当你开始使用NGUI的时候,简单的从项目视图 中一个”Control”预设体 拖拽到场景视图中,你将会发现 Hierarchy层次面板中会出现以下层次结构:
(一) UI Root缩放方式之 Scaling Style
public enum Scaling { Flexible, Constrained, ConstrainedOnMobiles, }
public Scaling scalingStyle = Scaling.Flexible;
他们之间的关系是:默认为Flexible,若手动选 Scaling.ConstrainedOnMobiles,应该符合的平台是编辑器,IPhone,安卓,Window Phone8或者Unity_WP_8_1,或者黑莓.那么这些情况将把UI Root缩放方式变为Scaling.Constrained,其他时候设置无效,将会默认为Flexible固定缩放,也就是说当你发布在网页平台的时候设置为ConstrainedOnMobiles为无效操作.
public Scaling activeScaling { get { Scaling scaling = scalingStyle; if (scaling == Scaling.ConstrainedOnMobiles) #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8 || UNITY_WP_8_1 || UNITY_BLACKBERRY return Scaling.Constrained; #else return Scaling.Flexible; #endif return scaling; } }
Flexible 意味着保持原有像素,不进行缩放.分辨率的变化不影响UI的像素.
Unity默认按照UI Root Minimum Height 最小高度限制来设定 该UI元素的实际高度.
而且UI Root脚本中 默认最小高度为720px,最大高度为1280px
并且限定范围为320px <= Height <= 1536px
比如当我们把屏幕的宽高度设置为1280 * 7200 px
if (scaling == Scaling.Flexible) { Vector2 screen = NGUITools.screenSize; float aspect = screen.x / screen.y; if (screen.y < minimumHeight) { screen.y = minimumHeight; screen.x = screen.y * aspect; } else if (screen.y > maximumHeight) { screen.y = maximumHeight; screen.x = screen.y * aspect; } // Portrait mode uses the maximum of width or height to shrink the UI int height = Mathf.RoundToInt((shrinkPortraitUI && screen.y > screen.x) ? screen.y / aspect : screen.y); // Adjust the final value by the DPI setting return adjustByDPI ? NGUIMath.AdjustByDPI(height) : height; }
把UI Root 的最小Minimum 设置为 720px,也就是以此 UI Root为画布的元素(画布和屏幕大小一致),默认与画布的比例是自身元素高度 : 720px
如我们把Button设置的宽高设置为72 px * 1280 px,那么刚好 10个Button元素就能把画面填充满
计算:屏幕高度 / 2 - 元素高度 /2 = 720/2 – 72/2 = 324 px