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Etw EventSourceProviderConsumer.cs OopConsoleTraceEventListenerMonitorController.cs

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// EventSourceProviderConsumer.cs
namespace ConsoleApplication1
    using Microshaoft;
    using Microshaoft.EventListeners;
    using Microshaoft.EventSources;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Deploy the app
            var DeploymentFolder = Path
                                            , @"EventSourceSamples"
                                , DeploymentFolder
                                , EventLogEventSource.Log.Name
            string input = string.Empty;
            using (var listener = new ConsoleEventListener())
                while ("q" != (input = Console.ReadLine()).Trim().ToLower())
                                , Guid.NewGuid()
                                , WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name
                                , "这是一个测试 WriteEvent1Log"
                                , Guid.NewGuid()
                                , WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name
                                , "这是一个测试 WriteEvent2 Log"
namespace Microshaoft.EventSources
    using System;
    using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing;
    // Shows how to use EventSouces to send messages to the Windows EventLog
    // * EventLogEventSource
    //     * Uses the new ‘Channel‘ attribute to indicate that certain events
    //       should go to the Windows Event Log.   Note that the EventSource
    //       has to be registered with the Windows OS for this to work.  
    //       In this example we send messages to the ‘Admin‘ channel.   
    // * EventLogEventSourceDemo 
    //     * simulates a deployment step needed to register the event source‘s 
    //       manifest on the machine. If running unelevated it will prompt the user
    //       to allow running wevtutil.exe, the tool that performs the registration.
    //     * simulates processing multiple requests by calling the methods on 
    //       EventLogEventSource to fire events.
    //     * pauses to allow the user to examine the event logs created under 
    //       ‘Application and Services Logs/Microsoft/EventSourceDemos/Channeled‘
    //     * undoes the registration steps performed earlier.
                Name = "Microshaoft-EventLogEventSource-001" //"Samples-EventSourceDemos-EventLog"
    public sealed class EventLogEventSource : EventSource
        #region Singleton instance
        public static EventLogEventSource Log = new EventLogEventSource();
                    , ActivityOptions = EventActivityOptions.None
                    , Channel = EventChannel.Admin
                    , Keywords = Keywords.EventKeyword1
                    //, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways
                    , Message = 
    sequenceID : ""{0}""
    , sessionID : ""{1}""
    , operatorID : ""{2}""
    , data : ""{3}""
                    , Opcode = EventOpcode.Info
                    , Tags = EventTags.None
                    , Task = EventTasks.EventTask1
                    , Version = 1 
        public void WriteEvent1Log
                        int sequenceID
                        , Guid sessionID
                        , string operatorID
                        , string data
                    , (object) sequenceID
                    , (object) sessionID
                    , (object) operatorID
                    , (object) data
                    , ActivityOptions = EventActivityOptions.None
                    , Channel = EventChannel.Admin
                    , Keywords = Keywords.EventKeyword2
                    //, Level = EventLevel.LogAlways
                    , Message =
    sequenceID : ""{0}""
    , sessionID : ""{1}""
    , operatorID : ""{2}""
    , data : ""{3}""
                    , Opcode = EventOpcode.Info
                    , Tags = Tags.EventTag2
                    , Task = EventTasks.EventTask2
                    , Version = 1
        public void WriteEvent2Log
                int sequenceID
                , Guid sessionID
                , string operatorID
                , string data
                    , (object)sequenceID
                    , (object)sessionID
                    , (object)operatorID
                    , (object)data
        #region Keywords / Tasks / Opcodes
        public class Keywords   // This is a bitvector
            public const EventKeywords EventKeyword1 = (EventKeywords)0x00000001;
            public const EventKeywords EventKeyword2 = (EventKeywords)0x00000002;
        public class EventTasks
            public const EventTask EventTask1 = (EventTask) 1;
            public const EventTask EventTask2 = (EventTask) 2;
        public class EventOpcodes
            public const EventOpcode EventOpcode_0x0b = (EventOpcode)0x0b;
        public class Tags
            public const EventTags EventTag1 = (EventTags) 1;
            public const EventTags EventTag2 = (EventTags) 2;
namespace Microshaoft.EventListeners
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing;
    /// <summary>
    /// An EventListener is the most basic ‘sink‘ for EventSource events.   All other sinks of 
    /// EventSource data can be thought of as ‘built in‘ EventListeners.    In any particular 
    /// AppDomain all the EventSources send messages to any EventListener in the same
    /// AppDomain that have subscribed to them (using the EnableEvents API.
