import os import string import subprocess as sp #Full path of ffmpeg FFMPEG_BIN = "/Users/karl/Documents/python/audio/tool/ffmpeg" #Full path of sourceDir sourceDir = "/Users/karl/Documents/python/audio/" #Full path of targetDir targetDir = "/Users/karl/Documents/python/newdir/" #Sample frequency sf = 11025 #Extension setting ext = ‘mp3‘ def convert(sourceDir, targetDir, sf, ext): if not sourceDir.endswith(‘/‘): sourceDir += ‘/‘ if not targetDir.endswith(‘/‘): targetDir += ‘/‘ if not os.path.exists(targetDir): os.mkdir(targetDir) files = os.listdir(sourceDir) for f in files: if f.endswith(‘wav‘): command = [ FFMPEG_BIN, ‘-i‘, sourceDir + f, ‘-ar‘, str(sf), targetDir + os.path.splitext(f)[0] + ‘.‘ + ext] print command pipe = sp.Popen(command, stdout = sp.PIPE, bufsize = 10**8) convert(sourceDir, targetDir, sf, ext)
[Audio processing] FFMPEG转音频格式和采样率