时间限制: 1000ms 内存限制: 256MB
在 N 条水平线与 M 条竖直线构成的网格中,放 K 枚石子,每个石子都只能放在网格的交叉点上。问在最优的摆放方式下,最多能找到多少四边平行于坐标轴的长方形,它的四个角上都恰好放着一枚石子。
每组数据为三个用空格隔开的整数 N,M,K。
对于每组测试数据,输出一行"Case #X: Y",其中X表示测试数据编号,Y表示最多能找到的符合条件的长方形数量。所有数据按读入顺序从1开始编号。
1 ≤ T ≤ 100
0 ≤ K ≤ N * M
小数据:0 < N, M ≤ 30
大数据:0 < N, M ≤ 30000
3 3 8
4 5 13
7 14 86
Case #1: 5
Case #2: 18
Case #3: 1398
#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<cassert> using namespace std; unsigned CalculateGrid(unsigned N, unsigned M, unsigned K); //Preconditon: N,M fail into [0,30 000] and K fail into [0,N*M] //Postcondition: Return the max matrix numbers whitch every matrix‘s edge paralell to grid bool CheckTheInput(unsigned N, unsigned M, unsigned K); //Precondition: Check the parameters‘ leagal //Postcondition: Return true when every parameter is leagal void PrintTheResult(vector<unsigned>& vec); //Postcondition: Print this test‘s result according to the requirements unsigned CalculateMartrix(unsigned row, unsigned col); //Precondition: Given a matrix //Postcondition:Return this matrix‘s sub_matrixs number int main() { unsigned T = 0; cin >> T; assert(T >= 1 && T <= 100); unsigned N, M, K; vector<unsigned> matrix_count; while (T) { cin >> N>>M>>K; assert(CheckTheInput(N, M, K)); matrix_count.push_back(CalculateGrid(N, M, K)); --T; } PrintTheResult(matrix_count); return 0; } unsigned CalculateMartrix(unsigned row, unsigned col) { return row*col*(row - 1)*(col - 1) / 4; } unsigned CalculateGrid(unsigned N, unsigned M, unsigned K) { unsigned min_edge = N < M ? N : M; unsigned squre_root = static_cast<unsigned>(sqrt(K)); unsigned first_part, second_part, difference; if (squre_root<min_edge) { first_part = CalculateMartrix(squre_root,squre_root); difference = K - squre_root*squre_root; if (difference > 1 && difference <= squre_root) second_part = squre_root*difference*(difference - 1) / 2; else if (difference == squre_root + 1) second_part = squre_root*squre_root*(squre_root - 1) / 2; else if (difference > (squre_root + 1)) second_part = squre_root*squre_root*(squre_root - 1) / 2 + (difference - squre_root)*(difference - squre_root - 1) / 2; } else { unsigned row_count = K / min_edge; first_part = CalculateMartrix(min_edge, row_count); difference = K - row_count*min_edge; second_part = row_count*difference*(difference - 1) / 2; } return first_part + second_part; } bool CheckTheInput(unsigned N, unsigned M, unsigned K) { return (N > 0 && N <= 30000) && (M > 0 && M <= 30000) && (K >= 1 && K <= N*M); } void PrintTheResult(vector<unsigned>& vec) { unsigned count = 1; for (auto element : vec) { cout << "Case#" << count << ": " << element << endl; ++count; } }