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Visual Studio 2012 Update 2


Download and Install Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 CTP 3
Blogs Introducing JavaScript Execution on InternetExplorer and CrossBrowser in Coded UI Test
Introducing window based smart match for Cross Browser Testing with Coded UI Test
UI Testing of Microsoft SharePoint 2013 with Visual Studio 2012

Visual Studio 2012 Update 1


Download and Install Visual Studio 2012 Update 1
Features Using Different Web Browsers with Coded UI Tests 
Blogs Introducing Cross Browser Testing with Coded UI Tests
Troubleshooting tips for cross browser testing in Coded UI Test
Retrying failed playback actions with Coded UI
Coded UI Test: Configuring Search Properties while recording on Internet Explorer
Coded UI Test Support Matrix (updated Oct 2012)

Record on IE and Playback everywhere

Author cross browser tests with Coded UI Test Builder

Author cross browser tests using plain hand coding without UI Map

Run cross browser tests sequentially on multiple browsers

Troubleshoot cross browser test failures


Visual Studio 2012

Download & Install Visual Studio Downloads

Editing Coded UI Tests using the Coded UI Test Editor

Upgrading Coded UI Tests

Support for HTML5 in Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10

Blogs Migrating Coded UI Test Projects on VS 2012
Coded UI Test: Why does application close after each test in Visual Studio 2012?
Enabling Tracing and HtmlLogger in Coded UI Test
UI Testing SharePoint 2010 with Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio 11 Beta - What is new in Coded UI Tests?
UI Test Plugin for Silverlight Applications





Getting Started with Coded UI Test
Introduction to Coded UI Test Testing the User Interface with Automated UI Tests
Platform Support

Coded UI Test Support Matrix (updated Oct 2012)

Supported Configurations and Platforms for Coded UI Tests and Action Recordings

Testing support for Silverlight Apps in Visual Studio 2010

Online Help How to: Generate a Coded UI Test from an Action Recording

How to: Create an Action Recording

How to: Generate a Coded UI Test by Recording the Application Under Test

How to: Add UI Controls And Validation Code Using the Coded UI Test Builder

How to: Create a Data-Driven Coded UI Test

How to: Add Requirements or User Stories to Your Test Plan

Running Automated Tests

How to: Configure and Run Scheduled Tests After Building Your Application

Running Automated Tests from the Command Line

How to: Set Up Your Test Agent to Run Tests That Interact with the Desktop

Best Practices for Coded UI Tests

Coded UI Extension for custom controls


FAQs - 1

FAQs - 2

Next Sibling

Why is my application launch not recorded properly

Automating Mouse Actions with 2 buttons clicked at the same time

Forum Visual Studio UI Automation Testing (includes CodedUI)
Webcasts & Videos VS2010 demos for testing tools – MTLM, CUIT and related features
  1. http://cuite.codeplex.com/
  2. http://uimaptoolbox.codeplex.com/
  3. http://vsarcodeduiguide.codeplex.com/
  4. http://psr4vs.codeplex.com/
  5. http://uitestajaxmaskededit.codeplex.com/
  6. http://vsarcodeduiword.codeplex.com/
  7. http://codeduicodefirst.codeplex.com/
More on testing capabilities of VS 2010 Defining Your Testing Effort Using Test Plans
Creating and Managing Tests
Setting Up Test Machines to Run Tests or Collect Data
Running Tests
Submitting Bugs
Tracking Software Quality
Working with Coded UI Test
Creating a Coded UI Test How to: Generate a Coded UI Test from an Action Recording

How to: Generate a Coded UI Test by Recording the Application Under Test

How to: Add UI Controls And Validation Code Using the Coded UI Test Builder

Understanding the generated code/ Customizing the code

Understanding the code generated by “Coded UI Test” – Part 1
Understanding the code generated by “Coded UI Test” – Part 2
How does UI Test Framework find (search) for a control
Search Configuration Next Sibling
Understanding Window Search and Windowed properties

Significance of Window Titles in Coded UI Test Playback

Why is selection of an item getting recorded as a Mouse Click action?

Search Configuration–Expand While Searching

Data Driving Data Driving Coded UI Tests
Running on remote machine How to: Configure and Run Scheduled Tests After Building Your Application
Running from Microsoft Test Manager How to: Run Automated Tests from a Test Plan Using Microsoft Test and Lab Manager
Debugging & Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Record and Playback issues in Coded UI Test 

Logging a message in test result as part of an automated test

How To: Enable Tracing for “UI Test” Components

Not Supported Exception/Not Implemented Exception thrown when debugging codeduitest

Illustration of Coded UI Test playback failure - "Search may have failed at ControlX as it may have virtualized children ..."

Handling playback failures in Coded UI Test due to stale UI controls

Accessing some "unreachable" WPF controls in Coded UI Test

Decoding the Coded UI Test playback failure - "Search may have failed at ControlX as it may have virtualized children ..."

Make sure Codeduitest is able to identify element inside a Hidden TabItem

Analysis of Results

Analyzing Test Results in MTM – Part I

Analyzing Test Results in MTM – Part II

Build, Deploy & Test workflow Quick Start Guide for Automating Build, Deployment, and Test
API References Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting
Best Practices for Coded UI Test

Best Practices for Coded UI Tests

Guidelines on improving performance of Coded UI Test playback

How To‘s

How To: Get automation working properly on data bound WPF list or combo box
How To: Select a list item directly
How To: Get same test running under different environments
How To: Make playback wait for certain event?
How To: Configure search properties used by recorder\code generation
Walkthrough: Using multiple Coded UI maps in test automation

How To: Image comparison in Coded UI Test

How To: Get UI Testing methods working outside the Test Method of Coded UI Test

How To: Validate Background Color or other custom properties of WPF control in Coded UI Test

How to handle Z-index issue in WPF applications

How to automate mouse actions with two buttons clicked at the same time.

Coded UI Test–Record one application only



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