紧急避让,我只提供修改UILabel以及UIPopupList 下的字体,字号。其他需求的,可以绕远了。还有哈,代码写的很渣渣,因为自己用嘛。还有所有权归我本人所有,一切用于商业用途的,请自己联系博主,上缴费用,谢谢~~~~(赚钱好方法)
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEditor; using System.IO; // public class ReplaceFontEditor { [MenuItem("XmlTest/打开替换字体窗口", false, 10)] static void OpenReplaceFontEditor() { UIReplaceFontEditorWindow.Init(); } }
1 using UnityEngine; 2 using UnityEditor; 3 using System.Collections; 4 using System.Collections.Generic; 5 using System; 6 using System.IO; 7 using System.Text; 8 using LuaInterface; 9 10 public class FontInfo 11 { 12 13 } 14 15 public class UIReplaceFontEditorWindow : EditorWindow 16 { 17 private static UIReplaceFontEditorWindow window; 18 19 private static Dictionary<string, Font> allFonts = new Dictionary<string, Font>(); // key: fontName, value : Font 20 private static Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>> allFontsSize = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>(); // key: fontName, value :Hash<int>, Hash<int> 保存所有的字号(去重) 21 private static Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, HashSet<string>>> allFontNameSizePrefabName = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<int, HashSet<string>>>(); // key : fontName, value: < key:fontSize, value: prefabNames > 22 23 private static List<GameObject> allNeedReplacePrefab = new List<GameObject>(); 24 private static string[] allFontName = new string[8]; // 预先分配 25 private static string writefileinfo = "字体名称、字号文件(fontsizeinfo.txt)写入状态:空闲状态 "; 26 // prefab文字信息保存目录 27 private static string prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir = "dir name"; 28 private int ID = -1; 29 // 待替换字体 30 public Font previousFont = null; 31 private string previourFontSelectInfo = ""; 32 // 新字体 33 public Font newFont = null; 34 private string newFontSelectInfo = ""; 35 // 字体对应文件 36 public string fontSizeFilePath = "file name"; 37 private string fontSizeFilePathSelectInfo = ""; 38 // 保存字号对应文件 39 private ArrayList fontSizeArray = new ArrayList(); 40 // 新prefab保存目录 41 public string newPrefabSaveDir = "dir name"; 42 43 private string objpath_test = ""; 44 45 public static void Init() 46 { 47 // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one: 48 window = (UIReplaceFontEditorWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow<UIReplaceFontEditorWindow>("替换字体窗口",true); 49 50 StaticInitData(); 51 } 52 53 static void StaticInitData() 54 { 55 allFonts.Clear(); 56 foreach (var item in allFontsSize) 57 { 58 item.Value.Clear(); 59 } 60 allFontsSize.Clear(); 61 allNeedReplacePrefab.Clear(); 62 for (int i = 0; i < allFontName.Length; i++ ) 63 { 64 allFontName[i] = ""; 65 } 66 writefileinfo = "字体名称、字号文件(fontsizeinfo.txt)写入状态:空闲状态"; 67 prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir = "dir name"; 68 69 70 } 71 72 void InitData() 73 { 74 ID = -1; 75 // 待替换字体 76 previousFont = null; 77 previourFontSelectInfo = ""; 78 // 新字体 79 newFont = null; 80 newFontSelectInfo = ""; 81 // 字体对应文件 82 fontSizeFilePath = "file name"; 83 fontSizeFilePathSelectInfo = ""; 84 // 保存字号对应文件 85 fontSizeArray.Clear(); 86 // 新prefab保存目录 87 newPrefabSaveDir = "dir name"; 88 89 objpath_test = ""; 90 } 91 static void FontInit() 92 { 93 // 查找选中的prefab内的所有字体,以及字体所设置的所有字号 94 95 UnityEngine.Object[] selectObjs = Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(UnityEngine.Object), SelectionMode.DeepAssets); 96 97 foreach (UnityEngine.Object selectObj in selectObjs) 98 { 99 GameObject obj = null; 100 try 101 { 102 obj = (GameObject)selectObj; 103 } 104 catch 105 { 106 continue; 107 } 108 109 if (obj == null || selectObj == null) 110 { 111 Debug.LogWarning("ERROR:Obj Is Null !!!"); 112 continue; 113 } 114 string objPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(selectObj); 115 116 if (objPath.Length < 1 || objPath.EndsWith(".prefab") == false) 117 { 118 Debug.LogWarning("ERROR:Folder=" + objPath); 119 } 120 else 121 { 122 string prePath = objPath.Substring(7, objPath.Length - 7).Replace("\\", "/").ToLower(); 123 124 allNeedReplacePrefab.Add(obj); 125 Debug.Log("Selected Folder=" + objPath); 126 127 // 直接修改prefab 128 UILabel[] labels = obj.GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true); 