笔者:Steven Riche
翻译:子毅 --------- 将JavaScript进行究竟
stage.addEventListener(‘mousemove‘, stage_mousemove_listener, false); robot.addEventListener(‘mouseover‘, robot_mouseover_listener, false); stage.addEventListener(‘mouseout‘, stage_mouseout_listener, false);
if (stage.addEventListener){ // We will test to see if this command is available stage.addEventListener(‘mousemove‘, stage_mousemove_listener, false); robot.addEventListener(‘mouseover‘, robot_mouseover_listener, false); stage.addEventListener(‘mouseout‘, stage_mouseout_listener, false); } else { // If not, we have to use IE commands stage.attachEvent(‘onmousemove‘, stage_mousemove_listener); robot.attachEvent(‘onmouseover‘, robot_mouseover_listener); stage.attachEvent(‘onmouseout‘, stage_mouseout_listener); }
// Inside of RobotMaker // We will need to introduce a few extra variables to track var mouseX; // For tracking horizontal mouse position var running_dir = ‘‘; // For tracking if (and where) robot is currently running var stageOffset; // For tracking the position of the stage function stage_mousemove_listener(e){ // Find the horizontal position of the mouse inside of the stage ... // That position will be saved in ‘mouseX‘ // Then we compare ‘mouseX‘ to the robot, and decide if we need to run differently if (((robot.offsetLeft + (15 * run_speed)) < (mouseX - robot.offsetWidth)) && running_dir !== ‘r‘ && (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined)){ // If the mouse is in the stage and to the right of the robot, make run right, if not already running_dir = ‘r‘; clearTimeout(run_timer); run_r(1, robot.offsetLeft); } else if ((mouseX < robot.offsetLeft - (15 * run_speed)) && running_dir !== ‘l‘ && (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined)) { // If the mouse is in the stage and to the left of the robot, make run left, if not already running_dir = ‘l‘; clearTimeout(run_timer); run_l(1, robot.offsetLeft); } else if ((robot.offsetLeft < mouseX) && ((robot.offsetLeft + robot.offsetWidth) > mouseX) && running_dir !== ‘‘ && (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined)) { // If the mouse is in the stage and over a robot, stop and clear running_dir running_dir = ‘‘; clearTimeout(run_timer); if (face_right){ robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px"; } else { robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -50px"; } } // If none of the above is true, then we let our current behavior continue }
为避免找出mouseX而进行复杂冗长的解释。正如灵感来自优秀的Quirksmode博客 (这是一个学习很多其它高级JavaScript技术的伟大源地):
function stage_mousemove_listener(e){ var posX = 0; if (!e){ var e = window.event; } if (e.pageX) { posX = e.pageX; } else if (e.clientX) { posX = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } mouseX = posX - stageOffset.xpos; // 我们找到了mouseX! }
// 在RobotMaker内 var x = 0; var y = 0; function find_stage_offset (el){ x = el.offsetLeft; y = el.offsetTop; el = el.offsetParent; while(el !== null) { x = parseInt(x) + parseInt(el.offsetLeft); y = parseInt(y) + parseInt(el.offsetTop); el = el.offsetParent; } return {xpos: x, ypos: y}; } var stageOffset = find_stage_offset(stage);
function robot_mouseover_listener(){ if (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined){ clearTimeout(run_timer); jmp(true, robot.offsetTop); } }
function stage_mouseout_listener(){ mouseX = undefined; running_dir = ‘‘; if (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined){ clearTimeout(run_timer); if (face_right){ robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px"; } else { robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -50px"; } } }
function run_r(phase, left){ face_right = true; running_dir = ‘r‘; if ((left + (15 * run_speed)) < (mouseX - robot.offsetWidth)){ // if mouse is to the right, run left = left + (15 * run_speed); robot.style.left = left+"px"; switch (phase){ case 1: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-40px 0px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(2, left);}, 200); break; case 2: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px 0px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(3, left);}, 200); break; case 3: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-120px 0px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(4, left);}, 200); break; case 4: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px 0px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_r(1, left);}, 200); break; } } else if ((left + (15 * run_speed)) < mouseX) { // if mouse if above, stop robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px"; running_dir = ‘‘; } else { // if mouse is to the left, run