File "D:\Program Files\MATLAB\project\untitled.mdl" contains characters which are incompatible with the current character encoding, GBK. To avoid
this error, do one of the following:
1) Use the slCharacterEncoding function to change the current character encoding to one of: windows-1252, ISO-8859-1.
2) Remove the unsupported characters. The first unsupported character is at line 28, byte offset 15
试一试在打开模型之前运行:bdclose all;set param(0,‘characterencoding‘,‘windows-1252‘);
the model contains the characters that cannot be encoded with the model‘s character encoding,‘GBK’。
在建立的模块上选择-》file-》model property 然后找到history中的last Modified 把文本框内的内容改成英文名。