129 130 foreach (UILabel label in labels) 131 { 132 // 保存字体 以及字号 133 134 if ( label.trueTypeFont == null ) 135 { 136 Debug.Log("font is null" + prePath); 137 } 138 else 139 { 140 if (!allFonts.ContainsKey(label.trueTypeFont.name)) 141 { 142 allFonts.Add(label.trueTypeFont.name, label.trueTypeFont); 143 } 144 if (allFontsSize.ContainsKey(label.trueTypeFont.name)) 145 { 146 allFontsSize[label.trueTypeFont.name].Add(label.fontSize); 147 } 148 else 149 { 150 allFontsSize.Add(label.trueTypeFont.name, new HashSet<int>()); 151 allFontsSize[label.trueTypeFont.name].Add(label.fontSize); 152 } 153 154 if ( allFontNameSizePrefabName.ContainsKey( label.trueTypeFont.name)) 155 { 156 if ( allFontNameSizePrefabName[label.trueTypeFont.name].ContainsKey(label.fontSize)) 157 { 158 allFontNameSizePrefabName[label.trueTypeFont.name][label.fontSize].Add(objPath); 159 } 160 else 161 { 162 allFontNameSizePrefabName[label.trueTypeFont.name].Add(label.fontSize, new HashSet<string>()); 163 allFontNameSizePrefabName[label.trueTypeFont.name][label.fontSize].Add(objPath); 164 } 165 } 166 else 167 { 168 allFontNameSizePrefabName.Add(label.trueTypeFont.name, new Dictionary<int, HashSet<string> >()); 169 allFontNameSizePrefabName[label.trueTypeFont.name].Add(label.fontSize, new HashSet<string>()); 170 allFontNameSizePrefabName[label.trueTypeFont.name][label.fontSize].Add(objPath); 171 } 172 } 173 } 174 UIPopupList[] poplists = obj.GetComponentsInChildren<UIPopupList>(true); 175 foreach (UIPopupList popListItem in poplists) 176 { 177 // 保存字体 以及字号 178 if (popListItem.trueTypeFont == null) 179 { 180 Debug.Log("font is null" + prePath); 181 } 182 else 183 { 184 if (!allFonts.ContainsKey(popListItem.trueTypeFont.name)) 185 { 186 allFonts.Add(popListItem.trueTypeFont.name, popListItem.trueTypeFont); 187 } 188 if (allFontsSize.ContainsKey(popListItem.trueTypeFont.name)) 189 { 190 allFontsSize[popListItem.trueTypeFont.name].Add(popListItem.fontSize); 191 } 192 else 193 { 194 allFontsSize.Add(popListItem.trueTypeFont.name, new HashSet<int>()); 195 allFontsSize[popListItem.trueTypeFont.name].Add(popListItem.fontSize); 196 } 197 } 198 } 199 } 200 } 201 int i = 0; 202 foreach ( KeyValuePair<string,Font> kv in allFonts) 203 { 204 allFontName[i] = kv.Key; 205 i++; 206 } 207 208 if (prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir.Equals("") || prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir.Equals("dir name")) 209 { 210 Debug.LogWarning("未选择目录,不保存文字信息"); 211 writefileinfo = "未选择文件保存目录,因此不保存字号信息 "; 212 } 213 else 214 { 215 writefileinfo = "字体名称、字号文件(fontsizeinfo.txt)写入状态:正在写入"; 216 writefileinfo = WriteFontSizeInfoToFile(prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir); 217 } 218 219 } 220 221 static string WriteFontSizeInfoToFile(string path) 222 { 223 224 FileStream fs = new FileStream( prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir + "/fontsizeinfo.txt", FileMode.Create); 225 StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); 226 List<int> fontSizeList = new List<int>(); 227 sw.WriteLine("字体信息如下,格式为:【 字体名称:所有字号 】 "); 228 // 输出信息 229 foreach (var item in allFontsSize) 230 { 231 sw.Write(item.Key + ":"); 232 fontSizeList.Clear(); 233 234 foreach (var fontsize in item.Value) 235 { 236 fontSizeList.Add(fontsize); 237 //sw.Write(fontsize + " "); 238 } 239 fontSizeList.Sort(); 240 241 foreach (var fontsizeInList in fontSizeList) 242 { 243 sw.Write(fontsizeInList + ","); 244 } 245 sw.WriteLine(); 246 } 247 foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<int,HashSet<string> > > allItemInfo in allFontNameSizePrefabName) 248 { 249 sw.WriteLine(); 250 sw.Write("字体名称(fontName) :" + allItemInfo.Key +"," + "所有字号个数(allFontSizeCount):" + allItemInfo.Value.Count); 251 sw.WriteLine(); 252 253 List<KeyValuePair<int,HashSet<string> > > lst = new List<KeyValuePair<int,HashSet<string>>>(allItemInfo.Value); 254 lst.Sort(delegate(KeyValuePair<int, HashSet<string>> s1, KeyValuePair<int, HashSet<string>> s2) 255 { 256 return s1.Key.CompareTo(s2.Key); 257 }); 258 259 foreach (var fontSizeAndPrefabName in lst) 260 { 261 sw.WriteLine(); 262 sw.WriteLine("--字号(fontSize) : " + fontSizeAndPrefabName.Key + " : "); 263 foreach (var prefabName in fontSizeAndPrefabName.Value) 264 { 265 sw.WriteLine(" " + prefabName + ";"); 266 } 267 } 268 } 269 270 sw.Flush(); 271 sw.Close(); 272 fs.Close(); 273 return "字体名称、字号文件(fontsizeinfo.txt)写入状态:保存成功"; 274 } 275 276 /// <summary> 保存.