1 数组实现栈:
/* @ brife:数组实现栈类 */ #include <Windows.h> #ifndef ARRAYSTACK_H #define ARRAYSTACK_H const UINT DEFUALF_STACK_SIZE = 3; template <typename T> class CArrayStack { public: CArrayStack(void) { stackNode = new T[DEFUALF_STACK_SIZE]; top = -1; capacity = DEFUALF_STACK_SIZE; } ~CArrayStack(void) { delete[] stackNode; stackNode = NULL; count = 0; capacity = 0; } BOOL isEmpty() { return -1 == top; } void Push(const T& data) { //first be sure the array is enough big if(top+1 >= capacity) { capacity = capacity*2; T* tmp = new T[capacity]; for(int i = 0 ; i <= top ;++i) { tmp[i] = stackNode[i]; } T* tmp1 = stackNode; stackNode = tmp; delete[] tmp1; tmp1 = NULL; } stackNode[++top]=data; } void Pop() { if(!isEmpty()) { --top; } } T& GetTop() { if(!isEmpty()) { return stackNode[top]; } } int GetCount() const { return top+1; } int GetCapacity() const { return capacity; } private: T *stackNode; int top; int count; int capacity; }; #endif
2 链表实现的栈
#include <Windows.h> #ifndef LISTSTACK_H #define LISTSTACK_H template <typename T> struct linknode{ T data; linknode* next; }; template <typename T> class CListStack { public: CListStack(void) { head = NULL; top = NULL; length = 0; } ~CListStack(void) { linknode<T>* temp = head; while(!isEmpty()) { Pop(); } } BOOL isEmpty() { return (NULL == head); } void Push(const T& data) { linknode<T>* temp = new linknode<T>; if(NULL == temp) { return; } temp->data = data; temp->next = NULL; if(NULL == head) { head = temp; top = temp; } else { top->next = temp; top = temp; } length++; return; } void Pop() { if(isEmpty()) { return; } linknode<T>* node = head; if(node == top) { head = NULL; top = NULL; } else { while(node->next != top) { node = node->next; } top = node; node = node->next; } delete node; node = NULL; length--; } T& GetTop() { if(!isEmpty()) { linknode<T>* node = head; while(node->next != NULL) { node = node->next; } return node->data; } } int GetCount() const { return length; } private: linknode<T> *head; linknode<T> *top; int length; }; #endif
3 测试代码
// 数据结构-栈.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "ArrayStack.h" #include "ListStack.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CArrayStack<int> arrayStack; arrayStack.Push(1); arrayStack.Push(2); arrayStack.Push(3); arrayStack.Push(4); int top = arrayStack.GetTop(); cout<<"the capacity is "<<arrayStack.GetCapacity()<<endl; arrayStack.Push(4); arrayStack.Push(4); arrayStack.Push(4); cout<<"the capacity is "<<arrayStack.GetCapacity()<<endl; CListStack<int> listStack; listStack.Push(1); listStack.Push(3); listStack.Push(5); int val = listStack.GetCount(); val = listStack.GetTop(); //getchar(); return 0; };