John and Liz 是高中同学时的恋人,后来Liz考上了北京城市学院,Jhon没有,为了跟女朋友在一起,他来到了北京打工(一家网吧当网管),挣钱为Liz交学费,后来LIZ毕业后工作了,遇到了公司的高富帅peter,然后两人就苟且在了一起,JHON发现后非常伤心,发誓要把LIZ夺回来,然后他发粪学习,增加自身能力,参加自考,学习老男孩PYTHON,若干年后,当上了某大型互联网公司的IT总监,月薪5万,北京买了车和房,偶然又见到了LIZ,此时她已被高富PETER甩了,LIZ提出再回到JHON身边时,JHONE优雅的说。。。
class person: assets = 0 school_name = None Interview = [‘360‘, ‘Baidu‘, ‘Ali‘, ‘Tengxun‘] attraction = 0 skills = [] love_status = None lover = None job = None company = None def __init__(self, name, sex, role): self.name = name self.sex = sex self.role = role print ‘\033[32;1m-\033[0m‘*60 if self.role == ‘rich‘: self.assets += 10000000 self.attraction += 80 print ‘\033[32;1mMy name is %s, I am a %s guy, I have %s money! It is good to be rich..\033[0m‘ %(self.name, self.role, self.assets) elif self.role == ‘poor‘: self.assets += 5000 self.attraction += 40 print ‘\033[31;1mMy name is %s, I am a %s guy, I hvae %s money! I hate to be poor, but...life is fucking hard..\033[0m‘ % (self.name, self.role, self.assets) elif self.role == ‘beauty‘: self.assets += 5000 self.attraction += 90 print ‘\033[32;1mMy name is %s, I am a %s girl, I do not have much money, but I am very beautiful,that makes me feel good and confident, but I do not want to be poor forever.\033[0m‘ % (self.name,self.role) def talk(self, msg, tone = ‘normal‘): if tone == ‘normal‘: print ‘\033[32;1m%s: %s\033[0m‘ % (self.name, msg) elif tone == ‘angry‘: print ‘\033[31;1m%s: %s\033[0m‘ % (self.name, msg) def assets_balance(self, amount, action): if action == ‘earn‘: self.assets += amount print ‘\033[32;1m%s just made %sRMB! Current assets is %s \033[0m‘ % (self.name, amount, self.assets) elif action == ‘cost‘: self.assets -= amount print ‘\033[32;1m%s just cost %sRMB! Current assets is %s \033[0m‘ % (self.name, amount, self.assets) p1 = person(‘John‘, ‘male‘, ‘poor‘) p1.talk(‘Hello, my guys!‘) p1.assets_balance(300, ‘earn‘) p2 = person(‘Liz‘, ‘female‘, ‘beauty‘) p2.talk(‘Hi, my dear!‘) p2.assets_balance(1500,‘earn‘) p3 = person(‘Peter‘, ‘male‘, ‘rich‘) p3.talk(‘Hi guys‘) p3.assets_balance(3000, ‘cost‘) def section(part): print ‘\033[31;1m*\033[0m‘*30 + part + ‘\033[31;1m*\033[0m‘*30 section(‘Part 1: A love story‘) p1.lover = p2 p1.love_status = ‘Not_single‘ p1.talk(‘I hvae a girlfriend, her name is %s.I love she very much.‘ % p1.lover.name) p2.lover = p1 p1.love_status = ‘Not_single‘ p2.talk(‘I have a boy friend, his name is %s.Thout he is poor, he loves me.‘ % p2.lover.name) section(‘Part 2: college entrance examination‘) p1.talk(‘Oh, my god! I can not go to a college.‘, ‘angry‘) p2.talk(‘I can go to a college to change my life.‘) section("Part 3: Liz‘s difficulity") p2.talk(‘What should I do?I do not have money to go to the college.‘) p1.talk(‘Do not worry!Though I can not go to the college with you, I still can earn money to support you.‘) p2.talk(‘%s, so thank you for you.I love you!‘ % p2.lover.name) section("Part 4: work and college life") p1.talk(‘In order to support %s, I must work hard at the net bar.‘ % p1.lover.name) p2.talk(‘I will study hard to enter a good company when I graduate.‘)
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