#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> using namespace std; // Data Structure typedef struct ManacherAlgorithmDataUnit { char str; int maxPalindromeNum; }DataUnit; typedef vector< shared_ptr<DataUnit> > DataList; // Function static inline int min(int compare1, int compare2) { return (compare1 > compare2 ? compare1 : compare2); } int ManacherAlgorithm(DataList& list) { int rightestPalindromeIndex = 0; int rightestPalindromeCenterIndex = 0; int maxPalindromeIndex = 0; for (int dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < list.len(); ++dataIndex) { // If the rightest palindrome index is bigger than the index, then we can use the index matched left index‘s max palindrome value. strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum = (rightestPalindromeIndex > dataIndex) ? min(strList[2 * rightestPalindromeCenterIndex - dataIndex], rightestPalindromeIndex - dataIndex) : 1; // If the matched index‘s palindrome size is bigger than the index to center index, it mean the index‘s size must be rightest inde minus center index. // Because if the size is bigger than it, the center index‘s palindrome size should be longer. if (strList[2 * rightestPalindromeCenterIndex - dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum > rightestPalindromeIndex - dataIndex) { strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum = rightestPalindromeIndex - dataIndex; } else { // search current index to be the center value‘s max palindrome‘s rightest index. while (strList[dataIndex + strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum] == strList[dataIndex - strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum]) ++strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum; } // update the palindrome‘s rightest index if (dataIndex + strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum > rightestPalindromeIndex) { rightesPalindromeCenterIndex = dataIndex; rightestPalindromeIndex = dataIndex + strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum; } // update the max palindrome‘s index if (strList[maxPalindromeIndex]->maxPalindromeNum < strList[dataIndex]->maxPalindromeNum) maxPalindromeIndex = dataIndex; } } int main() { DataList strList; int listLen = 0; int maxPalindromeIndex = 0; string checkString = ""; cin >> listLen; cout << "Input List Len: " << listLen << endl; for (int strIndex = 0; strIndex < listLen; ++strIndex) { // Insert ‘#‘ to make the string list to odd number. shared_ptr<DataUnit> data(new DataUnit); data->str = ‘#‘; data->maxPalindromeNum = 1; strList.push_back(data); // Insert the real str to the string list shared_ptr<DataUnit> realData(new DataUnit); realData->cin.getchar(); realData->maxPalindromeNum = 1; strList.push_back(realData); checkString += realData->str; } // Insert a ‘#‘ to the end of the string shard_ptr<DataUnit> data(new DataUnit); data->str = ‘#‘; data->maxPalindromeNum = 1; strList.push_back(data); cout << "Input Checking String: " << checkString.c_str() << endl; // Doing the ManacherAlgorithm maxPalindromeIndex = ManacherAlgorithm(strList); cout << "The max PalindromeIndex: " << maxPalindromeIndex << endl; cout << "The max PalindromeNum: " << strList[maxPalindromeIndex]->maxPalindromeNum - 1 << endl; cout << "The max Palindrome: "; if (strList[maxPalindromeIndex]->maxPalindromeNum - 1 == 0) { cout << "none" << endl; } else { for (int strIndex = maxPalindromeIndex / 2 - (strList[maxPalindromeIndex]->maxPalindromeNum - 1) / 2; strIndex < maxPalindromeIndex / 2 + (strList[maxPalindromeIndex]->maxPalindromeNum - 1) / 2; ++strIndex) { cout << checkString[strIndex]; } cout << endl; } return 0; }