如果数据库里有上百个DATABASE LINK, 而且同时要管理几十套这样的数据库,在日后改数据库用户密码时就要格外注意是否有DB LINK在使用,否则只改了LOCAL DB 的用户密码,没有级连修改REMOTE DB 的Database Link 密码,造成访问DB LINK时出错,现在去统计所有DB Link 是件很费时间的事。
自己整理了个简单的SHELL 去收集LOCAL 的所有DB LINKS,功能是如果DB LINK创建使用的是简单方式(没有配置TNSNAMES.ORA)直接取IP:PORT, 或如果使用TNSNAME Alias Name调用TNSPING 转换成IP, 同时还会判断tnsping ip port 里否通?
— I hope it’s useful
# # file : dl.sh # author: weejar (anbob.com) # desc: tend to collect all DB links # call: sh dl.sh # date: 2015-5-5 # hp-ux , aix have tested. # version: 0.3 # 0.1 to tnsping ip # 0.2 to add isvalid flag # 0.3 fixed string is not UPPER host, unable get ip , ip split char, ... if [ -f ~/.profile ]; then . ~/.profile fi # the file from db FILE_DBLINK=dl`hostname`_`date +%Y%m%d`.txt # the result file FILE_DBLINK1=anbob_dls.csv sqlplus -s / as sysdba << ! |sed ‘/^$/d‘ > $FILE_DBLINK set timing off time off set feed off set lines 200 pages 1000 col owner for a20 col db_link for a40 col HOST for a20 col created for a10 set colsep " ," SELECT owner, db_link, username, CASE WHEN INSTR (UPPER (HOST), ‘DESCRIPTION‘) > 1 THEN REGEXP_SUBSTR ( UPPER ( REGEXP_SUBSTR ( UPPER (HOST), ‘HOST[^=]*=[^0-9]*[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+‘)), ‘[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+‘) ||‘:‘|| REGEXP_SUBSTR ( UPPER ( REGEXP_SUBSTR (UPPER (HOST), ‘PORT[^=]*=[^0-9]*[0-9]+‘)), ‘[0-9]+‘) ELSE host END as host ,TO_CHAR (created, ‘yyyymmdd‘) created FROM dba_db_links; ! if [ -f $FILE_DBLINK1 ]; then cat FILE_DBLINK1 >> FILE_DBLINK1.bak fi head -n 1 $FILE_DBLINK > $FILE_DBLINK1 sed ‘1,2d‘ $FILE_DBLINK | while read line do # TNS=`echo "$line"|awk ‘$4 !~ /:/ && NF==5 {print $4}‘` TNS=`echo "$line"|awk ‘NF==5 {print $4}‘|awk ‘{sub(/^\,*/,"",$0);print $0 ;}‘` echo "to convert tnsnames alias $TNS to IP..." # linux # IPS=`tnsping $TNS|grep "DESCRIPT"|grep -o ‘[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}‘|tr "\\n" ","` # HP unix TNSTR=`tnsping $TNS|tail -n 2` IPS=`echo $TNSTR|grep "DESCRIPT"|tr ‘[a-z]‘ ‘A-Z‘|sed -e ‘s/.*HOST *= *//‘ -e ‘s/ *).*//‘|tr "\\n" ";"| awk ‘{sub(/\;*$/,"",$0);print $0 ;}‘` ISOK=`echo $TNSTR|tail -n 1|grep "OK"|wc -l` if [ -z "$IPS" ]; then IPS="N/A" fi if [ 1 -eq "$ISOK" ]; then # awk ‘{if ($1 ~ /^all/) print $0, "anotherthing"; else print $0}‘ # linux # sed -i "/$line/ s/$/\t valid/" $FILE_DBLINK ISVALID="YES" else ISVALID="N/A" fi echo "$line ,$IPS ,$ISVALID" >>$FILE_DBLINK1 done echo "Note: " >>$FILE_DBLINK1 echo "The last 1 column is "IS_valid" flag that tnsping ip and port is ok! and the last 2th column is "IP" of cut from tnsping output." >>$FILE_DBLINK1 echo "RESULT FILE NAME: $FILE_DBLINK1" echo "================== if had errors to contact weejar@gmail.com ========================" echo "done."
Shell: how to list all db links in oracle DB to generate a flat file (生成dblink列表文件)