Test_GLCM_Features.m |
% Timing improvement of % GLCM_Features3.m [non vectorized without ismember] and % GLCM_Features4.m [vectorized without ismember] over % GLCM_Features1.m [non vectorized with ismember] and % GLCM_Features2.m [ vectorized with ismember] clear all offsetmat = []; noffs = 10; for i = 1:noffs offsetmat = [offsetmat; i*[1 0]]; I = imread(‘circuit.tif‘); GLCM2 = graycomatrix(I,... ‘NumLevels‘,64,‘Offset‘,offsetmat); tic; stats1 = GLCM_Features1(GLCM2,0); t1(i) = toc; clear stats1 t = cputime; stats1 = GLCM_Features1(GLCM2,0); ct1(i) = cputime-t; %clear stats1 tic; stats2 = GLCM_Features2(GLCM2,0); t2(i) = toc; clear stats2 t = cputime; stats2 = GLCM_Features2(GLCM2,0); ct2(i) = cputime-t; %clear stats2 tic; stats3 = GLCM_Features3(GLCM2,0); t3(i) = toc; clear stats3 t = cputime; stats3 = GLCM_Features3(GLCM2,0); ct3(i) = cputime-t; %clear stats3 tic; stats4 = GLCM_Features4(GLCM2,0); t4(i) = toc; clear stats4 t = cputime; stats4 = GLCM_Features4(GLCM2,0); ct4(i) = cputime-t; %clear stats4 end % Error analysis diff_err12 = diffStructFields(stats1, stats2, noffs); diff_err13 = diffStructFields(stats1, stats3, noffs); diff_err14 = diffStructFields(stats1, stats4, noffs); % Timing Plots figure; subplot(2,1,1); hold on plot(t1,‘-*‘); plot(t2,‘:sr‘); %plot(t3,‘-x‘); %plot(t4,‘:dr‘); xlabel(‘No. of GLCMs input‘); ylabel(‘Execution time (secs)‘); legend(‘GLCM\_Features1‘,‘GLCM\_Features2‘); hold off subplot(2,1,2); hold on plot(ct1,‘-*‘); plot(ct2,‘:sr‘); %plot(ct3,‘-x‘); %plot(ct4,‘:dr‘); xlabel(‘No. of GLCMs input‘); ylabel(‘CPU time (secs)‘); legend(‘GLCM\_Features1‘,‘GLCM\_Features2‘); hold off figure; subplot(2,1,1); hold on %plot(t1,‘-*‘); %plot(t2,‘:sr‘); plot(t3,‘-x‘); plot(t4,‘:dr‘); xlabel(‘No. of GLCMs input‘); ylabel(‘Execution time (secs)‘); legend(‘GLCM\_Features3‘,‘GLCM\_Features4‘); hold off subplot(2,1,2); hold on %plot(ct1,‘-*‘); %plot(ct2,‘:sr‘); plot(ct3,‘-x‘); plot(ct4,‘:dr‘); xlabel(‘No. of GLCMs input‘); ylabel(‘CPU time (secs)‘); legend(‘GLCM\_Features3‘,‘GLCM\_Features4‘); hold off |