从上:stop slave
flush logs
再利用 show master status\G取二进制日志和位置为变量
主上:stop slave
然后用change master来切到从(利用上面的变量)
start slave
然后show slave status\G判断
下面为shell写的主从互切脚本 (在从mysql上操作,可进一步研究)
#!/bin/bash #coding=utf-8 #author=min #date=2015.10.16 #use:change slave to master when master was bad master_ip= # source master ip slave_ip= # source slave ip root_passwd=****** # root‘password for logining myself mysql user=paixian # user to login master‘s mysql passwd=******** # password for user to login master‘s mysql master_user=myslave # user to change master for master‘s mysql master_password=******** # user‘s password to change master for master‘s mysql master_host=$(mysql -uroot -p$root_passwd -e ‘show slave status\G‘|grep Master_Host|awk -F‘: ‘ ‘{print $2}‘) 2>/dev/null #find the master host now #echo $master_host #to test the master host [ $master_host = $master_ip ] && slave_host=$slave_ip || slave_host=$master_ip 2>/dev/null #definition the slave host #echo $slave_host #to test the slave host mysql -uroot -p$root_passwd -e ‘stop slave‘ 2>/dev/null #stop the mysql slave thread #echo $?1 #test the stop slave is yes or ok mysql -uroot -p$root_passwd -e ‘flush logs‘ 2>/dev/null #flush the binlogs #echo $?2 #test flush logs is ok or no bin_log=$(mysql -uroot -p$root_passwd -e ‘show master status\G‘|grep File|awk -F‘: ‘ ‘{print $2}‘) 2>/dev/null #find the master_log_file #echo $bin_log #test the master_log_file pos=$(mysql -uroot -p$root_passwd -e ‘show master status\G‘|grep Position|awk -F‘: ‘ ‘{print $2}‘) 2>/dev/null #find the master_log_pos #echo $pos #test the master_log_pos mysql -u$user -p$passwd -h$master_host -e "stop slave" 2>/dev/null #stop the mysql slave thread #echo $?3 #03 ok 13 no to test the stop slave threa is ok? mysql -u$user -p$passwd -h$master_host -e "change master to master_host=‘$slave_host‘,master_user=‘$master_user‘,master_password=‘$master_password‘,master_log_file=‘$bin_log‘,master_log_pos=$pos" 2>/dev/null #change slave to master #echo $?4 #04 ok 14 no to test the change slave to master is ok? mysql -u$user -p$passwd -h$master_host -e "start slave" 2>/dev/null #slave start slave thread #echo $?5 #05 ok 15 no to test the start slave thread is ok? mysql -u$user -p$passwd -h$master_host -e "show slave status\G" 2>/dev/null #slave show slave status #echo $?6 #06 ok 16 no to test slave status
#!/usr/sbin/python # ^-^ coding: utf-8 ^-^ # ^-^ author: chen min ^-^ # ^-^ time: 2015-10-22 ^-^ import MySQLdb slave=raw_input(‘please input slave_ip:‘) if slave==‘‘: master=‘‘ else: master=‘‘ global slave,master def getpos(): conn = MySQLdb.Connect( host = ‘%s‘%slave, port = 3306, db = ‘test‘, user = ‘paixian‘, passwd = ‘***********‘, charset = ‘utf8‘ ) cursor = conn.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) try: # print slave,master,type(slave) cursor.execute("stop slave") cursor.execute("flush logs") sql = "show master status" n = cursor.execute(sql) a = cursor.fetchall() bin_log = a[0].get(‘File‘) pos = a[0].get(‘Position‘) global bin_log,pos conn.commit() except Exception as e: print e finally: cursor.close() conn.close() def changeslave(): conn1 = MySQLdb.Connect( host = ‘%s‘%master, port = 3306, db = ‘test‘, user = ‘paixian‘, passwd = ‘***********‘, charset = ‘utf8‘ ) cursor1=conn1.cursor(cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) try: # print bin_log,pos,slave,master cursor1.execute("stop slave") cursor1.execute("change master to master_host=‘%s‘, master_user=‘myslave‘, master_password=‘123123‘, master_log_file=‘%s‘, master_log_pos=%d"%(slave,bin_log,pos)) cursor1.execute("start slave") m = cursor1.execute("show slave status") m1 = cursor1.fetchall() y = m1[0].get(‘Slave_IO_Running‘) x = m1[0].get(‘Slave_SQL_Running‘) # print x,y if x==‘Yes‘ and y==‘Yes‘: print "slave to master is ok" conn1.commit() except Exception as e: print e finally: cursor1.close() conn1.close try: getpos() changeslave() except Exception as e: print e
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