left running_dir = ‘l‘; run_l(1, robot.offsetLeft); } } function run_l(phase, left){ face_right = false; running_dir = ‘l‘; if (mouseX < robot.offsetLeft - (15 * run_speed)){ // if mouse is to the left, run left = left - (15 * run_speed); robot.style.left = left+"px"; switch (phase){ case 1: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-40px -50px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(2, left);}, 200); break; case 2: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px -50px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(3, left);}, 200); break; case 3: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-120px -50px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(4, left);}, 200); break; case 4: robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-80px -50px"; run_timer = setTimeout(function(){run_l(1, left);}, 200); break; } } else if (mouseX < (robot.offsetLeft + robot.offsetWidth - (15 * run_speed))){ // if mouse overhead, stop robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -50px"; running_dir = ‘‘; } else { // if mouse is to the right, run right running_dir = ‘r‘; run_r(1, robot.offsetLeft); } } function jmp(up, top){ running_dir = ‘‘; if (face_right){ robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-160px 0px"; } else { robot.style.backgroundPosition = "-160px -50px"; } if (up && (robot.offsetTop > (20 * (1 / jump_height)))){ top = top - (top * 0.1); robot.style.top = top+"px"; jump_timer = setTimeout(function(){jmp(up, top);}, 60); } else if (up) { up = false; jump_timer = setTimeout(function(){jmp(up, top);}, 60); } else if (!up && (robot.offsetTop < 115)){ top = top + (top * 0.1); robot.style.top = top+"px"; jump_timer = setTimeout(function(){jmp(up, top);}, 60); } else { robot.style.top = "120px"; if (face_right){ robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px"; } else { robot.style.backgroundPosition = "0px -50px"; } jump_timer = false; if (mouseX !== undefined){ if (((robot.offsetLeft + (15 * run_speed)) < (mouseX - robot.offsetWidth)) && running_dir !== ‘r‘){ // make run right, if not already running_dir = ‘r‘; clearTimeout(run_timer); run_r(1, robot.offsetLeft); } else if ((mouseX < robot.offsetLeft - (15 * run_speed)) && running_dir !== ‘l‘) { // make run left, if not already running_dir = ‘l‘; clearTimeout(run_timer); run_l(1, robot.offsetLeft); } } } }
(function (){ if (stage.addEventListener){ stage.addEventListener(‘touchstart‘, stage_mousemove_listener, false); stage.addEventListener(‘touchmove‘, stage_mousemove_listener, false); stage.addEventListener(‘touchend‘, stage_mouseout_listener, false); stage.addEventListener(‘mousemove‘, stage_mousemove_listener, false); robot.addEventListener(‘mouseover‘, robot_mouseover_listener, false); stage.addEventListener(‘mouseout‘, stage_mouseout_listener, false); } else { stage.attachEvent(‘onmousemove‘, stage_mousemove_listener); robot.attachEvent(‘onmouseover‘, robot_mouseover_listener); stage.attachEvent(‘onmouseout‘, stage_mouseout_listener); } })();
function stage_mousemove_listener(e){ /* * First we check if this is a touch screen device (if it has e.touches) */ if (e.touches){ e.preventDefault(); // we want to cancel what the browser would usually do if touched there // If the touch was within the boundaries of the stage... if ((e.touches[0].pageX > stageOffset.xpos) && (e.touches[0].pageX < (stageOffset.xpos + stage.offsetWidth)) && (e.touches[0].pageY > stageOffset.ypos) && (e.touches[0].pageY < (stageOffset.ypos + stage.offsetHeight))){ // we set the mouseX to equal the px location inside the stage mouseX = e.touches[0].pageX - stageOffset.xpos; } else { // if the touch was outside the stage, we call the mouseout listener stage_mouseout_listener(); } /* * If the touch is directly on the robot, then we stop the run timer and make the robot jump */ if ((e.touches[0].pageX > robot.offsetLeft) && (e.touches[0].pageX < (robot.offsetLeft + robot.offsetWidth)) && (e.touches[0].pageY > (stageOffset.ypos + stage.offsetHeight - robot.offsetHeight)) && (e.touches[0].pageY < (stageOffset.ypos + stage.offsetHeight)) && (!jump_timer || jump_timer === undefined)){ clearTimeout(run_timer); jmp(true, robot.offsetTop); } } else { // Finding the mouseX for non-touch devices... // All of our non-touch device code here } }
#stage, .character { -webkit-user-select: none; }
(function(){ var j = RobotMaker(document.getElementById(‘j‘), 1, 1); var j2 = RobotMaker(document.getElementById(‘j2‘), .8, 5); var j3 = RobotMaker(document.getElementById(‘j3‘), 1.1, .5); var j4 = RobotMaker(document.getElementById(‘j4‘), .5, .75); })();