    /// <para>
    /// You create a particular kind of EventListener by subclassing the EventListener class
    /// Here we create an EventListener that 
    ///   . Enables all events on any EventSource-derived class created in the appDomain
    ///   . Sends all events raised by the event source classes created to the ‘Out‘ textWriter 
    ///     (typically the Console).  
    /// </para>
    /// </summary>
    public class ConsoleEventListener : EventListener
        static TextWriter Out = Console.Out;
        /// <summary>
        /// Override this method to get a list of all the eventSources that exist.  
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnEventSourceCreated(EventSource eventSource)
            // Because we want to turn on every EventSource, we subscribe to a callback that triggers
            // when new EventSources are created.  It is also fired when the EventListner is created
            // for all pre-existing EventSources.  Thus this callback get called once for every 
            // EventSource regardless of the order of EventSource and EventListener creation.  
            // For any EventSource we learn about, turn it on.   
                    , EventLevel.LogAlways
                    , EventKeywords.All
        /// <summary>
        /// We override this method to get a callback on every event we subscribed to with EnableEvents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventData"></param>
        protected override void OnEventWritten(EventWrittenEventArgs eventData)
            // report all event information
                        "  Event {0} "
                        , eventData.EventName
            // Don‘t display activity information, as that‘s not used in the demos
            // Out.Write(" (activity {0}{1}) ", ShortGuid(eventData.ActivityId), 
            //                                  eventData.RelatedActivityId != Guid.Empty ? "->" + ShortGuid(eventData.RelatedActivityId) : "");
            // Events can have formatting strings ‘the Message property on the ‘Event‘ attribute.  
            // If the event has a formatted message, print that, otherwise print out argument values.  
            if (eventData.Message != null)
                        , eventData.Payload != null 
                string[] sargs =
                                        eventData.Payload != null
                                            .Select(o => o.ToString())
                Out.WriteLine("({0}).", sargs != null ? string.Join(", ", sargs) : "");
namespace Microshaoft
    /// <summary>
    /// For the Windows EventLog to listen for EventSources, they must be
    /// registered with the operating system.  This is a deployment step 
    /// (typically done by a installer).   For demo purposes, however we 
    /// have written code run by the demo itself that accomplishes this 
    /// </summary>
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Threading;
    public static class RegisterEventSourceWithOperatingSystemHelper
        static TextWriter Out = Console.Out;
        /// <summary>
        /// Simulate an installation to ‘destFolder‘ for the named eventSource.  If you don‘t
        /// specify eventSourceName all eventSources information next to the EXE is registered.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SimulateInstall
                                    string sourceFolder
                                    , string destFolder
                                    , string eventSourceName = ""
                                    , bool prompt = true
            Out.WriteLine("Simulating the steps needed to register the EventSource with the OS");
            Out.WriteLine("These steps are only needed for Windows Event Log support.");
            Out.WriteLine("Admin privileges are needed to do this, so you will see elevation prompts");
            Out.WriteLine("If you are not already elevated.  Consider running from an admin window.");
            if (prompt)
                Out.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to proceed with installation");
            Out.WriteLine("Deploying EventSource to {0}", destFolder);
            // create deployment folder if needed
            if (Directory.Exists(destFolder))
                Out.WriteLine("Error: detected a previous deployment.   Cleaning it up.");
                SimulateUninstall(destFolder, false);
                Out.WriteLine("Done Cleaning up orphaned installation.");
            Out.WriteLine("Copying the EventSource manifest and compiled Manifest DLL to target directory.");
            foreach (var filename in Directory.GetFiles(sourceFolder, "*" + eventSourceName + "*.etwManifest.???"))
                var destPath = Path.Combine(destFolder, Path.GetFileName(filename));
                Out.WriteLine("xcopy \"{0}\" \"{1}\"", filename, destPath);
                File.Copy(filename, destPath, true);
            Out.WriteLine("Registering the manifest with the OS (Need to be elevated)");
            foreach (var filename in Directory.GetFiles(destFolder, "*.etwManifest.man"))
                var commandArgs = string
                                                "im {0} /rf:\"{1}\" /mf:\"{1}\""
                                                , filename
                                                , Path.Combine
                                                            , Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".dll"
                // as a precaution uninstall the manifest.   It is easy for the demos to not be cleaned up 
                // and the install will fail if the EventSource is already registered.   
                var process = Process
                                        new ProcessStartInfo("wevtutil.exe", "um" + commandArgs.Substring(2))
                                            Verb = "runAs"
                                            , RedirectStandardOutput = true
                                            , UseShellExecute = false
                Out.WriteLine("  wevtutil " + commandArgs);
                            "wevtutil OUTPUT: {0}"
                            , process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
                Thread.Sleep(200);          // just in case elevation makes the wait not work.  
