?slf4j即Simple logging facade for Java,其作用类似于JDBC,作为一个日志抽象层,它允许你在后台使用任意一个日志类库,比如log4j。如果是在编写供内外部都可以使用的API或者通用类库,那么你真不会希望使用你类库的客户端必须使用你选择的日志类库。常用的日志类库有log4j、logback等,本文就来深入了解一下log4j。
<context-param> <param-name>log4jConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>WEB-INF/log4j.properties</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>log4jRefreshInterval</param-name> <param-value>6000</param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener</listener-class> </listener>
static { // By default we use a DefaultRepositorySelector which always returns ‘h‘. Hierarchy h = new Hierarchy(new RootLogger(Level.DEBUG)); repositorySelector = new DefaultRepositorySelector(h); /** Search for the properties file log4j.properties in the CLASSPATH. */ String override =OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY, null); // if there is no default init override, then get the resource // specified by the user or the default config file. if(override == null || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(override)) { String configurationOptionStr = OptionConverter.getSystemProperty( DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_KEY, null); String configuratorClassName = OptionConverter.getSystemProperty( CONFIGURATOR_CLASS_KEY, null); URL url = null; // if the user has not specified the log4j.configuration // property, we search first for the file "log4j.xml" and then // "log4j.properties" if(configurationOptionStr == null) { url = Loader.getResource(DEFAULT_XML_CONFIGURATION_FILE); if(url == null) { url = Loader.getResource(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE); } } else { try { url = new URL(configurationOptionStr); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // so, resource is not a URL: // attempt to get the resource from the class path url = Loader.getResource(configurationOptionStr); } } // If we have a non-null url, then delegate the rest of the // configuration to the OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure // method. if(url != null) { LogLog.debug("Using URL ["+url+"] for automatic log4j configuration."); try { OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(url, configuratorClassName, LogManager.getLoggerRepository()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { LogLog.warn("Error during default initialization", e); } } else { LogLog.debug("Could not find resource: ["+configurationOptionStr+"]."); } } else { LogLog.debug("Default initialization of overridden by " + DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY + "property."); } }
public?LoggerRepository getLoggerRepository();
public interface LoggerRepository { public void addHierarchyEventListener(HierarchyEventListener listener); boolean isDisabled(int level); public void setThreshold(Level level); public void setThreshold(String val); public void emitNoAppenderWarning(Category cat); public Level getThreshold(); public Logger getLogger(String name); public Logger getLogger(String name, LoggerFactory factory); public Logger getRootLogger(); public abstract Logger exists(String name); public abstract void shutdown(); public Enumeration getCurrentLoggers(); public abstract void fireAddAppenderEvent(Category logger, Appender appender); public abstract void resetConfiguration(); }
Hierarchy是Log4J中默认对LoggerRepository的实现类,它用于表达其内部的Logger是以层次结构存储的。在对LoggerRepository接口的实现中,getLogger()方法是其最核心的实现,因而首先从这个方法开始。Hierarchy中用一个Hashtable来存储所有Logger实例,它以CategoryKey作为key,Logger作为value,其中CategoryKey是对Logger中Name字符串的封装,之所以要引入这个类是出于性能考虑,因为它会缓存Name字符串的hash code,这样在查找过程中计算hash code时就可以直接取得而不用每次都计算。
? ?1. 判断配置文件有没有重写?
/** Search for the properties file log4j.properties in the CLASSPATH. */ String override =OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY,null); //public static final String DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY = "log4j.defaultInitOverride";
publicstatic String getSystemProperty(String key, String def) { try { return System.getProperty(key, def); } catch(Throwable e) { // MS-Java throws com.ms.security.SecurityExceptionEx LogLog.debug("Was not allowed to read system property \""+key+"\"."); return def; } }
?2. override为null或者为false时没有重写,然后从系统属性中查找key:log4j.configuration和log4j.configuratorClass属性。如果没有设置log4j.configuration属性,就查找log4j.xml,然后查找log4j.properties文件。使用方法:
if(configurationOptionStr == null) { url = Loader.getResource(DEFAULT_XML_CONFIGURATION_FILE); if(url == null) { url = Loader.getResource(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE); }
try { url = new URL(configurationOptionStr); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { // so, resource is not a URL: // attempt to get the resource from the class path url = Loader.getResource(configurationOptionStr); }
?4. 如果log4j.configuration属性为url形式:
// If we have a non-null url, then delegate the rest of the // configuration to the OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure // method. if(url != null) { LogLog.debug("Using URL ["+url+"] for automatic log4j configuration."); try { OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(url, configuratorClassName, LogManager.getLoggerRepository()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { LogLog.warn("Error during default initialization", e); } } else { LogLog.debug("Could not find resource: ["+configurationOptionStr+"]."); }
1.?http://www.2cto.com/kf/201207/139798.html ?- 深入Log4j源码之LoggerRepository和Configurator
3. whatsmars.com