1、点击数据库-新建数据库 保存数据库地址尽量修改 (默认c盘)
注意:数据库和数据表的名字设置需注意命名规范。首字母大写。也可以通过create 来创建
1、 char (10):一个中文两个字符,定长。
3、varchar(10):不定长 5个中文字符
1、查询全部 select * from StuInfor(表名字)
2、查询某个字段 select 字段 *from StuInfor(表名字)
3、筛选查询 (where...and) select *from StuInfor where Country=‘中国‘ select *from StuInfor where Country=‘中国‘ and Sex=‘女‘
4、筛选查询 (where...or) select *from StuInfor where Country=‘中国‘ and (ClassName=‘一班‘or ClassName=‘二班‘)
select *from StuInfor where Country=‘中国‘ and ClassName in (‘一班‘,‘二班‘)
5、排序(order by) select *from StuInfor order by age desc (降序)
6、前几个用Top : select top 3 * from StuInfor order by age desc
select top 3 stuName from stuInfor order by age desc
7、区间查询: select * from stuInfor where age >=21 and age <=28
select * from stuInfor where age between 21 and 28
8、记录数查询 count(*) select count(*) as stuCount from stuInfor where className=‘一班‘
9、分组查询 group by select count(*) as stuCount,country from stuInfor group by country
10、group by...having: select count(*) as stuCount,country from stuInfor group by country having count(*)>2
11、模糊匹配 like:select * from stuInfor where stuName like ‘小%‘ 以...开头
select * from stuInfor where stuName like ‘%小‘ 以...结尾
select * from stuInfor where stuName like ‘%小%‘ 中间包含
12、求和sum: select sum(age)from stuInfor
13、最大max、最小min:select max(age)from stuInfor select min(age)from stuInfor
14、平均值:select * from stuInfor where age >(select avg(age)from stuInfor )
15、联合查询:select SI.StuId,SI.StuName,SI.Age,SI.Country,SI.Sex,PE.EnglishScore,PE.ChineseScore from StuInfor SI left join Score PE on SI.StuId = PE.StuId (right join / inner join 常用)