Creating Object:
Example 1:
let name = "Brook"; let totalReplies = 249; let avatar = "/users/avatars/brook-user-1.jpg"; let user = {name, totalReplies, avatar}; addUserToSidebar(user);
Example 2:
function buildMetadata(object){ let id = parseInt(; let lastUpdatedAt = object.updatedAt || object.createdAt; let hashCode = _buildHashCode(object); const isSecureHash = 32; return { id, lastUpdatedAt, hashCode, isSecureHash() { return hashCode >= isSecureHash; } }; }
Example 3:
function buildTopicElement(topic){ let title = `<h2>${topic.title}</h2>`; let author = `<small>${}</small>`; let body = `<p>${topic.body}</p>`; return { title, author, body }; }
Object Destructuring:
function buildMetadata(object){ let id = parseInt(; let lastUpdatedAt = object.updatedAt || object.createdAt; let hashCode = 16; const isSecureHash = 32; return { id, lastUpdatedAt, hashCode, isSecureHash() { console.log("OK"); return hashCode >= isSecureHash; } }; } let id = 12, updatedAt: "Firday", obj = {id, updatedAt} let {isSecureHash} = buildMetadata(obj); isSecureHash();
From the code, we can see, besides object, you can also Destructuring function from the object.
[ES6] Objects create-shorthand && Destructuring