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hdu 3532 Max Angle(atan2的使用)

时间:2015-11-09 12:22:23      阅读:407      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

Max Angle

Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 678    Accepted Submission(s): 238

Problem Description
Given many points in a plane, two players are playing an interesting game.

Player1 selects one point A as the vertex of an angle. Then player2 selects other two points B and C. A, B and C are different with each other. Now they get an angle B-A-C.

Player1 wants to make the angle as large as possible, while player2 wants to make the angle as small as possible.

Now you are supposed to find the max angle player1 can get, assuming play2 is c lever enough.


There are many test cases. In each test case, the first line is an integer n (3 <= n <= 1001), which is the number of points on the plane. Then there are n lines. Each contains two floating number x, y, witch is the coordinate of one point. n <= 0 denotes the end of input.


For each test case, output just one line, containing the max angle player1 can get in degree format. The result should be accurated up to 4 demicals.


Sample Input
3 0 0 2 0 0 5 -1


Sample Output




题意是说。先选一个点A,然后选两个点B,C。 使得每个A对应的最小角B-A-C最大。
atan2(y,x)表示点(0,0)到(x,y)的射线与x轴正向所成的角度,取值范围介于 -pi 到 pi 之间(不包括 -pi),

  1 /*************************************************************************
  2     > File Name: code/hdu/3552.cpp
  3     > Author: 111qqz
  4     > Email: rkz2013@126.com 
  5     > Created Time: 2015年11月09日 星期一 10时20分55秒
  6  ************************************************************************/
  8 #include<iostream>
  9 #include<iomanip>
 10 #include<cstdio>
 11 #include<algorithm>
 12 #include<cmath>
 13 #include<cstring>
 14 #include<string>
 15 #include<map>
 16 #include<set>
 17 #include<queue>
 18 #include<vector>
 19 #include<stack>
 20 #include<cctype>
 21 #define fst first              
 22 #define sec second      
 23 #define lson l,m,rt<<1
 24 #define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1
 25 #define ms(a,x) memset(a,x,sizeof(a))
 26 using namespace std;
 27 const double eps = 1E-8;
 28 const int dx4[4]={1,0,0,-1};
 29 const int dy4[4]={0,-1,1,0};
 30 typedef long long LL;
 31 const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
 32 const double pi = acos(-1.0);
 33 const int N=1E3+7;
 34 int n;
 35 double ang[N];
 36 int dblcmp( double d)
 37 {
 38     return d<-eps?-1:d>eps;
 39 }
 40 struct point
 41 {
 42     double x,y;
 43     point(){}
 44     point (double _x,double _y):
 45     x(_x),y(_y){};
 47     void input()
 48     {
 49     scanf("%lf %lf",&x,&y);
 50     }
 52     double myatan2(point p)
 53     {
 54     double res = atan2(p.y-y,p.x-x);
 55     return res>0?res:res+2*pi;
 56     }
 57 }p[N];
 59 int main()
 60 {
 61   #ifndef  ONLINE_JUDGE 
 62    freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);
 63   #endif
 65     while (scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF)
 66     {
 67     if (n<=0) break;
 68     for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) p[i].input();
 70         double mx = 0;
 71     for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )
 72     {
 73         int cnt = 0 ;
 74         for ( int j = 0 ; j < n ;j++)
 75         {
 76         if (i==j) continue;
 77         ang[cnt++] = p[i].myatan2(p[j]);
 78         }
 79         sort(ang,ang+cnt);
 80         double mn = 999999;
 81         for ( int j = 0 ; j < cnt-1 ; j++)
 82         {
 83         double tmp = ang[j+1]-ang[j];
 84         if (dblcmp(tmp-pi)>0)   //直线的夹角不可能是钝角
 85         {
 86             tmp = 2*pi-tmp;
 87         }
 88         mn = min(tmp,mn);
 89         }
 90         mx = max(mn,mx);
 91     }
 92     printf("%.4f\n",mx*(180.0/pi));
 94     }
 97  #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE  
 98   #endif
 99   fclose(stdin);
100     return 0;
101 }
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hdu 3532 Max Angle(atan2的使用)


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