本文翻译自:$parsers and $formatters in Custom Validation Directives in Angular JS
ng-model指令提供2个由函数组成的数组: $parsers 和 $formatters,这些函数用于实现自定义验证逻辑时调用。这两个数组的用途相似,但是使用场景不同。
app.directive(‘evenNumber‘, function(){ return{ require:‘ngModel‘, link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ctrl){ ctrl.$parsers.unshift(checkForEven); function checkForEven(viewValue){ if (parseInt(viewValue)%2 === 0) { ctrl.$setValidity(‘evenNumber‘,true); } else{ ctrl.$setValidity(‘evenNumber‘, false); } return viewValue; } } }; });
Formatters 仅在model被程序改变时被调用,当textbox中的值改变时是不会被调用的。翻不下去了,直接看英文吧 囧
Formatters are invoked when the model is modified in the code. They are not invoked if the value is modified in the textbox. $formatters are useful when there is a possibility of the value getting modified from the code. $formatters can be applied in the above directive using a simple statement:
Now, the validation on the textbox containing the evenNumber is fired when the value is directly modified or even when the value is modified in the code.
A demo of the directive is available on 这里.
angularJS中自定义验证指令中的$parsers and $formatters