很显然利用wa, TLE, OLE等judge status可以获得测试用例。
测试用例是The Ascii of H.
1 #!/usr/env python 2 3 import urllib2 4 import urllib 5 import cookielib 6 import logging 7 from urlparse import * 8 from time import sleep 9 from lxml import etree 10 import string 11 12 global url, n_vol 13 url = "http://acm.hdu.edu.cn" 14 n_vol = 46 15 judgeStatus_xpath = "/html/body/table/tr[4]/td/div/table/tr[2]/td[3]/font" 16 17 def initLog(): 18 # os.chdir(parentDirPath) 19 suffix = ‘hdu‘ 20 logging.basicConfig( 21 level=logging.DEBUG, 22 format=‘%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s‘, 23 datefmt=‘%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S‘, 24 filename=__file__[:-3]+‘_‘+suffix+‘.log‘, 25 filemode=‘w‘) 26 27 28 def acmHdu_Login(user, password): 29 login_page = urljoin(url, "userloginex.php?action=login") 30 try: 31 ‘create cookie‘ 32 cj = cookielib.CookieJar() 33 opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) 34 opener.addheaders = [(‘User-agent‘, 35 ‘Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)‘)] 36 data = urllib.urlencode({"username":user, "userpass":password}) 37 urllib2.install_opener(opener) 38 urllib2.urlopen(login_page, data) 39 40 except Exception, e: 41 print "Login unsucceed" 42 print e 43 44 def acmHdu_Submit(pid, lang, code): 45 submit_url = urljoin(url, "submit.php?action=submit") 46 data = urllib.urlencode({"problemid":pid, "language":lang, "usercode":code}) 47 req = urllib2.Request(submit_url, data) 48 response = urllib2.urlopen(req) 49 content = response.read() 50 51 52 def acmHdu_Status(user, pid, lang): 53 sleep(5) 54 status_url = urljoin(url, "status.php?first=&pid=%s&user=%s&lang=%s&status=0" % (str(pid), user, str(lang+1))) 55 # print status_url 56 content = urllib2.urlopen(status_url).read() 57 with open("C:\Users\hooh\Desktop\st.html", "w") as fout: 58 fout.write(content) 59 60 61 def acmHdu_Status_Parse(user, pid, lang): 62 sleep(5) 63 status_url = urljoin(url, "status.php?first=&pid=%s&user=%s&lang=%s&status=0" % (str(pid), user, str(lang+1))) 64 # print status_url 65 content = urllib2.urlopen(status_url).read() 66 tree = etree.HTML(content) 67 infoList = map( 68 lambda ele: ele.text, tree.xpath(judgeStatus_xpath) 69 ) 70 return infoList[0] if infoList else "" 71 72 73 class constForSubmit: 74 can = ‘ ‘ + string.digits + string.uppercase + string.lowercase 75 pid = 3337 76 lang = 2 77 template = string.Template( 78 ‘‘‘ 79 /* 3337 */ 80 #include <iostream> 81 #include <string> 82 #include <map> 83 #include <queue> 84 #include <set> 85 #include <stack> 86 #include <vector> 87 #include <deque> 88 #include <algorithm> 89 #include <cstdio> 90 #include <cmath> 91 #include <ctime> 92 #include <cstring> 93 #include <climits> 94 #include <cctype> 95 #include <cassert> 96 #include <functional> 97 #include <iterator> 98 #include <iomanip> 99 using namespace std; 100 //#pragma comment(linker,"/STACK:102400000,1024000") 101 102 #define sti set<int> 103 #define stpii set<pair<int, int> > 104 #define mpii map<int,int> 105 #define vi vector<int> 106 #define pii pair<int,int> 107 #define vpii vector<pair<int,int> > 108 #define rep(i, a, n) for (int i=a;i<n;++i) 109 #define per(i, a, n) for (int i=n-1;i>=a;--i) 110 #define clr clear 111 #define pb push_back 112 #define mp make_pair 113 #define fir first 114 #define sec second 115 #define all(x) (x).begin(),(x).end() 116 #define SZ(x) ((int)(x).size()) 117 #define lson l, mid, rt<<1 118 #define rson mid+1, r, rt<<1|1 119 120 char pattern[105]; 121 int len; 122 123 void init() { 124 len = 0; 125 pattern[len++] = ‘ ‘; 126 rep(i, 0, 10) 127 pattern[len++] = ‘0‘+i; 128 rep(i, 0, 26) 129 pattern[len++] = ‘A‘+i; 130 rep(i, 0, 26) 131 pattern[len++] = ‘a‘+i; 132 puts(pattern); 133 } 134 135 void WA() { 136 puts("Wa"); 137 } 138 139 void TLE() { 140 while (true); 141 } 142 143 void OLE() { 144 while (true) 145 puts("123"); 146 } 147 148 int main() { 149 ios::sync_with_stdio(false); 150 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 151 freopen("data.in", "r", stdin); 152 freopen("data.out", "w", stdout); 153 #endif 154 155 init(); 156 157 char line[20]; 158 159 gets(line); 160 int len = strlen(line); 161 int index = $index; 162 int th = $th; 163 164 if (index >= len) 165 OLE(); 166 167 if (pattern[th] == line[index]) { 168 WA(); 169 } else { 170 while (true) 171 ; 172 } 173 174 #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE 175 printf("time = %d.\\n", (int)clock()); 176 #endif 177 178 return 0; 179 } 180 181 182 ‘‘‘) 183 184 class CFS(constForSubmit): 185 pass 186 187 188 def acmHdu_Submit3337(user, pid, lang, template): 189 maxl = 20 190 varDict = dict() 191 cn = len(CFS.can) 192 ret = "" 193 for index in xrange(maxl): 194 flag = False 195 for th in xrange(cn): 196 varDict["index"] = index 197 varDict["th"] = th 198 code = template.safe_substitute(varDict) 199 acmHdu_Submit(pid, lang, code) 200 while True: 201 status = acmHdu_Status_Parse(user, pid, lang).strip() 202 if status=="Running" or status=="Queuing" or status=="Compiling": 203 continue 204 print status 205 if status == "Wrong Answer": 206 ### find the correct char 207 ret += CFS.can[th] 208 flag = True 209 break 210 elif status == "Output Limit Exceeded": 211 ### find the last char 212 logging.debug("Result is %s" % (ret)) 213 return ret 214 elif status == "Time Limit Exceeded": 215 break 216 else: 217 continue 218 if flag: 219 break 220 logging.debug("%d: ret = %s" % (index, ret)) 221 return ret 222 223 224 if __name__ == "__main__": 225 # user = "Bombe16" 226 # password = "496528674" 227 # initLog(); 228 # logging.debug("acm submit begin...") 229 # acmHdu_Login(user, password) 230 # acmHdu_Submit(CFS.pid, CFS.lang, CFS.code) 231 # acmHdu_Status(user, CFS.pid, CFS.lang) 232 # logging.debug("acm submit end...") 233 234 user = "Bombe16" 235 password = "496528674" 236 initLog(); 237 logging.debug("acm submit begin...") 238 acmHdu_Login(user, password) 239 line = acmHdu_Submit3337(user, CFS.pid, CFS.lang, CFS.template) 240 with open("F:\Qt_prj\hdoj\data.in", "w") as fout: 241 fout.write(line) 242 logging.debug("acm submit end...") 243