,老师,继承父类学校成员的相关属性 def __init__(self, Name, Gender, Course, Salary, Nation = ‘FR‘): SchoolMember.__init__(self, Name, Gender, Nation) self.course = Course self.Salary = Salary def teaching(self): print ‘I am teaching %s, i am making %s per month !‘ % (self.course, self.Salary) S1 = Student(‘WangFanHao‘, ‘Male‘, ‘Python‘, ‘C+‘, ‘JP‘) #实例化一个子类对象,学生 S1.tell() #直接继承父类中的tell()方法 S1.payTuition(4999) #使用子类Student()自身中的类方法 print S1.school_name #直接继承父类的一个属性 print ‘*‘*60 S2 = Student(‘ShitTshirt‘, ‘Male‘, ‘Linux‘, ‘B‘) S2.tell() S2.payTuition(6500) #S2.age = 29 #print S2.age print ‘*‘*60 T1 = Teacher(‘Alex‘, ‘Male‘, ‘C++‘, 5000) #实例化一个子类对象,学生 T1.tell() #直接继承父类中的tell()方法 T1.teaching() #直接继承父类的一个属性 print ‘S1.name:‘, S1.name #测试用,观察输出结果 print ‘S2.name:‘, S2.name print ‘T1.name:‘, T1.name 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python class_continue8.py Hi, my name is WangFanHao , I am from JP Get the fuck off... Oldboy Linux edu. ************************************************************ Hi, my name is ShitTshirt , I am from US Welcome onboard! ************************************************************ Hi, my name is Alex , I am from FR I am teaching C++, i am making 5000 per month ! S1.name: WangFanHao S2.name: ShitTshirt T1.name: Alex
>>> import class_continue8 Hi, my name is WangFanHao , I am from JP Get the fuck off... Oldboy Linux edu. ************************************************************ Hi, my name is ShitTshirt , I am from US Welcome onboard! ************************************************************ Hi, my name is Alex , I am from FR I am teaching C++, i am making 5000 per month ! S1.name: WangFanHao S2.name: ShitTshirt T1.name: Alex >>> import tab >>> class_continue8. class_continue8.S1 class_continue8.__hash__( class_continue8.S2 class_continue8.__init__( class_continue8.SchoolMember class_continue8.__name__ class_continue8.Student class_continue8.__new__( class_continue8.T1 class_continue8.__package__ class_continue8.Teacher class_continue8.__reduce__( class_continue8.__class__( class_continue8.__reduce_ex__( class_continue8.__delattr__( class_continue8.__repr__( class_continue8.__dict__ class_continue8.__setattr__( class_continue8.__doc__ class_continue8.__sizeof__( class_continue8.__file__ class_continue8.__str__( class_continue8.__format__( class_continue8.__subclasshook__( class_continue8.__getattribute__(
1.子类有的属性,属于该子类的对象没有定义,会继承该属性;如果有定义,则不会继承子类的该属性 >>> class_continue8.Student.age #原来Student类中并没有age属性 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: class Student has no attribute ‘age‘ >>> setattr(class_continue8.S) class_continue8.S1 class_continue8.SchoolMember class_continue8.S2 class_continue8.Student >>> setattr(class_continue8.Student,‘age‘,29) #在Student类中添加age属性 >>> class_continue8.Student.age #再次查看age属性 29 >>> class_continue8.S1.age #S1与S2作为Student类的实例化对象,也会有age属性 29 >>> class_continue8.S2.age 29 >>> setattr(class_continue8.S1,‘age‘,26) >>> class_continue8.S1.age #此时S1对象有定义,因此不会继承所属子类的该属性 26 2.子类的对象有的属性,但在其所属子类没有定义,则该子类不会反继承该属性 >>> setattr(class_continue8.S1,‘tuition‘,5000) #如果仅仅是在对象中添加tuition属性 >>> class_continue8.Student.age 29 >>> class_continue8.Student.tuition #则在S1对象所属的类Student中并不会有tuition属性 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: class Student has no attribute ‘tuition‘ >>> class_continue8.S1.tuition 5000 >>> class_continue8.S2.tuition #因此S2对象也不会有该属性 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: Student instance has no attribute ‘tuition‘ 3.父类有的属性,子类中没有定义,则子类会继承该属性;如果子类中有定义,则不会继承 >>> setattr(class_continue8.SchoolMember,‘name‘,‘Python‘) #在子类在没有定义 >>> class_continue8.SchoolMember.name ‘Python‘ >>> class_continue8.Student.name #因此子类会继承该属性 ‘Python‘ >>> setattr(class_continue8.SchoolMember,‘age‘,25) #在父类中定义子类有定义的属性 >>> class_continue8.SchoolMember.age 25 >>> class_continue8.Student.age #子类已经定义了age属性,因此不会再继承父类的该属性 29
>>> class_continue8.SchoolMember.name ‘Python‘ >>> delattr(class_continue8.SchoolMember,‘name‘) >>> class_continue8.SchoolMember.name Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: class SchoolMember has no attribute ‘name‘
程序代码如下: class person: def tell(self, name): print ‘hi my name is‘, name def study(sefl): print ‘I am studying Py right now.‘ class student(person): def study(sefl): print ‘I am studying Py right now.‘ p = person() vars = [‘tell‘, ‘study‘] v1 = vars[0] getattr(p, v1)(‘Oldboy‘) 执行情况如下: xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python cla_getattr_with_no_arg10.py hi my name is Oldboy
xpleaf@xpleaf-machine:/mnt/hgfs/Python/day4$ python cla_getattr_with_no_arg10.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "cla_getattr_with_no_arg10.py", line 21, in <module> p.v1(‘Oldboy‘) AttributeError: person instance has no attribute ‘v1‘
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