</summary> 277 void OnSelectNewFont(UnityEngine.Object obj) 278 { 279 newFont = obj as Font; 280 //NGUISettings.ambigiousFont = obj; 281 Repaint(); 282 } 283 284 void OnSelectPreviousFont(UnityEngine.Object obj) 285 { 286 previousFont = obj as Font; 287 //NGUISettings.ambigiousFont = obj; 288 Repaint(); 289 } 290 void OnSelectAtlas(UnityEngine.Object obj) 291 { 292 NGUISettings.atlas = obj as UIAtlas; 293 Repaint(); 294 } 295 /// <summary> 刷新窗口. </summary> 296 void OnSelectionChange() { Repaint(); } 297 298 public static bool IsSetNullFont; 299 300 /// <summary>UI绘制区域.</summary> 301 void OnGUI() 302 { 303 try 304 { 305 int startWidth = 10; 306 int startHeight =16; 307 EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 100f; 308 309 310 int _LineStartWidth = startWidth; 311 int _LineStartHeight = startHeight; 312 313 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 500, 30), "1、选择Prefab内字体名称、字号信息文件保存目录(文件名默认为fontsizeinfo.txt)", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 314 315 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 316 _LineStartHeight += 30; 317 newPrefabSaveDir = EditorGUI.TextArea(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 20), prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir, EditorStyles.textField); 318 _LineStartWidth += 310; 319 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 80, 18), "选择目录")) 320 { 321 prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Save newPrefab to directory", "./", ""); 322 } 323 _LineStartWidth = startWidth; 324 _LineStartHeight += 30; 325 326 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 500, 30), "2、点击按钮获取字体信息(若第1步未选择目录,则不保存文件)", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 327 328 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40 ; 329 _LineStartHeight += 30; 330 331 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth , _LineStartHeight, 300, 40), "获取所选Prefab内字体信息并将信息写入文件")) 332 { 333 FontInit(); 334 } 335 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 336 _LineStartHeight += 40; 337 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 500, 30), writefileinfo, EditorStyles.boldLabel); 338 339 _LineStartWidth = startWidth; 340 _LineStartHeight += 40; 341 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 30), "3、选择需要替换的字体", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 342 343 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 344 _LineStartHeight += 30; 345 346 ID = EditorGUI.Popup(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 105, 15), ID, allFontName); 347 if (ID >= 0) 348 { 349 previousFont = allFonts[allFontName[ID]]; 350 } 351 352 _LineStartWidth += 120; 353 //EditorGUI.TextArea(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 20), prefabFontSizeInfoSaveDir, EditorStyles.textField); 354 EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 20), previousFont, typeof(Font), false); 355 _LineStartWidth += 150; 356 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 30), previourFontSelectInfo, EditorStyles.boldLabel); 357 /*** 358 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 359 _LineStartHeight += 40; 360 361 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); 362 363 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 80, 20), "Font ▽")) 364 { 365 ComponentSelector.Show<Font>(OnSelectPreviousFont); 366 } 367 _LineStartWidth += 90; 368 previousFont = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 200, 20), previousFont, typeof(Font), false) as Font; 369 _LineStartWidth += 210; 370 if (previousFont != null && GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 20, 20), "X")) 371 { 372 previousFont = null; 373 } 374 GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); 375 **/ 376 _LineStartWidth = startWidth; 377 _LineStartHeight += 30; 378 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(startWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 