                // The ‘RunAs‘ indicates it needs to be elevated. 
                // Unfortunately this also makes it problematic to get the output or error code.  
                Out.WriteLine("  wevtutil " + commandArgs);
                process = Process
                                    new ProcessStartInfo("wevtutil.exe", commandArgs)
                                        Verb = "runAs"
                                        , RedirectStandardOutput = true
                                        , UseShellExecute = false
                            "wevtutil OUTPUT: {0}"
                            , process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
            Out.WriteLine("Done deploying app.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Reverses the Install step 
        /// </summary>
        public static void SimulateUninstall(string destFolder, bool prompt = true)
            Out.WriteLine("Uninstalling the EventSoure demos from {0}", destFolder);
            Out.WriteLine("This also requires elevation.");
            Out.WriteLine("Please close the event viewer if you have not already done so!");
            if (prompt)
                Out.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to proceed with uninstall.");
            // run wevtutil elevated to unregister the ETW manifests
            Out.WriteLine("Unregistering manifests");
            foreach (var filename in Directory.GetFiles(destFolder, "*.etwManifest.man"))
                var commandArgs = string.Format("um {0}", filename);
                Out.WriteLine("    wevtutil " + commandArgs);
                // The ‘RunAs‘ indicates it needs to be elevated.  
                var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("wevtutil.exe", commandArgs) { Verb = "runAs" });
            Out.WriteLine("Removing {0}", destFolder);
            // If this fails, it means that something is using the directory.  Typically this is an eventViewer or 
            // a command prompt in that directory or visual studio.    If all else fails, rebooting should fix this.  
            if (Directory.Exists(destFolder))
                Directory.Delete(destFolder, true);
            Out.WriteLine("Done uninstalling app.");
// OopConsoleTraceEventListenerMonitorController.cs
    # Microshaoft
namespace TestMonitors
    using Microshaoft;
    using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing;
    using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Session;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    class Program
        static TextWriter Out = Console.Out;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Action<TraceEventSession, string, TraceEvent>
                    action =
                            (session, eventName, data) =>
                                var s = data
                                                    (x) =>
                                                                        , " : "
                                                                        , x
                                                                        , data.PayloadByName(x)
                                                    (x, y) =>
                                                                        , "\r\n"
                                                                        , x
                                                                        , y
                                s = string
                                                , "\r\n"
                                                , ">>>>>>>>>>"
                                                , "<<<<<<<<<<"
                                                , string.Format
                                                            , " : "
                                                            , "\r\n"
                                                            , nameof(eventName)
                                                            , eventName
                                                            , s
            var traceEventSession
                    = TraceEventSessionMonitorFactory
                                    , "WriteEvent1Log"
                                    , new string[] { "WriteEvent1Log", "WriteEvent2Log" }
                                    , (x, y) =>
                                    , (x, y) =>
                                    , action
                                    , action
                                    , action
namespace Microshaoft
    using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing;
    using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Session;
    //using Diagnostics.Tracing.Parsers;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    public static class TraceEventSessionMonitorFactory
        private static TextWriter Out = Console.Out;
        public static TraceEventSession Create
                string providerName
                , string sessionName
                , string[] traceEvents
                , Action<TraceEventSession, TraceEvent> onAllEventsTracedProcessAction = null
                , Action<TraceEventSession, TraceEvent> onUnhandledEventsTracedProcessAction = null
                , params
                        Action<TraceEventSession, string, TraceEvent>[]
            if (!(TraceEventSession.IsElevated() ?? false))
                Out.WriteLine("To turn on ETW events you need to be Administrator, please run from an Admin process.");
                return null;
            var session = new TraceEventSession(sessionName)
                StopOnDispose = true
                if (onAllEventsTracedProcessAction != null)
                    .All +=
                            delegate (TraceEvent data)
                                    (session, data);
                if (onOneEventTracedOnceProcessActions != null)
                            onOneEventTracedOnceProcessActions.Length > 0
                            traceEvents.Length > 0
                        int l = Math.Min
                                            , onOneEventTracedOnceProcessActions
                        for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                            var eventName = traceEvents[i];
                                        , eventName
                                        , delegate (TraceEvent data)
                                            var action = onOneEventTracedOnceProcessActions[i];
                                            if (action != null)
                                                action(session, eventName, data);
                    .UnhandledEvents +=
                                delegate (TraceEvent data)
                                    if (onUnhandledEventsTracedProcessAction != null)
                                        onUnhandledEventsTracedProcessAction(session, data);
                var restarted = session
                return session;

Etw EventSourceProviderConsumer.cs OopConsoleTraceEventListenerMonitorController.cs


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