言归正传,今天讨论的是在Android里面如何来实现这么个效果,那么如何实现呢??? 相信部分童鞋首先想到的是android.widget.DatePicker和android.widget.TimePicker,因为它们的样子长得很像,事实就是它们仅仅是长得相而已,Google在设计这个两个widget的时候,并没有提供对外的数据源适配接口,带来的问题就是,我们只能通过它们来选择日期和时间,至于为什么这样设计,如果有童鞋知道,请给我留言,Thanks~
好了,既然在Android中没办法偷懒的用一个系统widget搞定,那么只能自己来自定义view来实现了,这篇就围绕这个来展开分享一下,我在项目中实现这个的全过程。首先是做了下开源代码调研,在github上面有一个叫做 android-wheel 的开源控件, 代码地址https://github.com/maarek/android-wheel
此次项目中使用的是SAX解析方式,因为它占用内存少,并且速度快,数据解析代码写在了 com.mrwujay.cascade.service/XmlParserHandler.java中,代码如下:
package com.mrwujay.cascade.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import com.mrwujay.cascade.model.CityModel; import com.mrwujay.cascade.model.DistrictModel; import com.mrwujay.cascade.model.ProvinceModel; public class XmlParserHandler extends DefaultHandler { /** * 存储所有的解析对象 */ private List<ProvinceModel> provinceList = new ArrayList<ProvinceModel>(); public XmlParserHandler() { } public List<ProvinceModel> getDataList() { return provinceList; } @Override public void startDocument() throws SAXException { // 当读到第一个开始标签的时候,会触发这个方法 } ProvinceModel provinceModel = new ProvinceModel(); CityModel cityModel = new CityModel(); DistrictModel districtModel = new DistrictModel(); @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { // 当遇到开始标记的时候,调用这个方法 if (qName.equals("province")) { provinceModel = new ProvinceModel(); provinceModel.setName(attributes.getValue(0)); provinceModel.setCityList(new ArrayList<CityModel>()); } else if (qName.equals("city")) { cityModel = new CityModel(); cityModel.setName(attributes.getValue(0)); cityModel.setDistrictList(new ArrayList<DistrictModel>()); } else if (qName.equals("district")) { districtModel = new DistrictModel(); districtModel.setName(attributes.getValue(0)); districtModel.setZipcode(attributes.getValue(1)); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { // 遇到结束标记的时候,会调用这个方法 if (qName.equals("district")) { cityModel.getDistrictList().add(districtModel); } else if (qName.equals("city")) { provinceModel.getCityList().add(cityModel); } else if (qName.equals("province")) { provinceList.add(provinceModel); } } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { } }
protected void initProvinceDatas() { List<ProvinceModel> provinceList = null; AssetManager asset = getAssets(); try { InputStream input = asset.open("province_data.xml"); // 创建一个解析xml的工厂对象 SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); // 解析xml SAXParser parser = spf.newSAXParser(); XmlParserHandler handler = new XmlParserHandler(); parser.parse(input, handler); input.close(); // 获取解析出来的数据 provinceList = handler.getDataList(); //*/ 初始化默认选中的省、市、区 if (provinceList!= null && !provinceList.isEmpty()) { mCurrentProviceName = provinceList.get(0).getName(); List<CityModel> cityList = provinceList.get(0).getCityList(); if (cityList!= null && !cityList.isEmpty()) { mCurrentCityName = cityList.get(0).getName(); List<DistrictModel> districtList = cityList.get(0).getDistrictList(); mCurrentDistrictName = districtList.get(0).getName(); mCurrentZipCode = districtList.get(0).getZipcode(); } } //*/ mProvinceDatas = new String[provinceList.size()]; for (int i=0; i< provinceList.size(); i++) { mProvinceDatas[i] = provinceList.get(i).getName(); List<CityModel> cityList = provinceList.get(i).getCityList(); String[] cityNames = new String[cityList.size()]; for (int j=0; j< cityList.size(); j++) { cityNames[j] = cityList.get(j).getName(); List<DistrictModel> districtList = cityList.get(j).getDistrictList(); String[] distrinctNameArray = new String[districtList.size()]; DistrictModel[] distrinctArray = new DistrictModel[districtList.size()]; for (int k=0; k<districtList.size(); k++) { DistrictModel districtModel = new DistrictModel(districtList.get(k).getName(), districtList.get(k).getZipcode()); mZipcodeDatasMap.put(districtList.get(k).getName(), districtList.get(k).getZipcode()); distrinctArray[k] = districtModel; distrinctNameArray[k] = districtModel.getName(); } mDistrictDatasMap.put(cityNames[j], distrinctNameArray); } mCitisDatasMap.put(provinceList.get(i).getName(), cityNames); } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { } }
initProvinceDatas(); mViewProvince.setViewAdapter(new ArrayWheelAdapter<String>(MainActivity.this, mProvinceDatas)); // 设置可见条目数量 mViewProvince.setVisibleItems(7); mViewCity.setVisibleItems(7); mViewDistrict.setVisibleItems(7); updateCities(); updateAreas();
1、OnWheelScrollListener 滑动事件:
/** * Wheel scrolled listener interface. */ public interface OnWheelScrollListener { /** * Callback method to be invoked when scrolling started. * @param wheel the wheel view whose state has changed. */ void onScrollingStarted(WheelView wheel); /** * Callback method to be invoked when scrolling ended. * @param wheel the wheel view whose state has changed. */ void onScrollingFinished(WheelView wheel); }
2、OnWheelClickedListener 条目点击事件:
/** * Wheel clicked listener interface. * <p>The onItemClicked() method is called whenever a wheel item is clicked * <li> New Wheel position is set * <li> Wheel view is scrolled */ public interface OnWheelClickedListener { /** * Callback method to be invoked when current item clicked * @param wheel the wheel view * @param itemIndex the index of clicked item */ void onItemClicked(WheelView wheel, int itemIndex); }
3、OnWheelChangedListener 被选中项的positon变化事件:
/** * Wheel changed listener interface. * <p>The onChanged() method is called whenever current wheel positions is changed: * <li> New Wheel position is set * <li> Wheel view is scrolled */ public interface OnWheelChangedListener { /** * Callback method to be invoked when current item changed * @param wheel the wheel view whose state has changed * @param oldValue the old value of current item * @param newValue the new value of current item */ void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue); }
/** * key - 省 value - 市 */ protected Map<String, String[]> mCitisDatasMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); /** * key - 市 values - 区 */ protected Map<String, String[]> mDistrictDatasMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); /** * key - 区 values - 邮编 */ protected Map<String, String> mZipcodeDatasMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
@Override public void onChanged(WheelView wheel, int oldValue, int newValue) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (wheel == mViewProvince) { updateCities(); } else if (wheel == mViewCity) { updateAreas(); } else if (wheel == mViewDistrict) { mCurrentDistrictName = mDistrictDatasMap.get(mCurrentCityName)[newValue]; mCurrentZipCode = mZipcodeDatasMap.get(mCurrentDistrictName); } } /** * 根据当前的市,更新区WheelView的信息 */ private void updateAreas() { int pCurrent = mViewCity.getCurrentItem(); mCurrentCityName = mCitisDatasMap.get(mCurrentProviceName)[pCurrent]; String[] areas = mDistrictDatasMap.get(mCurrentCityName); if (areas == null) { areas = new String[] { "" }; } mViewDistrict.setViewAdapter(new ArrayWheelAdapter<String>(this, areas)); mViewDistrict.setCurrentItem(0); } /** * 根据当前的省,更新市WheelView的信息 */ private void updateCities() { int pCurrent = mViewProvince.getCurrentItem(); mCurrentProviceName = mProvinceDatas[pCurrent]; String[] cities = mCitisDatasMap.get(mCurrentProviceName); if (cities == null) { cities = new String[] { "" }; } mViewCity.setViewAdapter(new ArrayWheelAdapter<String>(this, cities)); mViewCity.setCurrentItem(0); updateAreas(); }