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Android Studio 1.5.1

时间:2016-03-30 23:54:36      阅读:373      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

Android Studio 1.5.1

December 3rd, 2015: For information on what‘s new in 1.5.1, see the release announcement. For additional information about Android Studio, see the main developer site.
The release is available in the stable channel, so you can check for updates via Help > Check for Update... (on OSX, look in the Android Studio menu). This will download and install a patch rather than download a full IDE image.
SHA-1 Checksums:
64882fb967f960f2142de239200104cdc9b4c75b android-studio-ide-141.2456560-windows.zip
7ceb97e943836c11844e6f2dbedc9d374b3c2b19 android-studio-ide-141.2456560-mac.zip
b8460a2197abe26979d88e3b01b3c8bfd80a37db android-studio-ide-141.2456560-linux.zip

Android Studio 1.5.1


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