// lcd_td35.h // 2015.12.16 #ifndef __LCD_TD35_H__ #define __LCD_TD35_H__ #define U32 unsigned int #define U16 unsigned short #define S32 int #define S16 short int #define U8 unsigned char #define S8 char #define BYTE char #define WORD short #define DWORD int #define UINT U32 #define LPSTR U8 * #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define OK 1 #define FAIL 0 // S3C2440地址宏定义 //===================================================================== // I/O PORT #define rGPACON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000000) //Port A control #define rGPADAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000004) //Port A data #define rGPBCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000010) //Port B control #define rGPBDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000014) //Port B data #define rGPBUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000018) //Pull-up control B #define rGPCCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000020) //Port C control #define rGPCDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000024) //Port C data #define rGPCUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000028) //Pull-up control C #define rGPDCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000030) //Port D control #define rGPDDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000034) //Port D data #define rGPDUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000038) //Pull-up control D #define rGPECON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000040) //Port E control #define rGPEDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000044) //Port E data #define rGPEUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000048) //Pull-up control E #define rGPFCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000050) //Port F control #define rGPFDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000054) //Port F data #define rGPFUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000058) //Pull-up control F #define rGPGCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000060) //Port G control #define rGPGDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000064) //Port G data #define rGPGUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000068) //Pull-up control G #define rGPHCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000070) //Port H control #define rGPHDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000074) //Port H data #define rGPHUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x56000078) //Pull-up control H #define rGPJCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x560000d0) //Port J control #define rGPJDAT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x560000d4) //Port J data #define rGPJUP (*(volatile unsigned *)0x560000d8) //Pull-up control J // PWM TIMER 1 #define rTCFG0 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000000) //Timer 0 configuration #define rTCFG1 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000004) //Timer 1 configuration #define rTCON (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000008) //Timer control #define rTCNTB1 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000018) //Timer count buffer 1 #define rTCMPB1 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x5100001c) //Timer compare buffer 1 #define rTCNTO1 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000020) //Timer count observation 1 // TIMER 3 #define rTCNTB3 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000030) //Timer count buffer 3 #define rTCMPB3 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000034) //Timer compare buffer 3 #define rTCNTO3 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x51000038) //Timer count observation 3 // LCD CONTROLLER #define rLCDCON1 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000000) //LCD control 1 #define rLCDCON2 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000004) //LCD control 2 #define