import os.path import sys from PIL import Image """ 自动生成不同分辨率下的App图片 UI设计1080*1920分辨率图片,放在drawable-xxhdpi目录下,自动生成其它的分辨率图片 """ __author__ = [‘"Xitao":<>‘] def image_resize(img_file, target, percent): """resize image and save to target path :param img_file: image file path :param target: save path :param percent: resize percent :return: """ img = print(img.size) width, height = img.size target_img = img.resize((int(width * percent), int(height * percent)), Image.ANTIALIAS) img.close() target_img.close() print(" save target image to " + target) def path_resize(src, target, percent): if not os.path.isdir(src): print(src + " must be a dir") return -1 os.chdir(src) cwd = os.getcwd() dirs = os.listdir(cwd) for file_name in dirs: print file_name if file_name.endswith(‘.9.png‘): continue src_file = os.path.join(cwd, file_name) if not os.path.exists(target): os.mkdir(target) image_resize(src_file, target + ‘/‘ + file_name, percent) def android(res_dir): xxhdpi_path = res_dir + "/drawable-xxhdpi/" if not os.path.isdir(xxhdpi_path): print("xxhdpi_path must be a dir") return -1 path_resize(xxhdpi_path, res_dir + ‘/drawable-xhdpi‘, 0.667) path_resize(xxhdpi_path, res_dir + ‘/drawable-hdpi‘, 0.444) path_resize(xxhdpi_path, res_dir + ‘/drawable-mdpi‘, 0.296) if __name__ == "__main__": print(‘please input your androd res dir path‘) print(sys.argv) if sys.argv[1]: android(sys.argv[1])