30), "4、选择新字体(如不选择新字体,则Prefab内字体将置空)", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 379 380 _LineStartWidth = startWidth; 381 _LineStartHeight += 20; 382 GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); 383 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 384 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 80, 20), "Font ▽")) 385 { 386 ComponentSelector.Show<Font>(OnSelectNewFont); 387 } 388 _LineStartWidth += 90; 389 newFont = EditorGUI.ObjectField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 200, 20), newFont, typeof(Font), false) as Font; 390 _LineStartWidth += 210; 391 if (newFont != null && GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 20, 20), "X")) 392 { 393 newFont = null; 394 } 395 _LineStartWidth += 30; 396 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 30), newFontSelectInfo, EditorStyles.boldLabel); 397 GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); 398 399 _LineStartWidth = startWidth; 400 _LineStartHeight += 30; 401 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 30), "5、选择字号对应文件(不选择文件,则字号不变)", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 402 403 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 404 _LineStartHeight += 20; 405 //Rect textRect = new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 150); 406 fontSizeFilePath = EditorGUI.TextArea(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 20), fontSizeFilePath, EditorStyles.textField); 407 _LineStartWidth += 310; 408 409 if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 80, 18), "打开文件")) 410 { 411 fontSizeFilePath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Open file directory", "./", "txt"); 412 } 413 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 414 _LineStartHeight += 20; 415 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 30), fontSizeFilePathSelectInfo, EditorStyles.boldLabel); 416 417 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 418 _LineStartHeight += 15; 419 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 20), "字号对应文件格式为:序号,老字号,新字号", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 420 421 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 422 _LineStartHeight += 20; 423 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 20), "示例:", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 424 _LineStartWidth += 30; 425 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 20), "1,20,30", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 426 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 70; 427 _LineStartHeight += 20; 428 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 20), "2,25,40", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 429 430 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 70; 431 _LineStartHeight += 20; 432 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 20), "3,18,28", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 433 434 //_LineStartWidth = startWidth; 435 //_LineStartHeight += 30; 436 437 //EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 150), "选择新Prefab保存目录", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 438 439 //_LineStartWidth = startWidth; 440 //_LineStartHeight += 20; 441 //newPrefabSaveDir = EditorGUI.TextArea(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 300, 20), newPrefabSaveDir, EditorStyles.textField); 442 //_LineStartWidth += 310; 443 //if (GUI.Button(new Rect(_LineStartWidth, _LineStartHeight, 80, 18), "选择目录")) 444 //{ 445 // newPrefabSaveDir = EditorUtility.SaveFolderPanel("Save newPrefab to directory", "./", ""); 446 //} 447 448 _LineStartWidth = startWidth; 449 _LineStartHeight += 30; 450 EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(startWidth, _LineStartHeight, 150, 30), "6、点击按钮替换文字信息", EditorStyles.boldLabel); 451 452 _LineStartWidth = startWidth + 40; 453 _LineStartHeight += 30; 454 455 if (GUI.Button( new Rect(_LineStartWidth , _LineStartHeight,300, 36),"开始替换")) 456 { 457 ReplaceFontAndFontSize(); 458 } 459 } 460 catch (System.Exception ex) 461 { 462 Debug.LogError(ex.Message + objpath_test); 463 previousFont = null; 464 newFont = null; 465 