这篇文件翻译自 http://www.michael-noll.com/blog/2013/06/21/understanding-storm-internal-message-buffers/
当进行Storm调优时,理解Storm内部消息队列的配置十分有帮助。这篇文件将说明在Storm 0.8/0.9版本中一个Worker内部的消息通信。
这里所说的“内部消息”是指单台节点上的一个Worker进程内部的消息。这种通信依赖于Storm内部各种 LMAX Disrupter(高性能多线程消息库) 支持的消息队列。
单个Worker进程内部多线程通信不同于多个worker进程之间的通信。后者通常跨网络或者机器,Storm采用 Zero MQ/Netty进行支持。
为了管理进来和出去的消息,每个Worker进程有一个监听TCP端口(configured by supervisor.slots.ports)的接收线程。类似的,每个Worker有一个发送线程负责将从transfer queue中读到的消息发送到下游消费者。
is the maximum number of messages that are batched together at once for appending to an executor’s incoming queue by the worker receive thread (which reads the messages from the network) Setting this parameter too high may cause a lot of problems (“heartbeat thread gets starved, throughput plummets”). The default value is 8 elements, and the value must be a power of 2 (this requirement comes indirectly from LMAX Disruptor).// Example: configuring via Java API Config conf = new Config(); conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_RECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE, 16); // default is 8
is actually a list of tuples. The various executor send threads will batch outgoing tuples off their outgoing queues onto the transfer queue. The default value is 1024 elements.// Example: configuring via Java API conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, 32); // default is 1024
一个Worker进程控制着一个或者多个Executer线程。每个Executor有自己的 incoming queue 和 outgoing queue
每个Executor有一个负责逻辑处理spout/bolt的线程, 一个接收消息线程,和一个发送消息线程。
is the size of the incoming queue for an executor. Each element of this queue is a list of tuples. Here, tuples are appended in batch. The default value is 1024 elements, and the value must be a power of 2 (this requirement comes from LMAX Disruptor).// Example: configuring via Java API conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE, 16384); // batched; default is 1024
is the size of the outgoing queue for an executor. Each element of this queue will contain a single tuple. The default value is 1024 elements, and the value must be a power of 2 (this requirement comes from LMAX Disruptor).// Example: configuring via Java API conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, 16384); // individual tuples; default is 1024