VNet Name: ????waplab@sea2016
IP Address count : ????128,
IP Range : ???????? –
* sea : South East Asia, 东南亚数据中心
虚拟网络建好后, 再添加自定义的DNS服务器地址, 即10.0.0.8。后文中会具体说明该DNS服务器的安装和配置。
关于域名解析: Azure defaults to using its own name resolution service. The default name resolution in Azure works well if you only need name resolution between virtual machines within the same cloud service |
Azure-provided name resolutionAlong with resolution of public DNS names, Azure provides internal name resolution for VMs and role instances that reside within the same virtual network or cloud service. VMs/instances in a cloud service share the same DNS suffix (so the hostname alone is sufficient) but in classic virtual networks different cloud services have different DNS suffixes so the FQDN is needed to resolve names between different cloud services. In ARM-based virtual networks, the DNS suffix is consistent across the virtual network (so the FQDN is not needed) and DNS names can be assigned to both NICs and VMs. Although Azure-provided name resolution does not require any configuration, it is not the appropriate choice for all deployment scenarios, as seen on the table above Reference from: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-networks-name-resolution-for-vms-and-role-instances/#azure-provided-name-resolution |
准备一台虚机来作为域控服务器;节省起见,同时也作为DNS服务器, 采用的配置如下
A2: 2 Core 4GB Memory
#install DomainControl and DNS ? $imgName="a699494373c04fc0bc8f2bb1389d6106__Windows-Server-2012-R2-20160126-en.us-127GB.vhd" $vnetName="waplab@sea2016" # @SouthEast Asia $wapLabSubNet="ctrl" #{ctrl, wapsubnet, sitesubnet, reservedsubnet} ? $cloudServiceName = "wapLabCloudService2016Feb" $affinityGroupName = "southeastAsiaGroup" $admin="vmadmin" $pwd = "[your password]" ? $sizeLarge = "Large" #Allowed values are ‘ExtraSmall,Small,Medium,Large,ExtraLarge,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9 $sizeMedium = "Medium" $sizeSmall = "Small" ? $vmDCName = "waplabDC" ? ? $affGroupObj = Get-AzureAffinityGroup -Name $affinityGroupName -ErrorAction Ignore ? if(!$affGroupObj) { New-AzureAffinityGroup -Name $affinityGroupName -Location $location } ? # DC $vmDC = New-AzureVMConfig -Name $vmDCName -InstanceSize $sizeMedium -ImageName $imgName $vmDC | Add-AzureProvisioningConfig –§CWindows -AdminUsername $admin -Password $pwd $vmDC | Set-AzureSubnet -SubnetNames $wapLabSubNet $vmDC | Set-AzureStaticVNetIP -IPAddress "" # 指定静态IP"" $vmDC | New-AzureVM -ServiceName $cloudServiceName -AffinityGroup $affinityGroupName -vNetName $vnetName ? |
由于该服务器同时还作为DNS服务器, 需要固定的IP(内网IP即可),所以在Provision(供给)的时候,需要指定其静态IP。如果供给的时候没有指定,也可以通过Update-AzureVM命令来更新。
虽然指定了静态IP,但是从虚机的网络配置中(网卡->属性->IP v4),看到的还是动态分配IP;同时也DNS服务器也不是指定的。这说明IP和DNS服务器都是Azure的虚拟网络来设定的。
关于如何获得镜像的名称, 请参考我的另一篇随笔 |
现在服务器角色,即AD Domain Service 和 DNS服务
设置根域名为 ????waplab.com
NetBios :???? waplab
域控的具体安装过程, 可以参考文章http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/12370.windows-server-2012-set-up-your-first-domain-controller-step-by-step.aspx
安装完成后, 打开DNS的Console
域控安装完成后, 当前使用的vmadmin已经变成了域账户,即waplab\vmadmin。为了管理方便,可以再添加一个域管理员账户, 比如waplab\domainadmin.
为了方便后面使用组织策略, 可以添加一个组织单元(OU),并且在后面创建虚机的时候, 将加域的虚机都放入到这个OU中
Create OU: AzureVMs
后面的服务器都需要加入到域中。可以在创建的时候, 使用Add-AzureProvisioningConfig?命令来指定加域的相关信息。详见后面章节。
Host name? | Record type | IP Address for? |
*? | C Name | Front End Server(s)? |
*.scm? | C Name | Front End Server(s)? |
ftp? | C Name | Publishing Server(s)? |
publish? | C Name | Publishing Server(s)? |