rLCDCON3 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000008) //LCD control 3 #define rLCDCON4 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00000c) //LCD control 4 #define rLCDCON5 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000010) //LCD control 5 #define rLCDSADDR1 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000014) //STN/TFT Frame buffer start address 1 #define rLCDSADDR2 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000018) //STN/TFT Frame buffer start address 2 #define rLCDSADDR3 (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00001c) //STN/TFT Virtual screen address set #define rREDLUT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000020) //STN Red lookup table #define rGREENLUT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000024) //STN Green lookup table #define rBLUELUT (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000028) //STN Blue lookup table #define rDITHMODE (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00004c) //STN Dithering mode #define rTPAL (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000050) //TFT Temporary palette #define rLCDINTPND (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000054) //LCD Interrupt pending #define rLCDSRCPND (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000058) //LCD Interrupt source #define rLCDINTMSK (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d00005c) //LCD Interrupt mask #define rTCONSEL (*(volatile unsigned *)0x4d000060) //LPC3600 Control --- edited by junon #define PALETTE 0x4d000400 //Palette start address //================================================================================= // LCD_TD35 #define LCD_TD35 #define LCD_WIDTH 240 #define LCD_HEIGHT 320 #define LCD_PIXCLOCK 4 #define LCD_RIGHT_MARGIN 100 #define LCD_LEFT_MARGIN 0 #define LCD_HSYNC_LEN 4 #define LCD_UPPER_MARGIN 0 #define LCD_LOWER_MARGIN 0 #define LCD_VSYNC_LEN 9 // 延时Ms void Lcd_Delay_Ms(int time); // LCD背光 void LcdBkLtSet(U32 HiRatio); // 初始化用于LCD的引脚 void Lcd_Port_Init(void); // MODE_16BIT_240320 void Lcd_Init(void); /* * 设置是否输出LCD电源开关信号LCD_PWREN * 输入参数: * invpwren: 0 - LCD_PWREN有效时为正常极性 * 1 - LCD_PWREN有效时为反转极性 * pwren: 0 - LCD_PWREN输出有效 * 1 - LCD_PWREN输出无效 */ void Lcd_PowerEnable(int invpwren, int pwren); // LCD控制器是否输出信号 void Lcd_EnvidOnOff(int onoff); // 完成所有初始化 void Lcd_TD35_Init(void); // 画像素点 void PutPixel(U32 x,U32 y,U16 c); // 用单颜色清屏(5:6:5 RGB) void Lcd_ClearScr(U16 c); // 画线 void Draw_Line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, U16 color); // 画矩形 void Draw_Rectangle(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, U16 color); // 显示图片(240x320) void Draw_Bmp(int x0,int y0,int h,int l,const unsigned char *bmp); // 显示ASCII 字符 // x,y:起始坐标 // color:颜色 // size:字体大小 12/16/24 // mode:当前背景(1)自定义白色背景(0) // ch:要显示的字符:" "--->"~" void Draw_Char(U16 x, U16 y, U16 color, U8 size, U8 mode, U8 ch); // 显示字符串 // x,y:起点坐标 // width,height:区域大小 // color:颜色 // size:字体大小 12/16/24 // mode:当前背景(1)自定义白色背景(0) // *p:字符串起始地址 void Draw_String(U16 x, U16 y, U16 width, U16 height, U16 color, U8 size, U8 mode, U8 p[]); // m^n次方 U32 Lcd_Pow(U8 m,U8 n); // 显示数字 // x,y:起点坐标 // color:颜色 // size:字体大小 12/16/24 // mode:当前背景(1)自定义白色背景(0) // num: // len:显示位数 // 超过前面是否补0,是(1) void Draw_Num(U16 x,U16 y,U16 color,U8 size,U8 mode,U32 num,U8 len,U8 show0); // 测试用 void Lcd_TD35_Test(void); #endif
// lcd_td35.c // 2015.12.16 #include "lcd_td35.h" #include "lcd_font.h" #include "scene1_240x320.h" // 包含图片数据 #define GPB1_TO_OUT() (rGPBUP &= 0xfffd, rGPBCON &= 0xfffffff3, rGPBCON |= 0x00000004) #define GPB1_TO_1() (rGPBDAT |= 0x0002) #define GPB1_TO_0() (rGPBDAT &= 0xfffd) #define LCD_XSIZE LCD_WIDTH // 240 #define LCD_YSIZE LCD_HEIGHT // 320 #define SCR_XSIZE LCD_WIDTH #define SCR_YSIZE LCD_HEIGHT volatile static unsigned short LCD_BUFFER[SCR_YSIZE][SCR_XSIZE]; void Lcd_Delay_Ms(int time) { // PCLK=50MHz //U32 val = (PCLK>>3)/1000-1; U32 val = (50000000>>3)/1000-1; // 6250-1=6249 rTCFG0 &= ~(0xff<<8); rTCFG0 |= 3<<8; //prescaler = 3+1 rTCFG1 &= ~(0xf<<12); rTCFG1 |= 0<<12; //mux = 1/2 rTCNTB3 = val; //1000Hz freq=50M/4/2/6249 rTCMPB3 = val>>1; // 50% rTCON &= ~(0xf<<16); rTCON |= 0xb<<16; //interval, inv-off, update TCNTB3&TCMPB3, start timer 3 rTCON &= ~(2<<16); //clear manual update bit while(time--) { while(rTCNTO3>=val>>1); while(rTCNTO3<val>>1); }; } void LcdBkLtSet(U32 HiRatio) { #define FREQ_PWM1 1000 if(!HiRatio) { rGPBCON = rGPBCON & (~(3<<2)) | (1<<2); rGPBDAT &= ~(1<<1); return; } rGPBCON = rGPBCON & (~(3<<2)) | (2<<2); if( HiRatio > 100 ) HiRatio = 100 ; rTCON = rTCON & (~(0xf<<8)) ; // clear manual update bit, stop Timer1 rTCFG0 &= 0xffffff00; // set Timer 0&1 prescaler 0 rTCFG0 |= 15; //prescaler = 15+1 rTCFG1 &= 0xffffff0f; // set Timer 1 MUX 1/16 rTCFG1 |= 0x00000030; // set Timer 1 MUX 1/16 rTCNTB1 = ( 100000000>>8 )/FREQ_PWM1; //if set inverter off, when TCNT2<=TCMP2, TOUT is high, TCNT2>TCMP2, TOUT is low rTCMPB1 = ( rTCNTB1*(100-HiRatio))/100 ; //if set inverter on, when TCNT2<=TCMP2, TOUT is low, TCNT2>TCMP2, TOUT is high rTCON = rTCON & (~(0xf<<8)) | (0x0e<<8) ; rTCON = rTCON & (~(0xf<<8)) | (0x0d<<8) ; } void Lcd_Port_Init(void) { GPB1_TO_OUT(); GPB1_TO_1(); rGPCUP=0xffffffff; // Disable Pull-up register rGPCCON=0xaaaa02a8; //Initialize VD[7:0],VM,VFRAME,VLINE,VCLK rGPDUP=0xffffffff; // Disable Pull-up register rGPDCON=0xaaaaaaaa; //Initialize VD[15:8] } void Lcd_Init(void) { #define M5D(n) ((n)&0x1fffff) #define LCD_ADDR ((U32)LCD_BUFFER) rLCDCON1 = (LCD_PIXCLOCK << 8) | (3 << 5) | (12 << 1); rLCDCON2 = (LCD_UPPER_MARGIN << 24) | ((LCD_HEIGHT - 1) << 14) | (LCD_LOWER_MARGIN << 6) | (LCD_VSYNC_LEN << 0); rLCDCON3 = (LCD_RIGHT_MARGIN << 19) | ((LCD_WIDTH - 1) << 8) | (LCD_LEFT_MARGIN << 0); rLCDCON4 = (13 << 8) | (LCD_HSYNC_LEN << 0); //rLCDCON5 = (1<<11) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 0); rLCDCON5 = (1<<11) | (1<<10) | (1<<8) | (1<<9) | (1<<0); rLCDSADDR1 = ((LCD_ADDR >> 22) << 21) | ((M5D(LCD_ADDR >> 1)) << 0); rLCDSADDR2 = M5D((LCD_ADDR + LCD_WIDTH * LCD_HEIGHT * 2) >> 1); rLCDSADDR3 = LCD_WIDTH; rLCDINTMSK |= 3; rTCONSEL &= (~7); rTPAL = 0x0; rTCONSEL &= ~((1<<4) | 1); } void Lcd_PowerEnable(int invpwren,int pwren) { //GPG4 is setted as LCD_PWREN rGPGUP = rGPGUP|(1<<4); // Pull-up disable rGPGCON = rGPGCON|(3<<8); //GPG4=LCD_PWREN //Enable LCD POWER ENABLE Function rLCDCON5 = rLCDCON5&(~(1<<3))|(pwren<<3); // PWREN rLCDCON5 = rLCDCON5&(~(1<<5))|(invpwren<<5); // INVPWREN } void Lcd_EnvidOnOff(int onoff) { if(onoff==1) rLCDCON1|=1; // ENVID=ON else rLCDCON1 =rLCDCON1 & 0x3fffe; // ENVID Off } void Lcd_TD35_Init(void) { Lcd_Init(); //LcdBkLtSet(70); Lcd_PowerEnable(0, 1); Lcd_EnvidOnOff(1); // RGB=5:6:5 Lcd_ClearScr( (0x00<<11) | (0x00<<5) | (0x00) ); } void PutPixel(U32 x,U32 y,U16 c) { if(x<SCR_XSIZE && y<SCR_YSIZE) LCD_BUFFER[(y)][(x)] = c; } // 5:6:5 RGB void Lcd_ClearScr(U16 c) { unsigned int x,y ; for( y = 0 ; y < SCR_YSIZE ; y++ ) { for( x = 0 ; x < SCR_XSIZE ; x++ ) { LCD_BUFFER[y][x] = c ; } } } void Draw_Line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, U16 color) { int dx,dy,e; dx=x2-x1; dy=y2-y1; if(dx>=0) { if(dy >= 0) // dy>=0 { if(dx>=dy) // 1/8 octant { e=dy-dx/2; while(x1<=x2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){y1+=1;e-=dx;} x1+=1; e+=dy; } } else // 2/8 octant { e=dx-dy/2; while(y1<=y2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){x1+=1;e-=dy;} y1+=1; e+=dx; } } } else // dy<0 { dy=-dy; // dy=abs(dy) if(dx>=dy) // 8/8 octant { e=dy-dx/2; while(x1<=x2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){y1-=1;e-=dx;} x1+=1; e+=dy; } } else // 7/8 octant { e=dx-dy/2; while(y1>=y2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){x1+=1;e-=dy;} y1-=1; e+=dx; } } } } else //dx<0 { dx=-dx; //dx=abs(dx) if(dy >= 0) // dy>=0 { if(dx>=dy) // 4/8 octant { e=dy-dx/2; while(x1>=x2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){y1+=1;e-=dx;} x1-=1; e+=dy; } } else // 3/8 octant { e=dx-dy/2; while(y1<=y2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){x1-=1;e-=dy;} y1+=1; e+=dx; } } } else // dy<0 { dy=-dy; // dy=abs(dy) if(dx>=dy) // 5/8 octant { e=dy-dx/2; while(x1>=x2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){y1-=1;e-=dx;} x1-=1; e+=dy; } } else // 6/8 octant { e=dx-dy/2; while(y1>=y2) { PutPixel(x1,y1,color); if(e>0){x1-=1;e-=dy;} y1-=1; e+=dx; } } } } } void Draw_Rectangle(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2, U16 color) { int i; for(i=y1;i<=y2;i++) Draw_Line(x1,i,x2,i,color); } // full screen, x0=y0=0,h=240,l=320 void Draw_Bmp(int x0,int y0,int h,int l,const unsigned char *bmp) { int x,y; U32 c; int p = 0; for( y = 0 ; y < l ; y++ ) { for( x = 0 ; x < h ; x++ ) { c = bmp[p+1] | (bmp[p]<<8) ; if ( ( (x0+x) < SCR_XSIZE) && ( (y0+y) < SCR_YSIZE) ) LCD_BUFFER[y0+y][x0+x] = c ; p = p + 2 ; } } } void Draw_Char(U16 x, U16 y, U16 color, U8 size, U8 mode, U8 ch) { U8 temp,t1,t; U16 y0=y; // 计算字体大小 U8 csize=(size / 8 + ((size % 8)?1:0))*(size/2); ch = ch - ‘ ‘; for(t=0;t<csize;t++) { if(size==12) temp=ASCII_1206[ch][t]; else if(size==16) temp=ASCII_1608[ch][t]; else if(size==24) temp=ASCII_2412[ch][t]; else return; for(t1=0;t1<8;t1++) { if(temp & 0x80) PutPixel(x,y,color); else if(mode==0) PutPixel(x,y,0xffff); //PutPixel(x,y,color); temp<<=1; y++; if(x>=LCD_WIDTH) return; if((y-y0)==12) { y=y0; x++; if(x>=LCD_WIDTH) return; break; } } } } void Draw_String(U16 x, U16 y, U16 width, U16 height, U16 color, U8 size, U8 mode, U8 p[]) { U8 x0 = x; width += x; height += y; while((*p<=‘~‘)&&(*p>=‘ ‘)) { if(x>=width){x=x0;y+=size;} if(y>=height)break; Draw_Char(x,y,color,size,mode,*p); x+=size/2; p++; } } U32 Lcd_Pow(U8 m,U8 n) { U32 result=1; while(n--)result*=m; return result; } // void Draw_Num(U16 x,U16 y,U16 color,U8 size,U8 mode,U32 num,U8 len,U8 show0) { U8 t,temp; U8 enshow=0; for(t=0;t<len;t++) { temp=(num/Lcd_Pow(10,len-t-1))%10; if(enshow==0&&t<(len-1)) { if(temp==0) { if(show0) Draw_Char(x+(size/2)*t,y,color,size,mode,‘0‘); else Draw_Char(x+(size/2)*t,y,color,size,mode,‘ ‘); continue; } else enshow=1; } Draw_Char(x+(size/2)*t,y,color,size,mode,temp+‘0‘); } } void Lcd_TD35_Test(void) { Lcd_ClearScr(0); //Lcd_Delay_Ms(1000); /* Lcd_ClearScr(0); #define LCD_BLANK 30 #define C_UP ( LCD_XSIZE - LCD_BLANK*2 ) #define C_RIGHT ( LCD_XSIZE - LCD_BLANK*2 ) #define V_BLACK ( ( LCD_YSIZE - LCD_BLANK*4 ) / 6 ) Draw_Rectangle( LCD_BLANK, LCD_BLANK, ( LCD_XSIZE - LCD_BLANK ), ( LCD_YSIZE - LCD_BLANK ),0x0000); //fill a Rectangle with some color Draw_Rectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*0), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*1),0x001f); //fill a Rectangle with some color Draw_Rectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*1), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*2),0x07e0); //fill a Rectangle with some color Draw_Rectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*2), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*3),0xf800); //fill a Rectangle with some color Draw_Rectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*3), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*4),0xffe0); //fill a Rectangle with some color Draw_Rectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*4), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*5),0xf81f); //fill a Rectangle with some color Draw_Rectangle( (LCD_BLANK*2), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*5), (C_RIGHT), (LCD_BLANK*2 + V_BLACK*6),0x07ff); //fill a Rectangle with some color Lcd_Delay_Ms(1000); Lcd_ClearScr(0); Draw_Bmp(0, 0, 240, 320, scene1_240x320); Lcd_Delay_Ms(1000);*/ Draw_Char(0, 0, 0xffff, 12, 1, ‘A‘); Draw_Char(50, 0, 0xffff, 16, 1, ‘A‘); Draw_Char(150, 0, 0xffff, 24, 1, ‘A‘); Draw_String(0, 100, 100, 100, 0x001f, 12, 1, "Hello World ! Hello World ! Hello World !"); Draw_String(120, 100, 100, 100, 0x001f, 16, 1, "Hello World !"); Draw_Num(0,200,0xffff,16,1,1234,3,0); Draw_Num(50,200,0xffff,16,1,1234,6,0); Draw_Num(100,200,0xffff,16,1,1234,6,1); }