Q: How could I use MATLAB interface for parameter selection? One can do this by a simple loop. See the following example: bestcv = 0; for log2c = -1:3, for log2g = -4:1, cmd = [‘-v 5 -c ‘, num2str(2^log2c), ‘ -g ‘, num2str(2^log2g)]; cv = svmtrain(heart_scale_label, heart_scale_inst, cmd); if (cv >= bestcv), bestcv = cv; bestc = 2^log2c; bestg = 2^log2g; end fprintf(‘%g %g %g (best c=%g, g=%g, rate=%g)\n‘, log2c, log2g, cv, bestc, bestg, bestcv); end end You may adjust the parameter range in the above loops.
Q: How could I use MATLAB interface for parameter selection?