1 -- ============================================= 2 -- Author: <Limy> 3 -- Create date: <2015-12-31> 4 -- Description: <批量重建索引> 5 -- EXEC pr_BatchRebuildIndex ‘dbo‘,‘DatabaseLog‘,‘PK_DatabaseLog_DatabaseLogID‘,0 6 -- ============================================= 7 alter proc pr_BatchRebuildIndex 8 --@DataBase nvarchar(50)=null,--数据库名称,必输项 9 @Scheme nvarchar(50)=null,--架构名称 10 @TableName nvarchar(50)=null, --要重建索引的表名称,为空表示所有表 11 @IndexName nvarchar(200)=null ,--要重建的索引名称 12 @FragmentPercent decimal(10,5)=0 --碎片率为多少以上的药重建 13 AS 14 BEGIN 15 16 DECLARE @Sql nvarchar(2000); 17 DECLARE @RebuildSql nvarchar(2000); 18 DECLARE @ERROR nvarchar(500); 19 DECLARE @Tables table(TableName nvarchar(100), Indexid int,IndexName nvarchar(200), FragmentPercent decimal(10,5)); 20 21 ----判断数据库是否存在 22 --IF DB_ID(@DataBase) is null 23 --BEGIN 24 -- RAISERROR(‘数据库不存在,请输入正确的数据库名称!‘,16,1); 25 -- RETURN -1; 26 --END 27 28 29 --判断架构是否存在 30 IF isnull(@Scheme,‘‘)<>‘‘ and SCHEMA_ID(@Scheme) is null 31 BEGIN 32 RAISERROR(‘架构不存在,请输入正确的架构名称!‘,16,1); 33 RETURN -1; 34 END 35 36 37 --表存不存在 38 IF isnull(@TableName,‘‘)<>‘‘ 39 BEGIN 40 --有架构 41 IF isnull(@Scheme,‘‘)<>‘‘ and SCHEMA_ID(@Scheme) is null 42 BEGIN 43 IF OBJECT_ID(@Scheme+‘.‘+@TableName) is null 44 BEGIN 45 SET @ERROR=‘表不存在,请输入正确的表名称!‘ 46 RAISERROR(@ERROR,16,2); 47 RETURN -1; 48 END 49 END 50 --没有架构 51 IF not exists(select 1 from sys.tables as A where A.name=@TableName ) 52 BEGIN 53 SET @ERROR=‘表不存在,请输入正确的表名称!‘ 54 RAISERROR(@ERROR,16,5); 55 RETURN -1; 56 END 57 END 58 59 --索引存不存在 60 IF isnull(@IndexName,‘‘)<>‘‘ 61 BEGIN 62 IF not exists(select 1 from sys.SysObjects where name=@IndexName and (xtype=N‘UQ‘ OR xtype=N‘PK‘) ) 63 BEGIN 64 RAISERROR(‘索引不存在,请输入正确的索引名称!‘,16,3); 65 RETURN -1; 66 END 67 END 68 69 --如果表名为空表示所有表,如果索引为空表示所有索引 70 --默认查询所有表,所有索引,所有百分比 71 72 SET @Sql=‘SELECT D.name+‘‘.‘‘+object_name(a.object_id) [TableName] ,a.index_id ,B.name [IndexName] ,avg_fragmentation_in_percent 73 FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats ( DB_ID() , NULL , NULL, NULL, NULL ) AS A 74 JOIN sys.indexes AS B ON a.object_id = b.object_id AND a.index_id = b.index_id 75 inner JOIN sys.tables AS C ON a.object_id=C.object_id 76 inner JOIN sys.schemas AS D ON C.schema_id=D.schema_id 77 WHERE a.index_id > 0 ‘ 78 79 IF isnull(@Scheme,‘‘) <>‘‘ 80 BEGIN 81 SET @Sql +=‘ and D.name= ‘‘‘+@Scheme+‘‘‘ ‘; 82 END 83 IF isnull(@TableName,‘‘)<>‘‘ 84 BEGIN 85 SET @Sql +=‘ and object_name(a.object_id)= ‘‘‘+@TableName+‘‘‘ ‘; 86 END 87 IF isnull(@IndexName,‘‘)<>‘‘ 88 BEGIN 89 SET @Sql +=‘ and B.name= ‘‘‘+@IndexName+‘‘‘ ‘; 90 END 91 92 IF isnull(@FragmentPercent,0)>0 93 BEGIN 94 SET @Sql +=‘ and avg_fragmentation_in_percent>= ‘+convert(nvarchar(10),@FragmentPercent)+‘ ‘; 95 END 96 97 INSERT INTO @Tables 98 EXEC (@Sql) 99 select ‘重建前‘,* from @Tables 100 101 DECLARE cur cursor for 102 select TableName, IndexName from @Tables 103 OPEN cur 104 DECLARE @tbName NVARCHAR(100),@IXName NVARCHAR(200) 105 FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @tbName,@IXName 106 WHILE(@@fetch_status=0) 107 BEGIN 108 SET @RebuildSql=‘alter index [‘+@IXName+‘] on ‘+@tbName+‘ rebuild‘ --要加上[],否则索引里有空格会报错 109 EXEC (@RebuildSql) 110 FETCH NEXT FROM cur INTO @tbName,@IXName 111 END 112 CLOSE cur 113 DEALLOCATE cur 114 115 --重建后查询 116 delete @Tables 117 INSERT INTO @Tables 118 EXEC (@Sql) 119 select ‘重建后‘,* from @Tables 120 121 Print N‘执行完毕!‘; 122 return 0; 123 END