//表空间 CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE "ZUOYE" DATAFILE ‘D:\ORACLE\11G\ORADATA\ORCL\ZUOYE.DBF‘ SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED LOGGING EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO //表空间的空间修添加 ALTER TABLESPACE "ZUOYE" ADD DATAFILE ‘D:\ORACLE\11G\ORADATA\ORCL\ZUOYE1.DBF‘ SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED //创建用户 -- Create the user create user zuoye //用户名 identified by "123654789" //密码 default tablespace ZUOYE //表空间 temporary tablespace TEMP; //临时表空间 -- Grant/Revoke role privileges grant connect to zuoye; //授予connect权限 grant dba to zuoye; //授予dba权限 //列的内容 -- Create table create table T_HQ_ZYl ( "bianh" number not null, "xingm" varchar2(10) not null, "xingb" number default 1 not null, "nianl" number not null, "jiatzz" varchar2(50), "xins" number default 0 not null, "gongzsj" number not null ) ; //注释 -- Add comments to the columns comment on column T_HQ_ZYl."bianh" is ‘编号‘; comment on column T_HQ_ZYl."xingm" is ‘姓名‘; comment on column T_HQ_ZYl."xingb" is ‘性别:男-1;女-2;‘; comment on column T_HQ_ZYl."nianl" is ‘年龄‘; comment on column T_HQ_ZYl."jiatzz" is ‘家庭住址‘; comment on column T_HQ_ZYl."xins" is ‘薪水‘; comment on column T_HQ_ZYl."gongzsj" is ‘工作时间‘; //检查,约束 -- Create/Recreate check constraints alter table T_HQ_ZY add constraint CHECK_BIANH check (bianh != bianh); alter table T_HQ_ZY add constraint CHECK_NIANL check (nianl>20 and nianl<50); alter table T_HQ_ZY add constraint CHECK_XINGB check (xingb = 1 or xingb = 2);
创建表空间时注意将表空间文件的后缀名添加上!比如:biaokongjian.DBF 。 .DBF 就是需要注意的文件后缀