HTTP1.1规定了默认Connection: Keep-alive,也就是数据传输完成了保持TCP连接不断开(不发RST包、不四次握手),等待在同域名下继续用这个通道传输数据;相反的就是短连接。
但在个别情况下的实际使用中,HTTP头部有了这个值并不代表一定会使用长连接,客户端和服务器端都可以无视这个值,也就是不按标准来,譬如我自己写的HTTP客户端多线程去下载文件,就可以不遵循这个标准,并发的或者连续的多次GET请求,都分开在多个TCP通道中,每一条TCP通道,只有一次GET,GET完之后,立即有TCP关闭的四次握手,这样写代码更简单,这时候虽然HTTP头有Connection: Keep-alive,但不能说是长连接。正常情况下客户端浏览器、web服务端都有实现这个标准,因为它们的文件又小又多,保持长连接减少重新开TCP连接的开销很有价值。
五、容易混淆的概念——TCP的keep alive和HTTP的Keep-alive
Sets the interval, in milliseconds, to send a keep-alive packet over the connection. The default interval is 30000 (30 seconds). The minimum interval is 15000 (15 seconds). Using WinHttpSetOption to set a value lower than 15000 will return with ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.
CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVEPass a long. If set to 1, TCP keepalive probes will be sent. The delay and frequency of these probes can be controlled by the CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE and CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL options, provided the operating system supports them. Set to 0 (default behavior) to disable keepalive probes (Added in 7.25.0).CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLEPass a long. Sets the delay, in seconds, that the operating system will wait while the connection is idle before sending keepalive probes. Not all operating systems support this option. (Added in 7.25.0)CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVLPass a long. Sets the interval, in seconds, that the operating system will wait between sending keepalive probes. Not all operating systems support this option. (Added in 7.25.0)