fontSizeFilePath = "file name"; 466 467 } 468 } 469 470 private void ReplaceFontAndFontSize() 471 { 472 if (previousFont == null) 473 { 474 previourFontSelectInfo = "未选择需要替换的字体,请选择..."; 475 Debug.LogError(previourFontSelectInfo); 476 return; 477 } 478 479 if (newFont == null) 480 { 481 newFontSelectInfo = "未选择新字体,字体将置空"; 482 Debug.LogWarning(newFontSelectInfo); 483 } 484 485 if (fontSizeFilePath.Equals("") || fontSizeFilePath.Equals("file name")) 486 { 487 fontSizeFilePathSelectInfo = "你没有选择对应字号文件,将不替换字号 "; 488 Debug.LogWarning(fontSizeFilePathSelectInfo); 489 CorrectionPublicFont( newFont, previousFont, false); 490 } 491 else 492 { 493 //读取文件内容 494 StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fontSizeFilePath, Encoding.Default); 495 496 string strLine = null; 497 fontSizeArray.Clear(); 498 while ((strLine = sr.ReadLine()) != null) 499 { 500 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strLine)) 501 { 502 string[] newArray = strLine.Split(‘,‘); 503 fontSizeArray.Add(newArray); 504 } 505 506 } 507 sr.Close(); 508 // 具体替换 509 CorrectionPublicFont(newFont, previousFont, true); 510 } 511 StaticInitData(); 512 InitData(); 513 } 514 515 private void CorrectionPublicFont(Font replace, Font matching, bool isReplaceFontSize) 516 { 517 foreach (GameObject obj in allNeedReplacePrefab) 518 { 519 // 直接修改prefab 520 UILabel[] labels = obj.GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true); 521 int newFontSize = 0; 522 foreach (UILabel label in labels) 523 { 524 if (label.trueTypeFont == matching) 525 { 526 label.trueTypeFont = replace; 527 newFontSize = GetNewFontSizeByOldSize(label.fontSize); 528 label.fontSize = newFontSize; 529 } 530 } 531 UIPopupList[] poplists = obj.GetComponentsInChildren<UIPopupList>(true); 532 foreach (UIPopupList popListItem in poplists) 533 { 534 if (popListItem.trueTypeFont == matching) 535 { 536 // NGUISettings.ambigiousFont = replace; 537 popListItem.trueTypeFont = replace; 538 newFontSize = GetNewFontSizeByOldSize(popListItem.fontSize); 539 popListItem.fontSize = newFontSize; 540 } 541 } 542 EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); 543 /**** 创建新prefab 失败 ******/ 544 /**** 545 GameObject clone = GameObject.Instantiate(obj) as GameObject; 546 UILabel[] labels = clone.GetComponentsInChildren<UILabel>(true); 547 int newFontSize = 0; 548 foreach (UILabel label in labels) 549 { 550 if (label.trueTypeFont == matching) 551 { 552 label.trueTypeFont = replace; 553 newFontSize = GetNewFontSizeByOldSize(label.fontSize); 554 label.fontSize = newFontSize; 555 } 556 } 557 UIPopupList[] poplists = clone.GetComponentsInChildren<UIPopupList>(true); 558 foreach (UIPopupList popListItem in poplists) 559 { 560 if (popListItem.trueTypeFont == matching) 561 { 562 // NGUISettings.ambigiousFont = replace; 563 popListItem.trueTypeFont = replace; 564 newFontSize = GetNewFontSizeByOldSize(popListItem.fontSize); 565 popListItem.fontSize = newFontSize; 566 } 567 } 568 SaveDealFinishPrefab(clone, path); 569 GameObject.DestroyImmediate(clone); 570 ******/ 571 Debug.Log("Connect Font Success=" + obj.name); 572 573 } 574 EditorApplication.SaveAssets(); 575 AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); 576 AssetDatabase.Refresh(); 577 } 578 private int GetNewFontSizeByOldSize(int fontSize) 579 { 580 int newFontSize = fontSize; 581 if (fontSizeArray.Count > 0 ) 582 { 583 int nRow = fontSizeArray.Count; 584 int nCol = ((string[])fontSizeArray[0]).Length; 585 for ( int i = 0; i < nRow; i++ ) 586 { 587 string[] data = (string[])fontSizeArray[i]; 588 for (int j = 0; j < nCol;j++ ) 589 { 590 if (fontSize == int.Parse(data[1])) 591 { 592 newFontSize = int.Parse(data[2]); 593 return newFontSize; 594 } 595 } 596 597 } 598 } 599 return newFontSize; 600 } 601 //private void SaveDealFinishPrefab(GameObject go, string path) 602 //{ 603 // if (File.Exists(path) == true) 604 // { 605 // UnityEngine.Object prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path, typeof(GameObject)); 606 // PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, prefab); 607 // } 608 // else 609 // { 610 // PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(path, go); 611 // } 612 //} 613 }