当一个超类有不同的子类,同时不同的子类有不同的附加功能,这时可以考虑使用装饰者模式。在Java IO中有具体的应用,如下图所示:
/** * 食物抽象类 */ public abstract class Food { protected String description = "This is a food"; public String getDescription() { return description; } public abstract double cost(); }
/** * 抽象装饰器类 * */ public abstract class SeasoningDecorator extends Food { protected Food food; public SeasoningDecorator(Food f) { food = f; } public abstract String getDescription(); }
/** * 米饭类 */ public class Rice extends Food { public Rice(){ description ="This is rice"; } public double cost() { return 1; } }
/** * 面条 */ public class Noodle extends Food { public Noodle() { description = "This is noodle"; } public double cost() { return 8; } }
/** * 蛋 */ public class Egg extends SeasoningDecorator { public Egg(Food f){ super(f); } @Override public String getDescription() { return food.getDescription() + " with egg"; } @Override public double cost() { return food.cost() + 1.0; } }
/** * 肉 */ public class Meat extends SeasoningDecorator { public Meat(Food f) { super(f); } public String getDescription() { return food.getDescription() + " with meat"; } public double cost() { return food.cost() + 5.0; } }
/** * 大蒜 */ public class Garlic extends SeasoningDecorator { public Garlic(Food f) { super(f); } public String getDescription() { return food.getDescription() + " with garlic"; } public double cost() { return food.cost() + 2; } }
public class FoodTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Food f1 = new Rice(); f1 = new Meat(f1); f1 = new Egg(f1); System.out.println(f1.getDescription() + " $" + f1.cost()); Food f2 = new Noodle(); f2 = new Garlic(f2); f2 = new Egg(f2); f2 = new Egg(f2); System.out.println(f2.getDescription() + " $" + f2.cost()); } }
This is rice with meat with egg $7.0
This is noodle with garlic with egg with egg $12.0