What is Memory Leak? How to determine if Memory Leak exists in a Java application?
How to avoid Memory Leak in Java? While coding if we take care of a few points we can avoid memory leak issue. 1. Use time out time for the session as low as possible. 2. Release the session when the same is no longer required. We can release the session by using HttpSession.invalidate(). 3. Try to store as less data as possible in the HttpSession. 4. Avoid creating HttpSession in jsp page by default by using the page directive <%@page session="false"%> 5. Try to use StringBuffer‘s append() method instead of string concatenation. For ex. if we write String query = "SELECT id, name FROM t_customer whereMsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 0.0001pt;"> it will create 4 String Objects. But if we write the same query using StringBuffer‘s append() it will create only one object as StringBuffer is mutable i.e. can be modified over and over again. 6. In JDBC code, While writting the query try to avoid "*". It is a good practice to use column name in select statement.7. Try to use PreparedStatement object instead of Statement object if the query need to be executed frequently as PreparedStatement is a precompiled SQL statement where as Statement is compiled each time the Sql statement is sent to the database. 8. Try to close the ResultSet and Statement before reusing those. 9. If we use stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql query) inside loop, we should close it in the loop. 10. Try to close ResultSet, Statement, PreparedStatement and Connection in finally block. |