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时间:2016-01-15 20:25:15      阅读:273      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

select a.TXZLB as ID, a.user_name, (case a.TXZLB when 1 then 特通通行证 when 2 then 甲通通行证 when 3 then 乙通通行证 when 4 then 搬家通行证 when 5 then 菜篮子通行证 when 6 then 接送车停靠证 when 7 then 三超通行证 when 8 then 准行证 else 临时通行证 end) typepmt,sum(case when caltype=addthen pmtadd else 0 end ) as totaladd, sum(case when caltype=updatethen pmtadd else 0 end ) as totalupdate, sum(case when caltype=delthen pmtadd else 0 end ) as totaldel from ( select add as caltype,count(TXZLB) as pmtadd,TXZLB, u.user_name from t_traffic_permit left join t_user u on u.n_user_id=t_traffic_permit.jbr where u.user_name = admin and TJSJ between to_timestamp(2015-06-16,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) and to_timestamp(2017-07-17,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) group by TXZLB, u.user_name union select update as caltype, count(*) as pmtupdate,TXZLB,u.user_name from t_traffic_permit left join t_user u on u.n_user_id=t_traffic_permit.jbr where u.user_name = admin and XGSJ between to_timestamp(2015-06-16,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) and to_timestamp(2017-07-17,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) and XGSJ is not null group by u.user_name,TXZLB union select del as caltype, count(*) as pmtdel,TXZLB,u.user_name from t_traffic_permit left join t_user u on u.n_user_id=t_traffic_permit.jbr where u.user_name = admin and SCSJ between to_timestamp(2015-06-16,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) and to_timestamp(2017-07-17,yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss) and SCZT=1 group by u.user_name,TXZLB )a group by a.TXZLB, a.user_name

case when caltype=‘add‘ then pmtadd else 0 end (行转列语句)
union (不同的结果连接到一起,但是查询字段的类型要一致)




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