Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not.
Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value.
/* #100 Same Tree Level: easy Given two binary trees, write a function to check if they are equal or not. Two binary trees are considered equal if they are structurally identical and the nodes have the same value. Inspired by [@JohnWeiGitHub]( and [@scott]( */ import Foundation class Easy_100_Same_Tree { class Node { var left: Node? var right: Node? var value: Int init(value: Int, left: Node?, right: Node?) { self.value = value self.left = left self.right = right } } // t = O(N), average s = O(logN), worst s = O(N) private class func isSameTree_recursion(p p: Node?, q: Node?) -> Bool { if p == nil || q == nil { return (p == nil && q == nil) } else { return p!.value == q!.value && isSameTree(p: p?.left, q: q?.left) && isSameTree(p: p?.right, q: q?.right) } } // t = O(N), average s = O(logN), worst s = O(N) private class func isSameTree_iteration(p p: Node?, q: Node?) -> Bool { if p == nil || q == nil { return (p == nil && q == nil) } var stack_p: [Node] = [] var stack_q: [Node] = [] stack_p.append(p!) stack_q.append(q!) while stack_p.isEmpty == false && stack_q.isEmpty == false { let tmp_p: Node = stack_p.removeLast() let tmp_q: Node = stack_q.removeLast() if tmp_p.value != tmp_q.value { return false } if tmp_p.left != nil { stack_p.append(tmp_p.left!) } if tmp_q.left != nil { stack_q.append(tmp_q.left!) } if stack_p.count != stack_q.count { return false } if tmp_p.right != nil { stack_p.append(tmp_p.right!) } if tmp_q.right != nil { stack_q.append(tmp_q.right!) } if stack_p.count != stack_q.count { return false } } return stack_q.count == stack_q.count } class func isSameTree(p p: Node?, q: Node?) -> Bool { return isSameTree_iteration(p: p, q: q) } }